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Gunnar Borseth

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  1. Merry Christmas from Norway. No rc stuff this time, but cash and a diamond nozzle for my 3D-printer. Both will be put to good use.
  2. I bought a 91 Surpass in the late 90’s with a shielded rear bearing. There was some included info saying it was to prevent rust in the bearing. The crank also had a special coating for the same reason.
  3. Try lowering your printspeed. 25-35 mm/s is a good starting point. And calibrate flow. Download some flow tests from Printables or Thingiverse and modify as needed in PrusaSlicer. I use SuperSlicer which is similar to PrusaSlicer, but has built in calibration tests.
  4. A former work mate of mine had a neat trick to cope with his wife’s shopping. He says: I’m going to wait for you at the pub. You decide how drunk I get before we go home. That’s what I call a win-win 🙂
  5. I have built two of these. The first with an OS91 4-stroke. Flew beautiful big loops, but NOT unlimited verticals. I would go with the Saito 125. The Ultimate is IMHO the best flying biplane. I've had eight of them.
  6. Carl Goldberg. Need a look inside to be sure. 54" ws.
  7. Try adjusting z-probe offset in printer menu. You need to tell it the distance to the print bed. Takes a bit of trial and error. Take it slow so you don't ram the into the bed.
  8. I have a Raydiowarm transmitter mitt, but I am not really comfortable with it. I prefer hunting gloves. You can pull off the thumb and the fingers. Suits both thumb and pinch pilots. https://www.jaktogfriluft.no/klar/tilbehor/hansker-og-votter/beaver-fleecehanske-tinsulate When I was younger we could go flying in -15 celcius. Now I like to stay indoor in the winter.
  9. I’ve had the same thing happend to one HS85 with only one flight on it. After winter storage it did not move. A spray of WD-40 or contact cleaner in the pot had it going again. It was one of four aileron servos on an Ultimate so It would not have been a disaster if it had failed in flight. Even at full deflection. But I would not have used it as a single servo on any control surface. The easy answer is don’t use them if you don’t trust them.
  10. I have never had an in-flight servo failure in 37 years of flying. That makes me think I’m not completly wrong. My models also «feels» right to me when I fly them. Very subjective and non-scientific of course. Being a rule of thumb it will not always be correct. As you point out, 3D models need more torque. At least for the more aggressive manouvers.
  11. I have a very simple rule of thumb regarding servo torque. Servo torque should be equal to the weight of the finished plane. Double on rudder if its an aerobatic model. Jets, pylon racers and other may need more, but as a rule of thumb this works well for me.
  12. 15 years ago I worked in a hobby shop. A guy came in with his wife looking to buy a rc car for himself. He found a monster truck he liked. His wife looked at the price tag and asked if it was realy necessary to spend so much money on a toy car. Being a salesman I tried to help, so I asked the wife how much it cost the last time she was at the hairdresser. She looked at me and said , « I think its time for you to shut up now». True story.
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