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Are you feeling the 'credit crunch'

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We have strict budgets for all our expenditure and modelling is no exception - I have literally just finished adjusting the allocations made for this and several other outgoings in my spreadsheet - what a weird coincidence you posting this right now ! So in another word ...Yes.

I even had a guy state the reason for not attending our fly-in was the price of the fuel required to get here and back - very valid too !  Petrol / diesel prices are absolutely insane and worsening every day.

The news this morning is pretty much confirming that the UK is definately set for a severe recession.

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The first part of this year I have probably done the opposite and have spent a fair bit more, squirreling stuff away. As soon as my in-house accountant cottons on my wings will get clipped but I think I can possibly finish my next 3 or 4 projects without any major expense
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I drive for a living, so by the time I've paid the extra for fuel my wages have dropped! Coupled with the increase in the bills and shopping things aren't looking rosey. Bringing up a young family is a struggle and the hobbies take the pinch. I now research things more on the net so my purchasing decisions are carefully selected to optimise my spending.


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 well guys here i amjust sitting in the garden with a coffee/  thinking well ive paid that damn mortgage off / the kids are all off our hands  there married or living together/just me and er indoors/ got a few quid  to spare at last/ im thinking what would i really like to buy that i always wanted and didnt have the cash then/a fully moulded 4 mtre awesome yes -yes / then that little niggle in the back of my head bangs in and says/  hold on your a taid now you have a new grandson /here we go again full circle going to be skint again  moneys going to (((next- mothercare - toys r us ))) here we come 

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Hi folks.

 Let's not get carried away here.  Last saturday I was in my local model shop (Evans' in Northampton - been there for around 50 odd years!).  I was only buying some cyano - as most of my shopping is done on-line - which does not help the likes of Nick Evans much.  Or is this really a problem?  I remember Nick telling me over 20 years ago that most of his revenue comes from plastic kits, railways and slot cars - but that's a post for another day.

Back to my main point... As I was handing over a tenner for some glue and kicker - I glanced down and saw a shiny 2.4GHz Futaba set with four standard servos.  A computer set for the princely sum of £149.  I remarked to Jem (who's been there donkies as well!) that I remember paying exactly the same price in 1979 for a Futaba M series with two servos... He then pulled out a no frills GWS set with four servos for  around £70!

Either way - this represents massive price deflation in real terms.

Even with a tightening of belts - it's never been cheaper to fly toy planes!

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I'm retired, money is less of a problem than when I was working, paying a mortgage and bring up a family. Now, unfortunately although I have the time and the wherewithall to indulge a little, Murphy strikes. I have been diagnosed with cancer. No one in the medical profession is prepared to put a time limit on it but there is definitely a foreseeable limit on not just my modelling activities. The question is, how does one establish a list of the models, one wishes to build? There are so many! Bugger!
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I agree with the contributor who said for electric fliers, most things are lower in cost than say 5 years ago.

The observation that careful shopping around is necessary. It is times such as these that those manufactures/distributors who market and price their goods as premium or excelling in quality start to come under greater scrutiny.

I have found that much budget equipment is as good as some very expensive gear. As for kits, if you holiday in places such as the USA, kits can cost 50-60% less, if you do your home work before going.

Radio gear appears to be low cost in this era, particularly servos. The main problem is that servos are very much badge engineered, and separating the good/adequate from the bad/or just expensive is difficult. The question is what do the Brand names do with the servos they sell which justifies a 500% higher cost, other than a degree of confidence from the name?

It is fuel that possibly hurts the most, unfortunately this brand of Government, have always taxed high (eventually). It is always some one else's fault, and they are being fair and are protecting the environment etc.

Not to unhappy yet (other than Government).

Although present trends seem always to eliminate some model shops, internet, reduced shoppers (due to travel cost), high rates, squeezed margins, people working longer hours (to keep job/make more money) to pay the bills (reducing time), doing the damage.


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I try and keep my spending within limits, but if I've got to have that extra fuel/battery/servo, well, I just go and buy it!  I've also got a fair collection of balsa, screws, solarfilm etc, but it's the "extras" (servo extension cables, glue, wheels, collets, etc that run away with the money.  I must have spent more on servo extension cables than some models cost -- this is definitely something the model trade could think about!

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I am going to eat less which will be good for my figure and will help please my doctor as he says "you could do with losing a bit of thet spare tyre" So having changed to electric models to avoid the sticky finger syndrome I think my next plan would be to take up smoking as this goverment is obviously VERY short of money!!!! like your money, his money and everybody else's money, ho hum just cut out one visit to the patch or give up living!!!
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