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john stones 1 - Moderator

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john stones 1 - Moderator last won the day on June 20 2023

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  1. Simple, to convince your instructor that you're safe to release into the community.
  2. Sounds the same as my Seagull Funky Cub, there was no way to remove and replace the captive nuts, a floor supporting the curved upper formers blanks access to it. The simplest and less damaging way of tackling it, is to fashion a hatch underneath the tank bay, via this hatch you can cut some of the floor away to get at the captives.
  3. Because a model is capable of extreme stuff, doesn't always equate to being hard to fly, you can tame the beast somewhat, then up the rates as ability dictates.
  4. I believe some have symetrical sections, thick wing sections, do they have short moment arms when compared to wingspans ? The extra wide chord makes it look that way, I agree. Large control areas, light built, low pitch props, extra diameter for pull rather than speed. Set up well the stall is pretty much non existant and liberties can be taken, lot of fun.
  5. Faced with the same issue, I created a hatch underneath forward of the unercariage (not PC 19). That gave me access with less cosmetic disruption.
  6. Ah, I don't stick rigidly to plans, If I feel I can improve somewhere, I will do it, you have experience so for me trust yourself.
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