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Nigel Hawes Tucano


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Hi, Was looking to build the Tucano but sarik hobbies want £132 for the plan, parts,canopy which I thought was a bit expensive. I see Stan Yeo sells a Tucano with a larger wingspan and was wondering if anybody has any thoughts on this kit. Seems like Nigel Hawes flys really well does Stans fly has good. Thank you for any advice.

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Everybody seems to say nice things about Phoenix Model Products (Stan Yeo) so I expect somebody will know how the Tucano flys.    Seems a better buy as it is larger and made for brushless & Lipo rather than Speed 600 and Nicads.  Also may have hardware which Sarik don't offer.  Bigger, cheaper and maybe includes hardware like pre bent undercarriage( check! ) - seems the obvious choice to me.  And you can see the plan and instructions online before buying.


However if I wanted to build the Nigel Hawes on on a budget I would see if any clubmate has the May& June 2003 RCME  and could loan out the plan, so just buying the canopy and maybe the cut parts from Sarik and buy balsa from Balsa Cabin or SLEC.   Must be cheaper although 2 lots of postage to factor in.     Deciding factor might be if you prefer the solid balsa sanded down wings of Hawes or the built up balsa Phoenix.    I remember that Vortex Vacform used to offer the Hawes canopy together with a cockpit interior - maybe they still do so phone them as it says on their website.  ( note 2 sizes of Hawes Tucano -31 and 45 inch )


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I was given the very first kit of the Tucano that Nigel Hawes produced, the smaller one, with his letter to my friend who bought it . I built it some years ago.  Brilliant flying machine and very fast . With a brushless upgrade on 3s lipo it would launch vertical l , count to 5 and you could hardly see it ! Sold it last year but regret it and might build another . No plan so will have to be from memory.

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I have built both, one from the plan, one from the Sarik kit of bits.

I bought the canopy for the smaller model and I found it doesn’t fit. So I made it from glueing scraps of wood

together and forming it by sanding it to the correct shape.

they both fly well, but feel like totally different models.

The larger model crashed due to a faulty ESC, but I still have the wings.

If I every rebuild it I would cut the bits out from the plan, and do the same on the canopy.

Personally I don’t this it was good value for money, I bought it as I was too lazy to cut the parts out.

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My estimate is that I could build the 45 inch Tucano from £54 of balsa and £2.44 3mm birch ply and a length of 10SWG at £1.57 and £1.37 for dowel ( buying 36 inch when only 4inches needed!)   So just about £60 for all the wood and piano wire.     If you plan to build this then note that some balsa needs to be very soft and I have allowed for enough soft & firm balsa in my quick estimate.


Of course thats cuttiing all the parts yourself - really the only part that needs careful cutting is the engine bulkhead and that appears to be cut intricately for a 600 type brushed motor which nobody is likely to use nowadays.   So why buy the cut parts? there are no wing ribs!

You need a canopy and possibly have to buy the plan so it will cost about £95 in all for this,   which makes the larger & more modern Phoenix kit seem the better buy at £119.     Nobody has said how that one flys so we rely on Phoenix reputation until someone tells us how it goes.......

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Thats the same as Sarik but the advantage might be that Vortex might still be able to supply the cockpit interior moulding with pilots and instrument panel which gives the model a realistic look.


If anyone is interested I will give the itemised balsa list.

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  • 2 years later...

I had the first Tucano production kit from Nigel Hawes . It was given to my by a friend who decided not to build it. It was the smaller model originally designed for a 400 brushed motor and nicads. Move on a few years and I built the Tucano and fitted a little 2750 KV motor turning a 5.25 x 5.25 cam prop on 3s . Really fast and predictable flyer and great fun . Launches were simple , Point upwards open throttle and let go , count to three and it was nearly out of sight ! . I flew that over a 8 or 9 nine years and evenually sold it as covering was getting a bit scruffy. 

I also test flew a larger version for a club member . that was also a fast model with a much better glide .

Thoroughly recommended model  . Enjoy .

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