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Calling all Mass Builders

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The idea of letting models through to the final of the mass build was to encourage a wider take up. Indeed over 60 people said they would take part.

Mmmm? Where are you all then? Looking through the section I count just 13 build blogs - 5 Barnstormers, 3 Dawn Flyers, 3 Pushy Cats, 1 Mini jazz and 1 Mini Tyro.

Not impressive sad

Now it might be that there are loads getting built but they are not being blogged. If so that is an enormous pity and lost opportunity. The point of the Mass build is to share the experience of building.

For those of you who are experienced builders it isn't the point to just say "I'm going to build an X" then two months later, bingo "Here's a picture of my finished X" - that's not going to help anyone!

You might be thinking "well I'm not really an expert to show others how to do it". By "experienced builder" we don't mean "expert" - we just mean someone who built a model or two before, can basically read a plan and knows how to stick one piece of balsa to another! Its not an exam! Its a bit of fun.

So come on let's see a bit more detail from you builders if you are secretly out there furiously constructing Mini-Jazzes etc. in secret!

Now, those of you hoping to learn from this process and maybe follow a build blog - why aren't you blogging yourself? The idea is for everyone to share what they're doing and your build blog is every bit as important as that of the most accomplished builder. We want to see your progress and we can all help more if we can see were you are up to what you're trying to do. So, if you're a building newbie - start blogging your progress. The more the better!

To see an example of what I mean take a look at previous Mass Build forum boards like this - see loads of blogs from experienced builders and learners alike - much better. Loads of fun and atmosphere

And if you just haven't started yet - well get a flamming move on mate!

These models are our choice and lots of people shaped that choice by voting and also remember we did ask folks not to vote unless thay had a clear intention to build! So lets get cracking and telling each other what were doing. Let's see a lot more build blogs of these great models from builders at all stages of experience.


Edited By Biggles' Elder Brother - Moderator on 13/01/2014 23:07:36

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I think there are lots getting built, but many are being showed in the general threads (like the club house and hangar) rather than separate build logs. I enjoy watching the mass build logs even though I cannot participate, so I didn't vote or sign up. I remembered when I started my first build log on the Domino, I was quite nervous to be showing my work to the 30,000 people on here who have much more experience than I, I haven't done as detailed a log since in fact, so this may be a factor too. The builds that are happening are proving most enjoyable to watch.


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crying hands up guilty as charged. I didn't sign up for the mass build, but keep sticking my 2penneth in.

also took a shine to a Pushy Cat, which I've just started. I shall post a bit of what I've done so far, but pictures will have to wait till I learn how to post them. when they turn up inverted i'll expect a bit of leeway.cheeky

I quite fancy the Vickers- Supermarine 'Vindex' as well

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Ok, I'm busted, started a blog and let it fizzle!

Truth be told, with everything thats been going on here I have had to put a few things on hold, including both my Dawn Flyers.

But as luck would have it, I have one more meeting today with my business advisor and then I can get the board "tidied" up again and get cracking with the DFers (I'm hoping my 200% DF will be my test bed for my little business venture! - Not producing it Linds so don't panic lol)

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That's fantastic guys - good news. So let's see lots of build blogs - from the experienced and the inexperienced. And don't be put off from doing one because you think "Oh well, so-and-so has done one - no point in me doing one as well" We all have different ways of doing things and its part of the fun to see the shear scope of variation in approach, techniques etc., that arises out of one plan! And anyway - like a lot of others on here I just enjoy reading build blogs! smile


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  • 2 months later...

Good post Martyn. Thanks for the prod to you and to BEB. I started my Mini Jazz this week and have made good progress, for me that is! So number 30 as soon as I find out how to do blogs, post photos and this morning dodge powercuts in this Mediterranean outpost of Spain.

Have decided to go with the smaller engine OS Max 10 with a small tank and go as light as possible.

For the uninitiated, is a blog a series of ordinary posts with photos or is there a special format, trick, method ???

Because I couldn't make my mind up between Mini Jazz and Dawn Flyer I signed up for both. The Jazz looked easier though so I thought that should come first. I have just completed a West Wings Orion as a practice model to get my hand in after a long break and found that cyano is brilliant, especially for sticking things like wing sheeting to the bench.

I have read about many people having trouble staining the balsa on DF where glue has seeped in. This gave me an idea and I have a fair amount of very thin mahogany planking left over from a model ship build and I am going to give this a try. Either on its own or as a veneer over balsa. The mahogany may not even require staining and will acquire a lovely patina over time (hoping it lives long enough).

Anyway - off to learn how to blog and any tips welcomed.

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Hi Levanter

Basically, take a few photos as you go along and upload them to a personal Album

Start your blog - write away and insert photos to illustrate where you are up to, what problems you are experiencing or just ask for help. The little camera icon above the dialogue box links to you albums and select your photo.

Depending on which browser you use seems to depend on what happens to the cursor. What I do before I start is press enter a few times to create lots of empty lines then go back to the top and start typing and inserting photos. Invariably after inserting a photo, the cursor goes back to the top so press down until you get under your photo and start typing again.

When you want to update it, just reply to your own blog and update..

That's about it..

Good luck, I look forward to reading all about it as my Jazz is well under way


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Difficult to say off hand Martyn - I'll check later. In terms of build blogs its probably getting to be about par for the course. But I suspect that a significantly greater number of models have been build that were never blog and we don't know about. Which is a pity!

So if you've built a Nass Build 2014 model - or in the process of doing so - and haven't "piped up" yet - don't keep it a secret. We'd love to hear from you - even if only to say hello and well done!


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I'm guilty as my wife bought my Dawn Flyer pack for Christmas, but due to ill health of both the wife and myself I haven't had the attention span to start a new build. In fact if you have been following my Vickers Valiant build, you'll see that I hadn't done anything for a long time, but then spent a few days getting it to a standard to take it along to RAF Cosford for a Jaguar car meet in March for photographic purposes. Since that day it has been left untouched. Second to this, we are having to move to a bigger house so that we can look after the in-laws due to their ill health, and have just started the buying/selling process, so pretty soon everything will be packed away for the move, and then the arduous task of settling in and decorating etc.

So I hold my hands up, and will hopefully be working on it, and all of my other kits as soon as possible!

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Thanks John. I paired off two birds but although they are clearly "paired" I had no sign of interest in the nest box, so when we found out that we were putting the house on the market, I returned them back to the flight as I don't want to move eggs or young chicks, and the possibility of breaking the bond with them and the parents. I'll give the breading another go around September/November time.

As for work, I go back next Friday, so no more lay ins (not that I've had much sleep due to spates of insomnia lasting 3 days at a time!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All

I will be uploading a Depron build of a Tyro 45" span shortly - After much nudging and cajoling from Danny F & Chris B, As I'm new to this pls be patient all will be revealed starting next week when I'm allowed out and not entertaining children (1/2 terms should be for adults we need the rest!)

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