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john stones 1 - Moderator

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Everything posted by john stones 1 - Moderator

  1. Apologies upfront if I offend anyone, will you please give the moaning a rest, we had years of it and it achieved zilch, It ain't gonna change anything.
  2. Bloke near us plays loud music everytime it's a nice day (not very often).
  3. I wouldn't say I'm done yet, but I'm done, unless the BMFA request I reply with a summary of where it's concerns are.
  4. Agree It's not a perfect system Matty, no reason to punish those keeping informed though.
  5. They honour driving licenses covered in dust. As to why it's accepted, I would guess they credit the BMFA for keeping it's membership informed, as a consequence we get the concession.
  6. And clubs are free to set their own rules, also the A doesn't mean you don't have to demonstrate safe flying, each and everytime you fly.
  7. We don't require you have an A cert either, but if I was interested in visiting other clubs that do and had no A, I would get one.
  8. Watched race 2, no real idea what was happening in the early stages, my haven't "Boats" changed though.
  9. Reading the first post, what comes to mind is have you got expo on the elevator ? Are you actually pulling to flare, but expo is hindering you (overdone the amount). Moving the C.G is one of the most powerful means of setting a model up, far to many rigidly stick to "recommended" position coz that what the designer says, that's just your starting position. Final position should be where you have the model behaving as you want it to, only flying it will dictate that. Nitpick time, if it's flying well and as you want it to, the C.G is neither nose heavy nor tail heavy It's bang on.
  10. I would think in here Richard. https://forums.modelflying.co.uk/index.php?/forum/67-warbird-kits/
  11. https://www.rapidrcmodels.com/balsa-kits-to-build-273-c.asp
  12. Plenty plans about Hooch, you can cut your own parts or have them laser cut, not hard and increases your options, worth a look ?
  13. Impossible to name just one, had Webra, Enya, Irvine, SC, YS, OS and enjoyed them all, one that got most use, OS 52 Surpass, for 2T would be OS 46AX.
  14. Don't let the knockers prevent you giving stuff a go Simon, they never contribute so ignore em.
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