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First full size electric aircraft flies.

Paul Marsh

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All a bit along the lines of Drone Deliveries that were going to take over. Nice in theory and a good sink for research £s and publicity but surely a practical non-starter. They trumpet the power and energy density etc but no mention of useful duration other than the 15 minute flight. Please don't tell me 15 minutes was all it was good for.

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  • 2 years later...

Granted - but engine failure is always at the back of a (good) pilot’s mind.  

I’m a little surprised that there was no real mention of solar charging for the battery array (a wind powered generator farm might not be the best thing to locate on an airfield) but there’s often plenty of unused ground on airfields.

The Pipistrel seems to have a very small battery and larger aircraft might be able to carry proportionately larger batteries giving much better range once there’s sufficient infrastructure to make their development more feasible. 

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2 hours ago, Paul De Tourtoulon said:

Back from the beach yesterday, 8 wind generators, only 2 turning, if they can't get them working on the ground,,,😡

Thats quite a good turnout... we had 6 of the things installed locally 12 months ago and not one of them has ever turned, they are an absolute blight on the landscape in full view of my study window. I don't know why they have never been turned on but my guess would be problems connecting the eyesores to the grid out here in the sticks. Probably no government subsidies for the connection, only the installation of the towers. Corporate greed at its finest.

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Yes, they're really pushing all this stuff and that's all very well - However, I and many others simply do not wish to have an inferior technology forced upon us because of the whims of certain individuals who like to attract attention to themselves or appear to have the ear of some politicians who buy into much of this nonsense and relish all the virtue signalling.

I caught an interview on a news programme yesterday with 'an activist' from one of the high profile protest groups who more or less ended up in tears by the close of the spot because she wouldn't engage with the questions that were put to her. She was right and everyone else was wrong - full stop, no discussion......the earth is doomed, don't bother to have children because they'll be dead by their teens. I don't think she was very well TBH.

Most reasonable people accept that electric powered cars and other vehicles are 'an answer' and who's to say where we might be with battery tech in decades down the line, but for now and in the forseeable future, they're an experiment with an outcome and repercussions that are far from certain or indeed fully understood.



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My son and I have just gone the solar route as our electricity supply was unreliable with daily shut downs from 2 to 6 hours and up to 6 days if a transformer blew or cables stolen. Thieves wait for what we call load shedding which is according to a published schedule and then steal the power cables! Lucky we do have a fair amount of sun so we no longer have to worry like we did in the past. Not totally off the grid but manageable. 

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This is an interesting video made by a commercial pilot on the Pipistrel and its use within an actual flight training school. Its quite long and for those desperately clinging to outdated fuel burning technology I suggest you skip over the bit between 22 and 24 minutes... 😈


Mentour Pilot - Electric Planes


A serious additional benefit that may be had is the reduction in operating noise, so there is the potential for electric GA to help protect our dwindling number of small airfields...


BBC - Engine Test Complaint




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People are happy to complain. I live in a rural village and people have complained about Cockerels, cows, Church bells, Sheep, a Rookery....


Having said that, 45 mins, followed by a wait while batteries are charging, seems to limit the viability for a flight school.... compared to teach, land, refuel, hand aeroplane over.... repeat.


Like most forms of electrically powered transport, this is currently great if you can afford if.  And have supporting infrastructure.  Eventually it'll trickle down, and improve, but evangelizing about it is unlikely to result in many converts imho.

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16 hours ago, GrumpyGnome said:

People are happy to complain. I live in a rural village and people have complained about Cockerels, cows, Church bells, Sheep, a Rookery....


Yes agree tottaly. When I moved to my present home in 1976 it was a small village approx 3 miles from town with pen fields between us. Every Sunday morning and at yimes through the week church bells could be heard ringing from our village church and nieghbouring village churches. As people moved down from london etc the complaints about church bells silenced them ! They even complain at the sound of tractors in the fields at harvest time ! The local council should have made these newcomers accept the local ways but instead rolled over and silenced the bells. 

The vilage I live in is now more like a town and connected to the nearest town with house and is noisier than ever. 

Thats progress pushed by money or vote grabing politicians who will jump on these complaints if they see any political gain.

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