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How old are we?

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I shall be 74 this year. I still feel young (and act immature!).

One thing I've noticed is that it's only younger people who consider that the older ones are old.
I certainly don't feel old.

Remember what I always tell my kids: an older person isn't really an older person, it's you, with 50 years more knowledge and experience...

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I built a free-flight glider in my 30s, and had it for years until last year. I decided to electrify it, and make it RC. Terminally crashed it and decided I wanted a replacement. Have since bought and built 5. I hope to be 62 next month, depending on 'er indoors.

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Well if I leave it any longer I will be a year older. I am 65, twenty minutes older than my twin brother Peter,13 years younger than my surviving twin sister Jean (Joan RIP) and 16 years younger than my older brother Ron who got me involved in aero modelling in the first place. I am 16 years older than Ron's son Nigel who was a very successful aero modeller.


Ron helped make Neville Duke's speed record Hunter during his apprenticeship at Hawkers in Kingston---a great influence on me.


Edited By Mike Etheridge 1 on 23/03/2013 20:11:29

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Surely, I can't be the only 81+ (82 August), actively flying models. I, apart from building Keil Kraft kits, rubber bands, at approx 11yrs, started r/c flying when I was 79. After getting my "A" in which I flew I/C models (Wot 4 & Arising Star), I decided to go electric, much cleaner and no messing around trying to get the engine running. I now have a Thunder Tiger Piper Cub, 82.7" wingspan, I/C converted to electric,a foam Cessna 73", DHC-2 Beaver 68", Seagull E-Pioneer 61", and my latest is the Rockwell Commander Shrike-EP wingspan 58" Twin motor. I've yet to maiden this one.

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It looks as if you are one of the 10% and I hope to be flying model planes at your age but from a health point of view it' a matter of luck. My older brother had a stroke at the age of 68. he was just about to go out for a game of golf. He is now your age but has had to give up his golf and has trouble speaking. He was an excellent sportsman in his youth and was featured in a book published last year 'Streatham and the Summer Game' about cricket. If only he could still play!

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Well Mike, I feel so much better now! crying 2

I will look forward with optimism now. Not. The good news is that I have never played much cricket, nor been an excellent sportsman. I hope Eric can point to a similar life style as myself or even a tale of sex, drugs and Rock & Roll.

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Yes ! I know I'm very lucky to be in such good health, though I did have my appendix out last year and there were major complications;due to my age, according to the Surgeon. Erfolg, I too have never been sports minded, enjoy swimming though! Drugs, my Wife gets frustrated because I'm very reluctant to take even mild medication tablets.

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Started at age 8 (?) and going strong now approaching 65. You guessed it, just wait until my next birthday no stopping me then.

Oh Yes, what do I like flying? Any R/C fixed wing, now looking at heli's and to get my fix each week you cant do better than an adrenalin rush with an EDF.

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Funny world isn't it ???

I crashed planes in my teens and now I am in the top 31% of your poll and I am still doing the same now.

I know you cannot teach an old dog new tricks....but after all these years!!!

At least I do it with more grace now.



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I've been watching this thread with great interest. Why? Well as some of you may remember I did a similar survey myself back in March 2010 - three years ago exactly. I have been interested to see if there has been any discernable change.

The 2010 survey was done before we had anonymous polling so only the brave put themselves forward! The results of that survey in detail can be found here. But in summary they were as follows:

  1. We got 218 responses (a smallish sample - but adequete)
  2. The average age was 55
  3. Approximately 31% were in the 50-60 age group
  4. Over forties made up over 85% of the responses
  5. Only 3% were under 16.

Now let's look at the same figures for the current poll:

  1. This poll has a larger sample - 891 so far.
  2. The average age now is 54.9.
  3. The 50-60 age group in this sample is 26%.
  4. Over Forties in this poll are 86%.
  5. Under 16's are 1% in this poll.

What are we to make of this? Well the average age has hardly shifted at all, 55 versus 54.9. The percent over forty and under sixteen has only moved 2% - given these sample sizes that probably isn't a significant shift. The change from 50-60 as the largest group to 60-70 is interesting - but its not changed the overall average. I think this is because the 40-50 age groups in this sample is higher than in 2010.

With all the usual caveats - ie this is a self selecting sample, technically its the age profile of the members of this forum who opted to answer rather than a scientic sample of R/C modellers. But its not outrageous to suggest that its probably fairly representative of the hobby as a whole. What can we conclude in terms of the original question "Are we a greying hobby".

I would suggest that based on these figures the answer is:

we are a grey hobby - but not a greying hobby. That is to say our age distribution is skewed towards the "older" end of society (average age in the UK is 39) but we are not (at least over the last 3 years!) getting older as a group. If we were simply ageing and "dying out" as a hobby you would expect to find the average age today to be significantly higher than 3 years ago - maybe 57 or so. But that doesn't appear to be the case! Based on this data the average age seems to be static

So, maybe collectively, we should take some small comfort from that - new 40-50 something's must be coming in to keep the average age at 55. smile

This would partially explain why the 50-60 group is no longer the largest single interval - 60-70 is the largest in this poll - but we have very significant numbers in both 40-50 and 50-60. This was so evident in 2010.

Personally, I take less comfort - in 2010 I was below the average age - I'm now above the average age! sad (Just!)


Edited By Biggles' Elder Brother - Moderator on 31/03/2013 16:36:17

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Interesting poll, I will be 65 this year always interested in aircraft (fullsize and models) but did not enter this hobby until 12 years ago, why you ask too little time too little spare cash and too many other things to care for house, wife, children you know the story, Now its too many models and too little time left to build them all. They say as you get older you need less sleep maybe that will help me catch up a little.

Old age ain't for wimpsdevil

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Excellent analysis Dave. I'm going to leave the poll open for a few more weeks - I've given it little mention in the next issue's news pages so, hopefully, we'll see a few more votes yet.

I guess that, overall so far, the result isn't a great surprise although I am surprised at the drop in numbers in the lower age groups - I would have expected a few more in these segments. Granted that could be a reflection of those that visit this site.

Given then that so many model flyers join the hobby mid-life, say early 50's and on the basis that it was probably something they've wanted to do for some time, it does make me wonder where the seeds were first sown, where they first thought "yep, that's something I want to do one day"? Are the triggers many and varied?







Edited By David Ashby - RCME on 01/04/2013 07:21:30

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