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Binding Niight Vapor to Frsky Horus/multiprotocol module

Geoff S

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I decided to treat myself to a new Night Vapor and it arrived this morning very promptly from Leeds Model Shop.  I had an old Vapor that was given to me needing repair but I haven't flown it for years (pre-Covid).  It's bit too far gone now, hence the new one.  As I flew the old one with my Horus/Multiprotocol module I just bought a Bind and Fly version.  Unfortunately, it will not bind on either DSM or DSMX.  I also use the Horus to fly my 400mm ws T28 on the V761 protocol and that still works OK.  I've tried distancing the transmitter from the model by about 2 metres to no avail.  Any ideas gratefully received.


I've had the Multiprotocol module for some years.  It has no controls/switches on it, just a mini USB port and a red and a green LED.  The green LED is on but the red one is flashing - not sure what that means.  I can't remember if I had to download the s/w for it.

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Has the mpm firmware been updated at all?

I've heard of issues binding to newer Spektrum rx's on older mpm firmware. 

For binding to my Lemon rx, I find that I have to select the correct sub protocol (DX2 iirc), using 'Auto' doesn't seem to work

I'm using (iirc) version - newer versions allow forward programming, so I'll have to update at some point, I suppose. 


Eta newest version is

Edited by Kim Taylor
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Geoff: If you need to update the mpmodule, the easiest way to do it is from the transmitter itself. The difficult bit is locating the right version of the firmware!


Make sure you get the version where the channel order is the same as you use on your transmitter! As an ex JR man, I always used to make mine follow the old JR order of TAER, and I can't recall what FrSky's default is. This is important, as the module will re-map the channels for protocols that need it - Spektrum, like JR, is TAER, so if your FrSky is set to the FrSky default, you will need the remapping to make the throttle failsafe work on the right channel on some Spektrum gear!


Once you have identified and downloaded the right firmware, put it on the transmitter's SD card in the "Firmware" folder. Then if you select that from the system menu on the transmitter, it will ask you if you want to flash the external module and do it for you.


Saves a lot of messing around trying to do it from a computer!





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I've tried updating the firmware - several times!  As Pete writes the hard bit is to decide which version to use.  I started with Futaba so my preferred channel order is aetr, but there's a whole host of different files with no real indication of which to choose apart from the channel order.  I doubt if that really affects initial bind anyway and that's my problem.


I found when I was selecting the right protocol on Multi that it got stuck on 'Assam' and wouldn't move. That meant I lost my V761 setting for my 400mm ws T28.  When I updated the firmware that problem  cleared but now it'll no longer bind to the T28, which it had earlier. I seem to be adding to my problems 🙂


Updating the firmware is quite easy as I eventually discovered.  I download the .bin file from Github and then into the Firmware folder.  I restarted the Horus after disconnecting from my PC and then it was just a matter of going to the Firmware folder and clicking on the file for it to be downloaded automatically to the module. 


However, I'm still in the same pickle.  I've had the plug-in module for probably 6 years and never bothered up dating it - in fact I'm not sure I needed to download the firmware in the first place.  I'll have a quick look inside to see if it's something silly like a broken  antenna feed and then, if necessary buy a new one.  It's cheaper than buying a Spektrum transmitter 🙂


Thanks for the help.  I've only been on this for 2 days!

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Geoff: You don't say which MPmodule you have, but if you go here: https://downloads.multi-module.org/ there is a handy little selector box to help you. If your module is not shown there (iRange?) you probably want the STM32 4in1 version. You probably also want the EU version, and it also allows you to select your preferred channel order.


Hope this helps!


P.S. The module type box is scrollable, though it doesn't look like it!

P.P.S. You also need the serial version to talk to Frsky or similar transmitters. The PPM version is for old JR Txs.





Edited by Peter Christy
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Thanks, Pete.  That link led me to exactly the same firmware I tried yesterday and which, sadly, didn't work.  I opened the box and the antenna connection looks to be fine and the rest is really, like a lot of things, unrepairable. I've ordered a new module.  The one I have has worked without problems for 6/7 years so I hope the new one will solve my problem.  It's only money (not a huge amount) after all 🙂

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Check the soldering of the connector that mates with the Tx Geoff. On my MPM this fell out due to almost no solder having been applied during manufacture. Resoldered and all was well.


Probably unlikely in your case as it appears to allow firmware flashing, but worth a look.



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4 hours ago, Peter Christy said:

If you want to send me the old one, I can try and flash it here and send it back to you. You might end up with two! 😁






Thanks for that, Pete.  I'll wait until my new one arrives in about a week (assuming the delivery is as prompt as they claim).  It might be worth trying.

4 hours ago, RottenRow said:

Check the soldering of the connector that mates with the Tx Geoff. On my MPM this fell out due to almost no solder having been applied during manufacture. Resoldered and all was well.


Probably unlikely in your case as it appears to allow firmware flashing, but worth a look.




I never remove it (until now, that is) so any connection problems are unlikely.  My Horus tells me the module flashing worked but I might try it without the module fitted and see if it gets upset.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I received my new 4 way multiprotocol  module this morning, 2 days before the original estimated date.  Considering I ordered it over the Christmas/New Year period that's excellent service from AliExpress.


It's a TRangeX.  It has a rotary switch, a mini USB socket, a 'Bind' push button and a red and green LED on the back.  It binds perfectly on MULTI V761 4ch mode for my mini 400mm ws T28.  It still won't bind to either of my Vapors!   I have an old, early Vapor with a very damaged airframe  that I was given a few years ago and I used to fly using the old module in my Horus.  The receiver board works (I think. Anyway, the LED flashes as expected) but it won't bind.  Neither will my new Night Vapor.


The external module settings I've tried are: DSM2 DSMX CH1 - CH8 (both with and without telemetry).  Also tried DSM2 DSM2 and DSM2 LP45.  I must be doing something wrong but I can't think what.  I'll take everything to the next indoor session and see if the new Vapor binds with a 'real' Spektrum transmitter but, other than that, I'm at a loss.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The new module arrived, fitted and tried with same lack of joy!  I took the Vapor to the indoor flying and it bound perfectly to a club-mates DX6i (unfortunately it's Mode 1  so I didn't get to fly it).  It also bound easily to a Jumper 16 transmitter.  Anyway, I've bought a clean looking DX6i on eBay as an easy solution.  It'll be handy for other models and my RF9.5 simulator.  I had one for a short time some years ago and sold it for about the same price as this one so it's not a big deal - about the same price as a new pair of trousers and less than a tank of diesel at £69 +p&p  🙂


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