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Fly Boy 3

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  1. Hi GG, thanks for prompt reply. I think Sarick will have manyglider plans which could be suitable ? Cheers
  2. Thanks both, will pass on the info to him. Does seem a bit ott to ask him for card details though. Will report back.Cheers
  3. My first model was a KKcadet glider when I was fifteen years old. Learned to fly rc when I was fifty year old on a Yamamoto trainer. The best.
  4. Hi all. I have been given an old slope soarer with a72inch foam wing and plastic type fus which is quite heavy. I would like to use this wing for electric flat field soaring. Would it be feasible to build a balsa fus using a drawing for a 72 inch w/s glider or persevere with the old fus ? Thank you.
  5. Nice to be back after illness.A friend of mine also belongs to our friends forum rc groups. having forgotten his password he tried to change it and was asked for his card number to verify who he is. Is this a scam or is he pulling my leg. Cheers
  6. Exellent flying video Bob, you have beautiful wing shape spot on. As I said previously, you are a true modeller indeed. Where do I find the plan pal ? Cheers
  7. Forgot to mention you exellent virile. Thank you very much.
  8. WOW, what a great idea Phil. Distance is the key. I don’t know about a channel indicator, but I could easily set up a led and battery circuit and clip leds to control surfaces in turn. Thank. You. Eric
  9. Hi all, Cannot find suitable info on how to do a range check on this radio other than a long walk. Has any have a better idea ? Also what is actually meant by “full range”. Thank you.
  10. Hi all, any one know an easy way (rather than a long walk) to range check a FlySky i6 radio. Also what does “full range “actually mean. Thank you
  11. I agree David. I was told the smaller cc size engines were fine, but larger ones had a different carb and were not so reliable. Cheers
  12. In suitable weather I fly my Super scorpion with the much maligned MDS engine which over the years has proved faultless. Built in 1973 I call my “best “ flier lol.
  13. I do think the advice given by Chris ( first answer) should be looked at. These models look beautiful and by all means buy one if you can afford it, but as another forumite said, “ both water based like swimming and fishing” You know your own capabilities, so go for it if you think it’s the right thing to do. Best of luck.
  14. Great video to watch plus the build. You are what we can call a true modeller. Rectifying problems as they arise, well done.
  15. It looks like a flier Neddy, nice build too. I seem to like the look of models with large wing spans lol. Cheers Have a good maiden.
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