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Everything posted by Ernie

  1. Dont take any chances with critical components. Replace it. Then, carefully take it to bits. Photo the inside at each stage so you can see how it goes back together. You'll learn a lot, and maybe the problem will be so clear that you'll be able to fix it ernie
  2. Aeons ago, when the world was very young, I visited the Shuttleworth for a show. I arrived the night before with my wee mountain tent. There were a few guys in the hanger. They had white boiler suits on With Shuttleworth Collection written on the back in bleu. "You can camp round there" I was told, "behind the hanger" Next morning, there was an incredible sound outside, and there, to my utter delight was the Sopwith Pup (I think it was the pup) that had just landed. It took me about ten minutes to get my primus fired up, and enjoy a bacon roll with the pilot washed down with the wee dram of malt that all Scots can rustle up for such occasions ernie .
  3. Well, I for one am very happy, and thanks for all the help My original remark to Jon, was intended to avoid him continuing to help out with Laser queries, but we all know how he goes on. PLUS a word for Ian Shaw at Modelfixings. He has sorted out what I need MODELFIXINGS MODELFIXINGS ernie
  4. thanks all I'm onto it..And Jon away back to the fiery seats ernie
  5. Hi all, I've got a beautiful old (about 20 years old) Laser 150. I've lost the propnut.. Leeds model shop have sent me a new one, but it doesn't fit. The wee bag is marked Laser 100 and 155 prop nut and washer What is the correct thread? ernie
  6. It depends, If its a half decent aircraft, don't risk it... GOOD bike shops (tour de france sort of thing) type of places will have a good range of cables. But as John says 'awful things' ernie
  7. One of the great pleasures of our hobby, is working with wonderful materials. (alas its missed by many) Good quality ply is such a material. It stays laminated, cuts beautifully (with scissors if it's very thin) and can be used for both structural and semi structural bits ernie
  8. Hi Tony, Perhaps a full charge for everything would help ernie
  9. Assuming that you have insurance, and permission from the landowner, I can't see anything to stop you. There will surely be laws against it. There are laws against all fun things, but of course, you wouldn't be daft enough to fly beside a busy road, or any where where you could do damage. I share a site with two storks. They both check me out regularly, and always shame with their landing technique. BUT in your own wee club, you miss so much off the fun bits, like being constantly told how awful your flying is, and the laughter when you go home with a full bin bag ernie
  10. Hi Ariel....About a month ago, I was in exactly the same situation. A wee vice to sit beside my building board. Not for the big bending jobs, but just to hold things while I fettled them. There were two options in the local shop. A locally made French one and a Chinese copy...The Chinese one was half the price....What a no brainer, its only a vice....what can possibly go wrong. Well, the Chinese one is made of cheese painted silver. The fit of the bits is incredibly bad, and it has already ruined many more bits than it has held tight. Also,I'd be a bit wary of the ones with a wee ball that allows the angle to be adjusted. I can never get get it to stay put ernie
  11. Don't knock la Belle France...As I speak, its mild and calm. There are half a dozen busy flying sites nearby, also a secluded one run by a couple of storks, the Feislers. I'll probably sit on the terrace outside my local cafe, and enjoy a real cup of coffee. There are local oysters for lunch, and a ginormous selection of local cheeses. The wines are of course excellent and very reasonable. As Napoleon once said, 'give me a squadron of wot4s, and I'll rule the world' ernie
  12. I am anxious to blame the royal mail because I am an incorrigible francophile, and see everything french to be well beyond reproach ernie
  13. I have just recieved a 1/4 scale pilot from Real model pilots for my never ending Fokker E111 build. What a fine wee german he is. He needs painting, but he's a wee beauty. BUT before the postie mademoiselle (I'm in France) would even let me touch it she demanded 30 euros..mon dieu..I could could have a big fat christmas goose for that sum Whats going on? and most important. who gets my money? ernie
  14. Its not a good idea to stick anything to oracover or any other covering film; because the strength of the joint is only as good as the strength of the oracover glueing it to whatever is underneath. And that's not very much. Strip the covering off where the glue is going to go, and stick directly to the structure.............................. Use 30min epoxy ernie
  15. Well Albert Ace, I'd give it a spray of matt fuelproofer, like the one that DeLux do. I think diacov is OK, but its the painted on roundels and all the lettering etc that I'd be concerned about ernie
  16. Hi Albert ace, DIACOV is excellent, but with no colour choice. It's gone on to my fokker E111 without a hitch. I paint it with rattle cans ernie
  17. Ernie

    Slow learner

    Learn slow, learn well ernie
  18. Ernie

    Project mancave

    No No No Ron, how can less be more? Surely more is more. More or less ernie
  19. Hi, Yes Diacov is French. You can get it from a popular mailorder shop here called Weymuller. It's well worth a look ernie
  20. I often use diacov, it's cheaper (€25 for 2m here in France) and a good colour match for that off white for ancient flying machines. It's good in the heat, and goes on pretty easily ernie
  21. Hi Edgeflyer, I reckon its the quality of the material, we used to use parachute silk when there was a lot of it about. Then it was from ladies knickers. sadly, with the tiny underwear of today, you'd need to find many ladies even to cover a super 60. A very large lady is of course the ideal answer ernie
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