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Everything posted by 2W

  1. Late yesterday afternoon I ordered some servos from 4-Max. They arrived this morning in the post at 10:30. I haven't seen service like that since I was a atudent. I could post a letter on Sunday to catch the last post in Edinburgh and my parents would have it the next morning in Woking in time for breakfast. Well done 4-Max.
  2. it's often amazing what else turns up..... Now where are my glasses??? William
  3. 2W

    Poorly OS40 repair

    Go for it Jon! A series of short video clips describing what, why and how would be great as the project progresses. Not many of us have your level of expertise and experience on small engines, and I for one am keen to learn more. You are guaranteed at least 12 fans to watch your efforts! William
  4. The Veron Deltaceptor was a popular 40" design for a ducted fan IC engine, but is easily adapted for electric ducted fan. Adding RC would make it very interesting. In the early '60s I built a Veron Deltaceptor, but never completed and flew it, so I looked it up on the www and found the plans there. BUT BE WARNED: I tried to download the zipped plan on outerzone (free plans) site on Wednesday evening, using the link to the winnzip app on the Outerzone page with the plan, onto my mac, only to find that all my Bookmarks had disappeared and replaced with a load of rubbish and certain normally confidential information had been accessed and presumably copied. My computer has spent the last 24 hours in hospital, and the emergency operation seems to have been a success..... William William
  5. I agree, for mono-planes it is not a problem, but how can I check the wing incidence for a biplane when the top wing is supported on cabane struts made from bent wire? Wire bending to the accuracy needed is not my strong suit! William
  6. It seems to me that if, by the law, all bonuses should limited and be paid only for improvements in company performance and to all employees. In the event of a company failure, all company directors and board members should then be required to repay all their bonuses (and as I am sure, others would also say all income above the minimum wage) paid in the last 7 years. This would certainly focus the directors' minds on the profitability and the of the future of the business. William
  7. I have this evening reported to the police that somebody was flying a quadracopted over the built up area of Wimbledon between 2 rows of private housing near to Wimbledon Common. The reason for reporting this incident is that it is the third time this has happened. The first two occasions the operator could not have been flying with line of sight control because of the altitude at which the quadracopter was flying, which I estimate was lower than 50m, and the distance travelled within my sight. Unfortunately I have no idea where the operator was located. William
  8. Peter, how about one of these, introduced by Sir Derek Bailey to fly to Alderney, but replaced by the much loved Trislander with larger capacity? Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander file photo (photo: Aviation Safety Network archives) Dave Charles had a model of the Trislander hanging in the ceiling of the shop, built by his father, Mick Charles, which he eventually sold to a former Trislander pilot before the shop closed. The Aurigny G-Joey would make a great subject: Sadly, the Trislanders have been replace by Dornier 228, a totally inappropriate choice with a limited flight envelope which is costing Aurigny a small fortune. Don't get me started about the cost of flying to Alderney....... (Rant over!) William
  9. The finishing process of making paper is to use steam to smooth and press the paper. In the past i have used a steam iron to remove wrinkles form paper, but it will not completely remove creases. Depending on how old and how many times plans have been opened and refolded, a steam iron is effective. It is also worth using sellotape to strengthen the back of of the drawing. William
  10. +1 for RCHotel. I have recently returned from a worthwhile week and expect tp be able to do my A Certificate soon. Note that instructors do vary, and I found my week very frustrating the way the instructor insisted on keeping control of the throttle, in my view, unnecssarily, but Spiros, the owner, is good. William
  11. Do you buy in advance of a build? No Do you only buy when there's an offer? No Do you buy in bulk? Yes Do you seek out job lots? Not normally, but I have in the past Do you use it? Sometimes Do you continue to increase your stock? Yes How much uncut Balsa do you honestly have? Never enough of the right sizes nor quality (Hardness) I cut strip wooD with a SLEC stripper ,or for wider and thicker sections that 1/8" I use my Proxxon circular saw. I probably have half as much stock as Percy William
  12. Very sorry to hear your news Martian, but prostate cancers can be treated with good results - I have 4 friends who have all undergone successful treatment. Best wishes for the future and I am sure that all on the forum will be thinking or praying for you. William
  13. Hi Martian, Very sorry to hear of your health problems. I just wish that words of sympathy and encouragement will help. One thing that can help is having something to focus on and occupy the mind, taking the one's attention off the problem, as Chris has suggested. Concentrating on the Fury may help. Best wishes, and good luck. You have a lot of support from everyone who has been watching your thread. William
  14. Sad, tragic news. Sincere condolences to his family and friends. I never met him and I wish I had, but I followed his posts and admired his ability to defuse controversy on the forum with sound common sense and an ability to look at the bigger picture. We will all miss him. Whom the gods love die young.
  15. Hi Danny, Much as I would like to try litho plate, I am having enough problems as it is without taking on a new problem altogether. I am beginning to consider changing to a complete paint scheme rather than gilding the lillly and adding extra weight with the litho. It seems to me that adding litho to single curved parts is not too difficult, but something like the cowl is much more demanding. If you have time to show us how it's done, I would certainly be interested. William
  16. Hi Danny, thanks for the .pdf of the cockpit, but looking at your latest photos, the outline you have modelled has a curved transition from the back to the door. This appears to be in contradiction with both the plan and the Duxford photos. Am I missing something? William
  17. Watching carefully Martin. I'm aiming to start on the wings next week. Keep up the good work! William
  18. I must declare an interest: Grandad wrote pamphlets on the subject of Daylight Saving and petitioned parliament to introduce Daylight Saving before WW1; one of his supporters was Winston Churchill. He was an earlier riser, and would go out riding in the early mornings in Petts Wood when people were still in bed in the summer and felt that the mornings were being wasted at the expense of the evenings in summer, when people could enjoy more daylight for other leisure activities. Sadly he died in 1915, and did not live long enough to see Summer Time introduced as a measure to save energy for lighting in the evenings. This was a measure already introduced in Germany to save energy the year before, and was originally proposed many years earlier by Benjamín Franklin. During the experiment with Double Summer Time in the late '60's, as a student of engineering at Edinburgh University, I well remember watching the sun rise before the end of the 9AM first lecture. Like all good students, we complained bitterly about getting up before the sun! If I remember correctly, the experiment was not repeated because the number of road accidents increased significantly, particularly involving children in the north of the UK. Double Summer time? No thanks! William
  19. Cymaz, I don't know if this will help, but it may provide a starting point. There are various threads on other forums with power calculators for electric powered planes, but I couldn't get any of them to download or work, probably because of my security settings. William
  20. Great pictures Martin, well done. I don't think I will live long enough to include all the detail, and if I do, my Fury will be too heavy to fly! Chris, I'm using superphatic or aliphatic where I can. I avoid CA as much as possible and only use it when speed is necessary. William
  21. Danny, this I hope, shows what I mean: And this shows work in progress:
  22. 2W

  23. 2W

  24. Then disaster struck! I had a banana on my hands: I tried to correct it by replacing the top 3/16" cross braces, but this left the tail end crooked. I had checked during building that all was square, but something went wrong. Drastic action was called for: I built a new rear section of the fuselage: This was now fitted to the front half after checking that all was square and straight: Now it's left overnight..... William
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