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2017 Mass Build Chat Thread

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Hi John, for the mass build I would be looking at flea fli and the KF4 40 none of the others really appeal to me at the moment. In this case should I just vote of once and not pick a second one or third choice as I would have no intention of building those.

What do you advise,


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Hi John,

Regarding the Baron 1914 or the Svenson Vicomte 1915 - which are the same in fact as Mr Briot, the editor of the French ‘Modèle Magazine’, licensed Svenson to produce a kit of their published design by Christian Chauzit.

Here is the Svenson Vicomte 1915 free plan on Outerzone.

For those who should want the laser cut approach, here is a kit in France called the Baron 1914 at a very acceptable €72,-.

There is also a group of Belgian modellers & friends who bundled together and recreated a CAD drawing & laser kit following the original Svenson Vicomte 1915 drawing, but their website seems to be inoperative at the moment. NO,no... no relation with HK whatsoever... the webmaster told me it was just a very common server issue...  wink

EDIT: Sorry, but you asked your question 'here', so I just answered 'here' as well. No offense, I hope...  indecision

Hakuna matata


BRU - BE / CTR Baron Control



Edited By McG 6969 on 02/11/2016 20:45:19

Edited By Steve Hargreaves - Moderator on 02/11/2016 22:27:27

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Maybe some answer for you Hamish...

Regarding the Baron 1914 or the Svenson Vicomte 1915 - which are the same in fact as Mr Briot, the editor of the French ‘Modèle Magazine’, licensed Svenson to produce a kit of their design by Christian Chauzit.

Here is the Svenson Vicomte 1915 free plan on Outerzone.

For those who should want the laser cut approach, here is a kit in France called the Baron 1914.

There is also group of Belgian modelers & friends who bundled together and recreated a CAD drawing & kit following the original Svenson Vicomte 1915 drawing, but they decided to call their product the 'Mousquetaire 1916'... why not as they are four of them...

Their website seems to be inoperative at the moment though. No, no... nothing to do with the HK chaos stuff at all... the webmaster told me it was just a common but annoying server issue... frown

Hakuna matata


BRU - BE / CTR Baron Control

Edited By McG 6969 on 02/11/2016 21:15:20

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Something about the striker hit me in the face. Somehow I don't think it will get there.
I'm actually still sitting on the fence about joining the 2017 MB. I'm trying to clear out my hangar but I'd join in just for the fun of building something 'different'.

Note.....different. No matter what is chosen, if I joined in, I'd stick to my normal approach of foamboard and, it possibly could be the same but 'different'. It may involve an EDF?
Let's just wait and see what the outcome of the voting is.


Edited By Rosco on 02/11/2016 21:12:02

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Been looking through the plans, some good looking models in there and one's starting to appeal to me the more i look at it, i sold my Pitts to a clubmate and i've regretted it ever since...Skywriter with a 4 stroke up front face 1

So there you go, vote for the Basic 3D because i want one with LED's fitted in the airframe ideawink


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That makes a change, John. It's usually we electric fans who have to do the converting from glow. Now it's glow fan converting from electric. All grist to the mill thumbs up

I'm very tempted by the Skywriter but there's the 3-Way, the Mew Gull and the DB Cirrus Moth as well !!


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Deep in the very centre of La Belle France, where the Baron is something of a classic, I will be building a Baron 1914 over the winter regardless of whether it is adopted for the MB.


There are at least five other Barons in the club; three serviceable, one requiring attention and the fifth in the course of construction. By next summer we will have a squadron, or at least a flight for our summer display!

I plan to finish mine in the colours of Tone Bayetto's Morane Bullet, to add ailerons and to power it with an OS 40 FS.

I may even reduce the size of that enormous fin and rudder!

Edited By David Davis on 03/11/2016 13:20:06

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In the list of planes to vote for there is Evans Volksplane but I wonder whether the link is to the correct plane - i assumed it would be the Peter Miller version but it's not it's a smaller one. The Miller version would be better as it was an RCME free plan not too long ago ( Aug 2013 ) and many people would have this plan somewhere.

Frankly I favour the SLEC Funfly as number one choice - it's a proven kit with good instructions which would help newcomers to building. The kit is very comprehensive and therefore more complete than the 'cut part' wood packs sold for plan models. The Funfly is much better value. The ideal model to start building and an intermediate or everyday model as regards flying. IC or electric kit versions available.

The various Kwik Fli versions are good but although simple to build they are not beginners planes.

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The plan for the Peter Miller 54in span Volksplane is here. It was the free plan in RCM&E August 2013 along with another Peter Miller design, the Swamp Rat that was based on Gary Vinten's Ritzler. A bumper month!

I hope people voting for the Skywriter have read the build blog and they actually intend to build one! It looks nice but personally I would rather build a scale model if I had the time rather than Skywriter as it is no quick build. The flat wing section puts me off a bit too but that's just me.

If biplanes are your thing, a quick build is Toot Sweet by Peter Miller (again!). This I think was powered by a 52FS and was based on an earlier and smaller design of his called Yuppy Love.

This is where I plug the Basic 3D again! No cowl, no cockpit or pilot, banded on wings. Easy electric conversion. Good handling - what's not to like?

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