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NGH 17cc petrol what to put it in

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I have a surplus NGH 17cc petrol engine and cannot decide what to put it in plane wise . I know that a 9cc NGH is 46-50 ish but not sure what the petrol 17cc equates too . Anyone put the NGH 17cc in anything interesting and what size was it ? It looks a big lump when it's your hand but I'm using a G5 plug so no battery and cdi ( got toasted in a fire) so weighs little less. Any successful marriages using NGH 17cc out there ? Or should I sell it and buy a Zenoah .

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Posted by Brian Dorricott 1 on 28/08/2020 19:57:01:

I have a surplus NGH 17cc petrol engine and cannot decide what to put it in plane wise . I know that a 9cc NGH is 46-50 ish but not sure what the petrol 17cc equates too . Anyone put the NGH 17cc in anything interesting and what size was it ? It looks a big lump when it's your hand but I'm using a G5 plug so no battery and cdi ( got toasted in a fire) so weighs little less. Any successful marriages using NGH 17cc out there ? Or should I sell it and buy a Zenoah .

Help me understand please Brian

How can the motor be used without an ignition ando

Somehow the 90 motor is to be used in a 60 size model

Thank you

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As the NGH 17cc is already a petrol engine if you put in the G5 plug and ignite it voila it runs no differently from using the CDI pack . As my CDI packs all got burned in a fire but the engines were elsewhere £7 for a G5 plug or £50+ for a CDI was a no brainer ! This setup is no different to the smallest petrol OS 2 stroke but is only applicable to petrol engines with same size thread as a glow plug . No extra battery and CDI weight to worry about , the only real downside is the bark of the engine despite buying a "quiet" exhaust from JE . It is a little loud at WOT and the noise a gruff bark but that's nothing really to do with ignition swop but the exhaust design . Look up OS GGT10 petrol engine that's the same setup and OS don't usually get it wrong !

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