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What are your 2013 build plans?

Adrian Day

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The big project for the next few years is the Fairchild A10, it has took 2 years up to now just to decide what plane it would be and what size. Falcon aviation are just the people for the job, sorting the enlargement and cutting of the wood. The new workshop will shortly be built to accommodate the 1/4 scale A10 build and i will be doing a blog on this site.

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Oh, and once shed is done and house is acceptable the list is nice an long...

Finish my 14 year precedent hi fly model,
Re-cover my pss sabre and fix the chipmunk.
Get the vmar hornet and the gangster flying,
Then consider starting the tb 3 fleet....
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Get my Boomerang 40 a new motor, build my .40 Hustler, paper bag my Taipan flying wing, finish my 3 year old Bird Dog .15, build my Gentle Lady kit, fix my Airtronics QT, fix my HOB 1/2A Stealth, finish my Pix - E Major, and lastly build the Fizza from my old RCME plan.

Wait, this is more like my 2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 build plans..... Life has a habbit of getting in the way.frown

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Mass build Tucano - started yesterday

Finish off 3/4 built Top Flite Mustang - started 2011, this is priority now as its been hanging around too long, but come to a halt again for a few days as I`m waiting on bigger engine mount for the dle 20 I got for it for xmas

Finish off Part built Rojair Sea Fury - started few weeks ago, needs foam wing panels x4 joining and bandaging to continue

The World Models Spitfire 60 ARTF - still in box, bargain at nearly half price from Steve Webbs a few months ago

Hobby King Spitfire ARTF - waiting on electronic retracts from china

And there`s a Top Flite Corsair kit lurking in my attic too if I ever manage to finish the rest off

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Job in hand - finnish re build of Miranda amphibian. (previous build flew but heavy landings so increased wing span for re-build)

Sort out engine problems in Prangster and Bugly Ugger.

Re-build Piwakawaka.

Mass build Tucano

Get Eze Fan flying

I have an idea for a OD semi scale job

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  • 2 weeks later...

Renovate a 20ish yr old Galaxy models Sorceror that had been sitting in a shed since the 90s. Airframe seems sound, she'll need new radio gear of course, and checking the same engine out.

Finding something to put an unused Magnum GP 40 engine into. Possibly my first low winger, though I am tempted by an ugly stick, or will that fly too similarly to my Wot 4 to be worth it.

So that's my two aims this year, first low winger and first IC model.

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I am just finishing my first trad build, a mini panic and already I have loads of stuff I would do different so for this year:

1. Finish mini panic

2. Mass build Tucano

3. Scale body on my TRex 600 and convert my crawler to a towing rig with trailer for it Len Mount stylee but clearly cheaper and not so good!

4. Full size Panicwith night lights to replace the mini which is being left at the RC Hotel in July.

i reckon thats probably enough to fit in between all the inevitable crash repairs!



Edited By Chris Jones 7 on 19/01/2013 08:00:24

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My last build was three years ago, I just can't seem to get back into it, I am planning to repair and recover my 1/4 scale Cub after it fell out of the sky due to an engine cut and it being to low and no air speed, that was over twelve months ago, so I really need to get motivated and hopefully it will get me back into what I love about this hobby, here is a picture of my last build the Sky 120

My Sky 120 at Much Marcle 2011

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  • 1 month later...

Got a couple definiate already on the go; Jemima and refurbishing a Galaxy Sorcerer.

Really would like a DH-89 one day, and really tempted by the Dumas kit, but 4 wings seem like a lot of work, and haven't got my brain round the electrics for a twin, and I've heard that it's a bit tip-stally and not that nice to fly so maybe not. But I really want a DH-89!

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The big ship is finished, its got a new SC32 which needed a lot of fiddling to get it to run right, the bottom end needle was much to rich & I have fitted a hot plug to make the bottom end run smoother as it only needs around 1/4 throttle to fly imag0326.jpg

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HI new workshop about a month away and the frame work for the A10 should be with me 6 to 8 weeks,we finalised the size to 1/4 scale this will give it a wingspan of 14+ft= 172.5" .The build is no problem the mouldings will take a bit of time they have to be spot on eventually these items will be available from falcon aviation to any one mad enough to build some thing this size. Will be back later with some photos, have now joined the large model association and will be sorting out getting it registerd .

Edited By Mick Simms on 08/03/2013 06:05:49

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LMA Dave. Pity you don't live anywhere near me as I would fix it for you (France). I hate to see a broken model. If I crash mine I have to repair it the same day, or at least remove the broken stuff and make a start.

My tip would be, (if you don't mind) get all your glues,tools and materials ready. then just give yourself a goal each day. i.e today I am going to fit the pushrods and control horns on my Mustang. Its amazing how once you do actually start it just draws you back in and your hooked again.

So whats in the pipeline for 2013 buildwise. well Just a few bits to do on my VQ Mustang and then a VQ Zero is sitting on the shelf waiting to get started. After that, well lets see...... UMM

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Posted by pyro stu on 19/01/2013 10:03:41:

A few to get on with 2013/14

P F M zlin

tn 134" lanc x 2

jh 125" b-17

100" c130

top flight c47

wots wot

slim twin extra

& some artf

Well wots wot done & flown, c130 done waiting maiden, artf done, slim twin under way,

only one lanc now just tail & engines to do, pfm zlin & b17 may be next year cheeky

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i'm in the process of building one of rich harris's panthers.....things have been interupted this week due to the cranefly i built in Nov 12...going the journey(crashing)....so i'm in the process of building another one........so for 2013......it looks like the year of the foodmixer......up till now...... teeth 2

ken anderson ne..1.....foodmixer dept....

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Lots of interesting building projects on the go with everyone, it would be great to see them as build blogs.face 23

Aargh! face 14 (at the 'other' magazines Miles Magister free plan) More balsa bashing added to the list. But, I JUST HAVE TO! There, I've said it. I'm not happy about it but that's just how it is, so wear it! It might just fit!


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