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David Hazell 1

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Everything posted by David Hazell 1

  1. Long time no speak folks. I am thinking I should finally get into the P51 build too. Got some catch-up reading to do!!
  2. Johns wings look better though 😆
  3. I'm wondering whether it's worth using a primer specifically for plastics - like this one perhaps: https://amzn.eu/d/btSb6jf I did my laminate covered planes with a water based acrylic grey primer out of my airbrush and the adhesion just isn't there. Perhaps a different primer would stick like poo to a blanket giving tougher results overall?
  4. I'm so far sticking to the "don't start building another one until the last one is finished. I find it difficult, but I am strict with myself!
  5. I have a hatch under the front too. Since I've smashed the front off the nose, I'm thinking I might adapt the canopy with magnets so that I can drop the battery in whilst the model is sat on its wheels. Regarding power, I ended up buying some 4S1P lithium ion packs which are made up of molicell p45b. It had enough punch to get off the ground (eventually) and I'd easily get 8-10 minute flights.
  6. I crashed mine because I lost orientation and then lost my nerve. I should have stayed calm. I haven't noticed it having any bad stalling characteristics.
  7. I agree, when I built mine it was with increasing awareness that it would be very awkward to maintain or replace. I smashed the nose off so need to rebuild, but the nacelles remained intact!
  8. Echoing everyone else's sentiments on here, I am also hoping you make a full recovery and are able in time to look back upon this as a fading memory. Wishing you a full recovery MattyB
  9. Did this maiden? Bit late to the party, but I was searching through RBC kits threads!
  10. https://www.unmannedtechshop.co.uk/product/gensace-imars-dual-channel-balance-charger/ these have DC and AC and are pretty good. There's a newer version which chucks out 300 AC 700 DC, but not seen it in UK stores.
  11. Received today, it's a beautiful item! I can go blue or red depending upon how decadent I'm feeling. Very happy indeed, thank you @Ron Gray!
  12. Just found this thread, in contact with Ron on FB messaging! These do look amazing, so have placed an order.
  13. Tried with R88 and same - I have some older R84 with single protocol (D8) and they all function flawlessly - seems a bit of a step backwards really!
  14. I keep mentioning this fuel tank placement thing to some of the guys at the club - and these guys _really_ know their stuff regarding geometry set up, flight characteristics, etc. But they balk at the "top of the tank, centre of the carb" thing by always saying "What if the plane is inverted?". I'm sure Jon has answered this elsewhere, but I can't find it. I want to be able to answer back with something tangible, help!
  15. Great job so far, watching closely as I have a WR P51D I must get started on!
  16. Absolutely. It was a largely copy/paste exercise for me (and having to replace a weird character with a ti / another with ft /another with tt. Strangely formatted on mac!
  17. Ooh I like that they now include a 6oz SLEC tank as standard. That's what I stuck in my Hien. I approve!
  18. I also understood having not pointy TE's on the wing tends to reduce a wing stalling, so I don't think you've been dreaming it!
  19. I've received a box just a few minutes ago too. It's the right shape to be a model aeroplane kit. And it has Richard's name on it as the sender... It will be stuck under tree to open on Xmas day! I'll shunt it to the front of the queue though to be as concurrent as possible with the other mass builders on here...
  20. So there are 27 pages of this thread and I wonder if there's a "lazy persons summary"? I think I've been pretty slack keeping up with aeromodelling matters this year (two too many funerals), but would be happy to push this to my committee to see if we can get our members to complete a questionnaire. Is there anywhere which provides a list of the links to the pertinent stuff? I didn't see a "Sticky" on the first page? David
  21. I'd also be all over a sea fury like a rash. That thing is pretty. @RICHARD WILLS do you have any FW190 spare and available?
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