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Andy Stephenson

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Everything posted by Andy Stephenson

  1. KC, The plan on the outer zone does indeed show the foam version of the wing. The root and tip ribs are enough to calculate the intermediate ribs but some consensus on the number of intermediate ribs, spar type and dimensions would be useful. The tail ribs are more complicated because unlike the wing it doesn't have a constant thickness trailing edge which my program doesn't (ATM) deal with. As an aside, I made a mention of the lack of rib detail on RCG where one of the members had posted numerous plans in a thread under the "The Builders Workshop" section, like the Outerzone a great deal of the plans submitted there are un-buildable without rib detail these are mostly plans taken from kits where there was no need to include this information. A.
  2. Posted by kc on 23/04/2020 10:43:13: How about someone with a rib plotting program plotting the Chilli Wind ribs and putting the result on a set of A4 pdf 's on Outerzone for us all to use? Good Lockdown project to benefit the ( aeromodelling) community? I did resurrect my home-brew rib plotting program recently and uprated it for general use but with Symmetrical sections only. I could get it working to plot some Wind ribs if I had the plan. Scanning them on to PDF would be a simple job after that. A.
  3. I think what goes wrong with balsa strippers is when the blade is too flexible it tends to follow the grain of the wood rather than cutting straight and the harder the wood the worse this effect. A.
  4. I built a Chilli Breeze from the free plan in the mid 90s. I didn't like the sandwich method producing ribs for tapered wings because it always leaves too much of a bevel. I elected to write a computer program on my Atari to plot out ribs and print them on a dot matrix printer. Once printed out I spray mounted the printouts on 1/16 balsa can carefully cut around the outline. The result was better than I could have expected because it was one of the truest models I have flown. I installed an Irvine 36 which had a home made tuned pipe and the climb rate was stunning. I eventually sold it at the Watford swap-meet without the pipe. I wonder if this is the same one Nigel R mentions on page 2 of this thread. A.
  5. I believe there is some legal obligation on companies exporting from the US to declare the actual value, it's no skin of their noses as it doesn't cost anything at their end. The Far-East is another matter, their governments don't care as long as they get the foreign exchange into their economies. A.
  6. I borrowed a Slec stripper once and didn't get on with it because as soon as the edge you are cutting off gets wavy the remaining strips go the same way. A scroll saw is much better but nothing beats a band saw with a fine tooth blade. A.
  7. Is this an old design as it doesn't appear on either of the Kings Lynn or Ripmax websites. A.
  8. In case you haven't seen it elsewhere on this site, this is my Crescent Bullet... Completed last year for classic aerobatics. Seen here at the Worcester UKCAA do. A.
  9. Are these all out of copyright or am I being naive. A.
  10. The system adds a note whenever the post is edited so the reader can at least see that alterations have been made, see Denis' post above. Would this not be good enough. I would like an answer from the admins here if possible. A.
  11. Denis, Longer would be good or infinite even better as with other sites I could mention. Any reason not to? Andy.
  12. Is there any chance of prolonging the length of time that a post can be edited. I have noticed, too late, in some cases where I have made a spelling error or a typo then only after a few minutes have been unable to correct it. Is this because someone has added a post after mine or is it time based. Anyway, it would be useful to have this feature. Thanks, Andy.
  13. I used Covergrip on a model soaked in diesel from a smoke tank leak. One application and the Solartex I applied over the effected area even stuck without having to apply any heat. I think that says it all.
  14. After I stirred this pond I expected more comment on the cloning of numbers than the matter paying to have them printed. Does anyone think this is a problem we should be aware of. A.
  15. Jeffrey, It's properly known as a sleeve dipole and as Peter says it's all part of the aerial. The sleeve and the wire extending away from it should remain straight. If there isn't room to put the two at right angles as you describe then try putting one at 45° to the axis of the fuz and the other at the opposite 45°. this will give you 90° between them. Also try to keep anything conductive away from the active part of the aerial by at least 30mm. A.
  16. It has been pointed out by someone in the BMFA classifieds that sending your CAA operator number to have labels printed is putting themselves at risk of having it cloned. You don't have to send your number to a third party as this is an issue for anyone who has their number displayed on the outside of their model especially as public displays. The rules do allow you to put the operator number on the inside of your model providing it is accessible without the need for tools. I think I would recommend putting it inside the model and make it accessible without tools by making all wing bolts into thumb screws or having band-on wings. Is this just paranoia or a real threat. **LINK** A.
  17. I use this stuff, it's available from motorist shops...
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