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Hi Everyone,


Just be aware that that any response from Dave Cotten and his cohort Gibbon Seth (!!) are the start of a very plausible scam.

Lots of email discussions, and even photos..........................be especially careful with responses to wanted adverts.


Don't ask me how I know.................................

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Indeed. F & F needs to be reserved for those who are actually Friends and Family. I find that an offer to pay the costs, rather than them being charged to the seller works best for both buyer and seller - the seller gets the price that they are looking for and both get the protection offered by Paypal for  the purchase.

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Another aspect we need to be aware and cautious about.


Very often in order to ascertain if the seller is a genuine one, we insist on seller posting pictures of the article for sale along with a piece of paper with the sellers name, date etc.

In response to a similar request by me to a seller on FB (who I almost suspected to be scammer) sent me picture of the engine he purportedly had for sale with photoshopped piece of paper with his name and date. It was easy to spot due it being a shoddy photoshop plus my initial suspicion. But the risk of an unsuspecting buyer or the scammer getting better and using technology for deceiving calls for ever more vigilance on part of the buyer. 

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