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Bowman Model kits Raider 26 build log

Roy Thompson

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Another Bowman kit has appeared on eBay back in June, so that's been added to my collection. It's a Raider 26 sports model, not one I've come across before, and one I’ve been thinking about putting together with an electric conversion at some point. Well that point has come!


The pictures of this kit I originally posted in July on my other Bowman thread, but I’ll repost them here. Not wanting to trash the kit I’ve decided to get the plan scanned and copied. Word of warning when you ask your local printer for a copy, don’t forget to state you want it printed at 100%, and not scaled down to fit what ever paper size they happen to have set. Well we got it right the second time around.


Having got the plan copied I’ve set about making up a new kit of parts using the original parts as templates. Having raided my stock of wood I now have complete second kit. As none of the ribs are detailed on the plan other than rib 2, I’ve also scanned the ribs on my home printer so I have a record. Interestingly the ribs in the kit are cut to just the basic shape with no cutouts for the spars so they all need finishing before they can be used. 


That will do for now more pictures when I start putting it together.




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2 hours ago, Chris Freeman 3 said:

Building an old kit like this is a real treat and also a reminder of how the hobby has progressed and how demanding we now are. I recently built an old Stirling Ringmaster kit and found it a bit of a challenge!

You’re quiet right there Chris.


We’ve been spoiled by CAD drawings, lasers and CNC cutting where we expect every part clicks together. 😁

Having started getting into this model a bit more, one example of how our expectations have changed are the tail fins which are keyed into the top deck. The side view only shows it but you’re left to work out where the cutouts go exactly in the top deck. Instructions say “slot 3/16” fuselage to take fins. 🤔 Like wise the elevator servo it shown its position in the top view but your left to work out the installation.


One other thing I don’t get is the “26” in the title, you would think that it relates to the span or the motor size. The span is 24” so thats out, and the power quoted as a PAW 80, which I assume is today a PAW 049 (0.8cc - 0.049cu in 0.13BHP - 97Watts) so it’s not that?


As we are talking about power, mine will have a 2212 size motor with a 3S 1000mAh ish pack. Or at least that the starting point.

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Last Thursday I made a start at putting the raider together, this is not going to be a long build! I just need to crack on with it.


First item in the instructions are the wings. Pack up the leading and trailing edges, stick the ribs in place then add top spar followed by the top sheeting, easy. There are two things I don’t get with the plans, first the plan shows Rib 2 flat on the board with the packing for the L.E. & T.E. That’s ok but Rib 1 is bigger? Surely it should show have show Rib 1 flat on the board, with larger packing. The second snag is the size of Rib 1, it’s 1/4” longer than the gap between L.E & T.E. and the front of the Rib 1 is taller than the L.E.


I did think should I be building a left and right panel and these rib’s are the end capping, and then stick the two panels together . But no you build it as a one piece wing, so Rib 1 was duly trimmed to fit and added last once the spar’s were fitted before adding the top sheeting.


Next job is to flip it over, make up a servo bay add capping strips and sheet the bottom, before adding the ailerons.



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Got a little more done yesterday, and the wing is almost complete, just the ailerons to hinge. 


Having turned the over the first job was to make the cutout in W1 for the aileron servo, and make a box around it. Making the servo cut out would have been easier in rib w1 before fitting it, next time!.


After that it just a case of adding the rest of the sheeting and adding the cap strips. I've also added a couple of little 1/16 ply plates to take the servo screws. then it time to make up the control links and cut and fit the trailing edges. The last job of the day was to fit and shape the tip blocks.


Next on the list is to make up the fuselage side.




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On 02/12/2023 at 20:19, Alan Gorham_ said:

Nice progress Roy. What are your thoughts on the shape and routing of the elevator pushrod as shown on the plan? It's not very direct or rigid looking to my eyes! 

Haven't started them yet, been putting off bending the links up. Very tempted to try and make a "Y" push rod up, going direct to the elevator control horns. What are you thinking?

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The plan shows a y pushrod, but the entire thing is just wire. No solid dowel rod or such to stiffen it up. I think by using a smaller servo it will be possible to get rid of the big kink in the rod as it passes through F4 and have a straight run from servo arm to the elevator torque rods. I'll either use a dowel or some carbon rod as the main part of it anyway! 

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This weekend we've made good progress, well that's what happens when it's a cold and wet weekend.


Manly I've been concentrating on putting the fuselage together and working out how the motor is going to fit. After playing around with the layout I've gone for making a new bulkhead 32mm back and cutting the sides flush. later I'll make a cowl out of scrap balsa to cover the motor. This I think will give the best access to the motor if it needed.


The other job tackled has been the horizontal fins. These been sanded to shape before fitting to the top deck. to get the angle I've made a gauge to hold the tops 5 1/4 inches apart with the C/L marked on it, then used a set squire on the top deck to line them up.


Couldn't build a model these days without 3D printing something so I've replaced the last former and the two bits of plastic tube with a 3D printed one, which will double as an air outlet.







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Galaxy models made the Foxjet which was just a swept wing single vertical tail style model. FMK models made a small F-15 style model which was very similar to the Raider. Was often demonstrated at shows as a pair of models fitted with piped MDS  .15 engines which were copies of the Rossi .15. Qwate farst.. 

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19 minutes ago, Alan Gorham_ said:

Galaxy models made the Foxjet which was just a swept wing single vertical tail style model. FMK models made a small F-15 style model which was very similar to the Raider. Was often demonstrated at shows as a pair of models fitted with piped MDS  .15 engines which were copies of the Rossi .15. Qwate farst.. 

Thanks Alan,  I think mine must be the FMK F-15 then.  This is FMK's picture from their advert:


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  • 2 weeks later...

It’s been a couple of weeks, so probably time to catch up. Progress has been coming along I managed to do an hour or so most days. I'll post more details later.


A club mate Ray recolonised this model instantly last week when I posted a pic on our club page.  He had one, in around 1982, covered in yellow tex with blue line painted on. Powered by a Cox TD09, it went like stink. Ray has found a couple pictures of it taken at the time suspended from a washing line. High tech for the 80’s!

He also found a second photo taken at Eastnor Castle trade show 1984. It’s on a small stand and we are guessing it may have been Bowman’s own demonstrator.    

Scan_20231205 (3)c1.jpg

Scan_20231205 (2)C1.png

Scan_20231205 (2)C2.png


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Jobs completed over ailerons hinged, the servo installed and links made. That was nice and easy.


Next up elevators. Having had a proper look and taking in your comments Alan, I’ve gone with the plans and made a bent link. Reason being with a standard 9g servo, if I try and reorient it clashes with the aileron servo links. To install the servo I’ve 3d printed a mount to hold the servo which I can release if I need access to the servo later. The picture shows my first thoughts of making the mount out of wood, before deciding it would be much better printed.


Once all of the parts were put together then I could fit the horizontal stab with the elevators all connected. Once the stab is fitted there is no way to get at the links. With the stab in place the elevators were held horizontal and the servo mount with servo was glued into place. The tail fins I’m going to leave off until I have them covered in, probably film, but there is a temptation to use red tissue. Oh yer the base colour for the fins is red! I have a colour scheme in mind, but we’re come back to that.


Last job completed is the battery hatch and motor cowl. The cowl is made from a box of ¼ balsa sheet and a thin ply nose ring, then all sanded to shape. The forward top deck has been cut into two parts to make the hatch. This is held in place with magnets.


I’m in two minds about a canopy for this one I’m tempted to just use the balsa block I’d shaped with an idea of vac moulding one.


The list of things left to do is getting shorter, so hopefully not too much longer until it’s ready for covering.






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Hi Roy


Looking good, great progress. 


I have to agree with regards the elevator linkage. I've seen the plan full size today for the first time (managed to rescue a kit from the BMFA Classifieds!). I was hoping that using a modern, small servo for the elevator would avoid the need for the kinky linkage, but I could see from the plan that the aileron torque rods were in the mix, as you said. 


I may now look at putting my elevator servo behind F4 so it avoids the aileron linkages and maybe helps to get the balance point right if I use a slightly heavier motor than shown on the plan. 

Interesting to see your clubmate old model with the Cox Tee Dee 09. I bet that shifted and was very audible in the air! 


I'll start my own thread soon, but keep up the good work! 



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Merry Christmas and best wishes for a happy new year, to everyone.


The model is all sanded and ready for covering, so hopefully over the Christmas period I will make a start on the covering. I'm liking the look of the Typhoon Black Jack, hopefully if it comes off it will look better than another USAF type scheme.


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  • 4 weeks later...

In case anyone's wondering, I've been side tracked again! So not much to report on the raider.


However, my own design foamy glider the BMAC Simple Glider for this year's, club build and comp is coming along nicely.


When I say own design, I mean size, shape and material. It's amazing what you can knock up out of underlay and sticking tape😁 The prototype has flown a couple of times so far and quite impressed if I say so myself.



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  • 4 months later...

Just in case anyone was wondering, this build is still on going just paused for now until a couple of other projects are finished. We will be back at it soon.


If anyone is interested in doing one for themselves there’s one just appear on E-bay.


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