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1/6th Scale F-86 Sabre

Phil Beard

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Decided for the start of retirement that I wanted to build a large scale PSS Sabre, so asked Martin Gay who along with Gordon Studley produced the short kits for the 2020 PSS Mass Build, if he could from that kit develop a larger version and from discussion with Martin I decided on a 1/6th scale Sabre build.
Many thanks to Martin for undertaking this on my behalf and from the attached photos you'll be able to see the amount of balsa and ply wood parts that have been CNC routed as the short kit for both the airframe and the jig required to produce the wing.

Photos 1 to 4 shows the balsa and plywood parts required for the aircraft itself with amount of material required.
Photos 5 to 6 shows the plywood parts required to make the wing jig.
Photos 7 to 8 shows one of the 6 drawings that have been supplied for the build.

Note the ruler in the photos to give you an idea of the size of the parts.









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Decided to start building the starboard side wing jig today. Just done a dry run with the parts over the plan as can be seen in the photos. Have also cut alot of little balsa blocks to fit at the positions where the parts go over each other just to make it that little bit more sturdy (These aren't shown yet as not been glued together yet). These have been cut from the scrap balsa for parts N1 to N3.






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Hi Phil,

I have noticed that some of the jig pieces need adjusting for any future kits!


Please confirm:

J1 needs to be extended to R5a

J2 needs to be extended to R10a

J3 needs to be extended to R15a

J4 needs to be extended to R4a and R19a

J5 needs to be extended to R8a and R22a

J7 needs to be extended to J17.


If you need the jig parts replaced please let me know.



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Thanks Phil, I will be editing the original drawings over the next week.

I reckon the addition of corner pieces will be more than enough to fix the rigidity of the wing building jig.

Please shout out if you find any further issues with the plan or parts.


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Thanks for your prompt response.

Will let you know if I find any other issues. I had wondered why the ribs had notches which weren't being filled, but the drawing showed them like that.

I'm going to get the jig done this week and then go back to painting my Andrew Conway BAe Hawk and 2020 Mass Build Sabre.

Phil B

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Starboard side jig has been glued together today, including the little balsa block to make the jug that bit more sturdy.

Will make up some pieces for those that have been missed, these not currently shown in photographs. Martin is currently amending drawings so that he can supply amended parts in future short kits.

Also taken measurement from top of Rib1a to aft outboard of Rib19a which is 978mm so that jig can be checked for movement once of the plan and can be moved back to correct alignment if required.







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Trial build of the port wing jig has gone ok and I've managed to get the same measurement from top of R1a to the outer aft position of Rib19a of 278mm.

Also fully aligned in a straight line J3. Time to glue it together.


Attached photos show the size against my usual build board.



Edited by Phil Beard
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45 minutes ago, Phil Beard said:

Trial build of the port wing jig has gone ok and I've managed to get the same measurement from top of R1a to the outer aft position of Rib19a of 978mm.

Also fully aligned in a straight line J3. Time to glue it together.


Attached photos show the size against my usual build board.




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Finished putting the wing jig together including the modifications and also some stiffeners at the joints. Distance measured between top of Rib1a to bottom outer of Rib19a has measured the same on both sides a 978mm.

Initial photo of the completed jig, second photo showing the 1/6th scale jig against that of the original mass build jig and finally a photo of the original mass build wing laid onto the 1/6th scale jig. These give you an idea of the size difference between the two difference scale Sabre's.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Not much done on the Sabre this week which was planned as other models are being finished in paint.

Decided to start building the fuselage which isn't my norm. Anyway from the plans it states to build the fuselage in two halves, so I've started on the port side.

From the photos you can see I've built both port and starboard upper and lower keel beams and have started from the aft frames working forward glueing the frames to the upper and lower keel beams.

Since this model is large I'll have to move the plan on the building board so as to continue glueing the frames going forward.

Only slight difference to the plan at the top and bottom and at F14 i've included some triangular balsa stiffening to the joint.

















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All frames have now been glued into place and the three 1/4 inch square balsa stringers have been added also.

One thing I would do differently is to add the ply doubler onto the front of F4 and drill through the 8mm hole prior to glueing F4 and doubler into place.






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With the fuselage frames glued to the upper and lower longerons and the stringers fitted it's time to start planking the outer skin from 3.2mm soft balsa which has been ripped into 18mm width strips and spliced into strips long enough to cover the fuselage from the front to aft.

Well that's the update for today and lots of planking to get on with.







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