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Nigel Dell

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Nigel Dell last won the day on July 21 2022

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  1. Jon Just had a delivery of the in-line Gypsy, thanks for all your support to us muddlers (😂) you have always gone over and above in your help. Now to do this mechanical work of art justice I have now shelved the airframe I was going to use and have finalised the drawings of the slightly enlarged Miles that had been waiting for the right engine to come along! I have most of the hardware just need to find a good supply of 1/64” ply at a reasonable cost. Cheers Mate Nige.
  2. Agreed Ron. Good memories of him at Sleap and Stow Maries.
  3. Sadly Ron he passed away some time ago, he was a great chap I met up with him at the first few Retro meetings he was a great builder and had some superb models. An all round good egg!
  4. That’s interesting, they say things go full circle. John Stringfellow experimented with this idea! Not free flight however.John Stringfellow Edit: It did free fly! Sorry the memory cells are diminishing.
  5. Blimey that’s above a beyond Martin! 🤔🤭😂
  6. Same here John, they gave excellent service I seem to remember
  7. Like Ron says you do need a break Jon, I can’t think of anyone I know that when leaving a job has to still fire fight customers 😳 In the last couple of years I have been unable to do a great deal model wise due to health issues when having an insect bite took me to the edge and on chemo as a treatment, thankfully I am out the other side and on with the Miles project for the i200 which has got me going again and slowly am getting there, have even managed to get out for some long overdue flying which has really helped with my mental health and once again I can see why I love this hobby. Take it easy mate, I hope you get the stress of the move out of the way soon so you can settle once again.
  8. That has a Don Stothers multi bolt hub on the engine, Don used to sell these and also re-port the engines as an upgrade years ago not sure if you have that but definitely the hub, I have a G2500-25 with the complete package.
  9. Neil Tidy flew his on the original Laser 90 back in the day.
  10. What number did you use John? I thought the number had been shut down.
  11. Thanks for your continued support Jon, as you say you are under no obligation but appreciate it. I am quite happy to do it myself, maybe I ought to know where the part is situated first! 🤭😂 I don’t shy away from a good strip down! 🤣
  12. Matty, pleased you are now home and onto the next phase of your recovery! Good luck mate 👍🏻
  13. Thanks for bringing this up Ron, I shall be looking at Southern when I need it.
  14. Hi Peter The book arrived safe and sound on Friday, I have had a look through it today and it looks to be of the same excellent standard as the previous one, I off to Dorset for a few days next week and I am taking it with me to get into. Thanks for sending it out so quickly. Regards Nige.
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