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Dickw last won the day on March 23 2023

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  1. If I put a manual handbrake on my wife sometimes cannot release it. My wife is fairly short and therefore has the seat well forward, so a manual handbrake lever is often slightly behind her and difficult to use. An electric handbrake solves both problems - brilliant. I have had manual handbrake cables fail in the past, so don't try to tell me they are more reliable. Dick
  2. Stop/start on my automatic only stops the engine when the car is stationary and the footbrake applied. The engine restarts as soon as you take your foot off the brake. Absolutely brilliant in congested traffic and queues. With a lot of these "aids" it seems to be the implementation that is a problem rather than the principles. Dick
  3. I am guessing they mean your BMFA number. There used to be a policy number on your membership document, but since that would be the same number for all the membership it is not really relevant and is not there on my latest membership document. Dick
  4. I think it is Russian, but I have just used the "Settings" button in YouTube to add english subtitles. The subtitles are a bit confused at times, but it is better than my Russian 😁 Dick
  5. CL combat - only 2 at a time. Combat was very popular in those days, and if I recall correctly the Nationals had entries of 128 with several circle running over two days. Dick
  6. Two contributions. A control line combat competition between my Luton club and RAF Halton in 1963 - I am in the middle of the front row. Developments in F5B over 30 years shows me with a scratch built own design 100inch plane in 1987 (10 cell NiCd and 500watts) and then in 2017 with a bought 2m moulded carbon fibre plane (10s Lipo and 5000 watts). You will note that I now dye my hair grey to make me look more distinguished! 😁 Dick
  7. Yes, that's because there are so many standards to chose from 😀 Dick
  8. Yes, I am thinking of getting the harness even though I don't have a backache problem with just the neck strap even on long flights (perhaps something to do with the martial arts training!). I think the harness might make the Tx more stable when self launching largish 4.7m 6.7Kg gliders while holding the Tx and "selfie stick" - it is a bit unwieldy and you can get into a bit of a muddle at that point 😲🤣. As I said in my other post, the "selfie stick" holds the 433MHz GPS Tx/Rx unit and puts the mobile phone at eye level for display of the triangle course and model position. You rarely need to look at the display in flight as stereo vario tones give you heading direction and other tones/voice calls indicate turn-points etc., but it is there at eye level if you do lose your mental orientation after several minutes circling in thermals - image attached. Apologies for "off subject" chatter. Dick
  9. I moved from control line to RC in the mid 80s starting with Fleet radio. I instinctively flew pinch and did find it awkward holding the Tx on my little fingers while using thumb and forefinger on the sticks. I was never really happy with my flying ability like this. In the early 90s I discovered the "tray style" transmitters in the form of a Multiplex 3030. No tray required, the transmitter hung on a neck strap and was effectively its own tray. This gave me a much more stable transmitter that I could rest my hands on for pinching the sticks and at last allowed my flying to improve. I since moved on to the similar Multipex 4000 and now use the Jeti 'tray style' DC16 in the same way. I do a fair bit of glider flying and the neck strap is useful in supporting the Tx during hour long flights, and is particularly useful when flying GPS Triangle Racing as it takes the weight of the 2 way (433 MHz) GPS coms unit and the mobile phone app display. i have never had a problem with the neck strap getting in the way of anything. Dick
  10. From the Article 16 authorisation issued to the BMFA by the CAA :- "The remote pilot is accompanied by a competent observer who maintains direct unaided visual contact with the unmanned aircraft sufficient to monitor its flight path in relation to other aircraft, persons, vehicles, vessels and structures for the purpose of avoiding collisions and advises the remote pilot accordingly;" I think "....maintains direct unaided visual contact ....." covers it. Dick
  11. You didn't imagine it. Aurora GF advertised in pic. Dick
  12. Yes, the white or yellow one depending on your system. Dick
  13. Try cutting the signal wire to the switch. Dick
  14. The concussion comes from banging your head against the wall 😀
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