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Does this model exist - Backback portable park flyer

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I was out for a walk the other day, enjoying the cold crisp winter sunshine on a rare day off, and happened to wander by the local playing fields. There was not a soul in sight, and it occured to me what a great shame it was to be wasting all those windless hours, and how much better the blueness of the sky would look with a model pottering about in it.

But then, I'd have to bring the car to carry the model, and a stack of batteries, or my 12v lead acid and a lipo charger, and then i might as well make a proper flying day and head up to club. No, that simply won't do at all. What I was after was something that could be carried in a small backpack, on the offchance, and sent skywards at a moment's notice should the opportunity arise.

So I began thinking about the requirements, and wondering if such a model existed, or if not, would it be beyond the forum's collective wit to design one. Here's my quick back-of-an-envelope brief.

  • Can be carried in a smallish backpack, I'm thinking a 15 - 20l daypack here, not a massive infantry issue bergen.
  • Robust enough to withstand being carried in a backpack, along with water bottle, sandwiches, camera, phone etc. This probably procludes tissue, dope and sticks.
  • Electric power (sorry) is pretty much a must, too much support equipment needed for IC, and a quick flight in a playing field needs to be quiet.
  • Stable flight characteristics, it's pootling about on a lazy afternoon I'm after, not screaming fast and low, or crazy 3D stuff
  • Reasonable flight time from a single battery. You don't want a quick RC fix to be over before it's started. I was thinking this might mean some gliderish leanings, but that probably proculeds the first requirement, of being popped descretely into a backpack.

So, I know that's asking a lot, but surely with the extensive collective knowledge on tap here, we can come up with something suitable? Maybe something along the lines of a model paramotor, would provide a decent wing area, but can be folded up small. Or something like a scaled down radian? How small can one scale it down before strange advanced aerodynamicy things start being a problem? Or something completely different?

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i have often wondered the same. I have contemplated carrying a small low wing model straped to bungees that some backpacks have on the front. If its low wing the belly would got against the bag and the fuse and tailplane would stick out.


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Best way to carry a Zeno is at arms length and the best place to chuck it is straight in the bin.

MSComposit "Mini-Swift" with tips of correx instead of the EPP supplied and made tape fit so removable, or a "Jerry"? Both quick, manouverable, exciting and small, with a very low battery need.

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I have a backpack with a foam insert to allow my parkzone radian fuselage to go half into it nose first and then the wings (2 pieces) too slot in too, my tx fits in the outer pocket and a few lipos in the side pockets held within a lipo bag, this allows me to cycle with my glider on my back with ease and since it doesnt weight much you dont notice it there at all, get to a field open top of back , pull it out , slot together, lipo in and away

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Another way is the Fik (later called Fenix) range of EPP Chuck Gliders. These can be easily modded for RC and in flying ability they beat the Mpx "Fox" hands down. I did a quick mod for two piece wing to one of mine and despite the RET only control it would fly inverted well and roll tightly and quite axially. The "80" with a split wing packs up really small, and 30 min aerobatic flights on a 1300kv Blue Wonder from a 800mAh 2S are possible.

(Off topic but the 80 with a 100 wing fitted is a great trainer for young kids.)

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  • 1 month later...

Lots of suggestions there, come up with a few myself:

HK's Mini Swift is certianly mini, and being foam is sturdy enough to go in a backpack:

Or as a little project I could try building a powered gondola for this parafoil though how to go about that I have no idea. Like a big wheel on the servo puling the flying lines? and just rely on throttling for climb / dive control?

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How about a Formosa - fairly resilient solid foam and a good performer with the right motor.

A few years back I suggested a nice walk in the Shropshire countryside to my wife one pleasant evening while visiting my parents. It just happened that there was a light westerly wind and a local hill faced into it...so just one battery, the odd burst of power for insurance and a half hour flying interlude from the top of the hill made it a very nice walk...she even carried the transmitter for me!

I doubt that I'd get away with it twice though!

It was actually the only model slope soaring I've ever indulged in - an interesting diversion but I'm not about to turn into a Timbo or an Ellison.

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Posted by Eifion Herbert on 07/01/2013 12:13:21:

That looks fantastic Ken, might have to get one of those anyway. I wonder, is at all in one piece one build or could a "take-down" version be made. I guess at 6 oz it would be quite feasible to fit a small power system, something like a bell motor or GWS's slow-fly units and a folding prop.

the 'alula' can be built either one piece or take apart----- due to some clever magnets......google for the instructions and you'll be able to see.....

ken anderson....ne...1..... magnets dept.....

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Multiplex Merlin, can be thermalled on a good day or happy for nice big acros, wings clip off and tail comes off so easy to carry in a backpack, multiplex also do there own bag. Ive also owned one of the chineese clones and it was no-where near as strong, well made or accurate in flight.


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TinPot Pilot. It was similar to Box of Delights, the same idea. I think it came out in the 70's or 80's might even be free flight. Possibly the design was revived later for 2 channel R/C.

It was designed by a well known British designer, and in a magazine. I have just found my 1995 Plans Handbook but it is not in there, so don't know where it came from. question

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  • 8 months later...

Ive been looking for a take anywhere model for ages and finally found one in a 330 size DJI flamewheel quadcopter.

You can fly in the smallest of areas, it will do almost anything a plane of heli can do (except maybe slope) takes up no room and, once you get the hang of them, they are ridiculously easy to fly. My search is over!


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Posted by Mr.B. on 16/09/2013 20:57:20:

"Best way to carry a Zeno is at arms length and the best place to chuck it is straight in the bin."

Dave why such a downer on the Zeno. I was considering one as a motorcycle transportable aircraft (as opposed to an air portable motorcycle)?

It has a the motor in the fus with a shaft drive to the prop, if these are not carefully aligned they self destruct, I think the original models had a carbon fibre shaft that was prone to this, but later models have a steel shaft.

But for a motorcycle then any of the small foamies with a detachable wing (e.g. MPX Dogfighter) would work, I used to carry a Cambria Capstan to the slope on my Moto Guzzi Monza..................

I also have the orginally Zippy glider soemwhere so I'll maybe see about doing an electric conversion on that

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