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Philip Lewis 3

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Everything posted by Philip Lewis 3

  1. I'm not a Futaba user but I can tell you that you won't be able to open those files in any programme because they are a Futaba specific file type so you need to use Futaba software to use them. Specifically you need to use the Futaba telemetry log converter software and instal it then you can convert the files to a .csv file and view in a spreadsheet such as excel. However it appears that this is Windows only and IOS isn't supported so you might not be able to use it, however the Futaba instructions are attached. Hope that helps to explain it. Phil Telemetry-Log-Converter-V1.10E_Letter.pdf
  2. Having had a quick look at the U Tube vid it appears to me that you won't get any telemetry unless the receiver and sensors are connected and powered up so my guess would be no telemetry no log files, power everything up, no need for an actual flight, then see what is on the SD card. I'm a bit curious as to what logging interval means, I might be tempted to make that one second rather than twenty but I'm a bit confused by it (and the manual is most unhelpful).
  3. It should create file (or files) but only when the logging is actually turned on. I have no knowledge of Futaba but would expect that you would also need to tell it which sensors to log as well as which not to, also if it is only logging telemetry then you might not get anything until there is some telemetry being actually received. Your Mac can graph the data in a .csv in many programmes such as Excel, .csv is simply a universal file format that can be read by any computer.
  4. If it were me I would make it up as a seperate stand alone wiring harnes with your chosen male and female plugs each end and splice the voltage wires into that. That way you will be able to insert it beween the esc plug and batery plug and therefore simply and easily be able to move it from one plane to another, simples.
  5. I flatten them completely with a lightbulb then (just personal preference) I connect the terminals together to show that it's flat, then take to a recycling centre who have a dedicated battery section, a lot of the supermarkets now round here are actively stating no vape batteries so I'm sure you are right that they don't want LiPo's in there either.
  6. Yes that is demonstrating what I said above, the effect you might notice in that scenario would be an throttle that is more sensitive than it needs to be because you wouldn't be using the full range of the stick.
  7. What you are doing here is not so much calibrating the ESC what you are doing is calibrating the ESC to the specific signal output of your TX, different brands of TX have different minimum and maximum outputs in milliseconds, Spectrum for instance is 80% of the 1000 -2000 microsecond range considered by many as standard full range and Futaba is somewhere in between, so if the ESC has been set up for Spectrum and that is what you are using then fine but you likely don't know anyway, and an ESC set up like that would, on a FrSky TX have a dead point at the last 20% of the stick travel at each end where nothing would change. Looking at the opposite for an ESC set up to expect 1000 - 2000 microsecond range then without calibration a Spectrum TX wouldn't even get the ESC to arm and even if it did it would never achieve full throttle. That is also why some elecrtric retracts refuse to work with Spectrum TX's, they are expecting more that the TX is outputting and won't work until the limits are extended to extend the output levels to trip them ino opperating. Either way you should absolutely calibrate the ESC to your own TX output, it may well appear to work but you might not be getting the best out of it if you don't.
  8. For small batteries discharge using your charger rather than a dedicated discharger, it will be perfectly adequate for the smaller packs and let you set a low rate of discharge. Setting it to storage charge will bring batteries up or take them down depending on what is needed.
  9. I doubt it would matter but personally I would do them one at a time just so that I made sure I heard the confirmtory beep for each one.
  10. The whole area is subject to an FAA no fly zone and the FAA have not granted any exceptions.
  11. Go to windows updates (just type that in the search box), if it shows windows 11 available at the top click on "stay on windows 10 for now", also disable get the latest updates as soon as they are available.
  12. Strange, on the portal it shows mine as having been taken in Nov 2021 and expiring in Nov 2026. i.e. 5 years.
  13. If you now open it in adobe acrobat reader and go to file then print you can print whatever selection of pages you want.
  14. If you can post a link to the manual I'll take a look for you, if it's in pdf format you should be able to print out the pages you want but you won't be able to split the file up but if that is what you want then only print what you want then I can do that for you, you need pdf writer rather than just reader to do that.
  15. You'll need to use a regulator if you want to use a 2 cell LiPo or you'll kill the servo's and possibly even the RX, use either a regulator or a 2 Cell LiFe or NiMh's to get the correct acceptable voltage.
  16. Definitely using the trainer socket not the headphone port? May sound obvious but worth checking.
  17. To me it's quite clear that not allowing models to be flown BVLOS is referring to deliberate operation of of not opperating BVLOS, I'm pretty sure the CAA would have no interest at all in a pilot momentarily losing sight of the model due to low cloud or fog, no doubt someone will soon point out that you should not look down at the TX screen to check what time is left as the model would then not be within your line of sight and what about checking the strip is clear before landing? Lets use some common sense please, this is supposed to be a fun hobby.
  18. Yes, it's set up to look purely at the sick position, the primary input before any mixes rates or limits are applied and if you use logic switch for things like snap and spin auto rudder input i.e. only using the right stick (mode 2) in a snap or a spin then you wouldn't see any rudder input at all because although the rudder would be moving the stick wouldn't be moving at all.
  19. Just to clarify, it's literally stick position, here is a log file which shows the stick movements as full (which they are), the true numbers down at the bottom are plus and minus 1024 but the rate is only 27% which is what it shows in the outputs screen. However, the main point I was making is that may not be what is transmitted, you could have no transmission at all but the logs would show the same, the logs of the stick positions won't show you no transmission.
  20. Unless it was changed then I think that its neither, the logs record the stick positions which isn't necessarily what is sent to the RX should the TX be faulty.
  21. It will be, it's quite simple, back off the ratchet and friction and transfer to the other side and loosen the vertical spring tension completely on one side and wind it up on the other side, thats all there is to it, a five minute job. Alternatively try asking the dealer to do it for you as many will.
  22. Dead easy, your TX will basically be the same as this.
  23. Use sprung connectors e.g. xt30's with no switch, so no switch to fail and simply connect and disconnect between flights, admittedly easier with EF where you'll be connecting and reconnecting power packs anyway.
  24. Investment Managers very definition of a "brand" is the ability to sell something for more than it's worth, that is a fact.
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