Rich Griff Posted December 28, 2020 Share Posted December 28, 2020 Anyone else got a Twister ninja250 helo? How is yours and how well does it auto take off and land ? Over Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peter haywood 1 Posted December 29, 2020 Share Posted December 29, 2020 Rich, I had one and it was terrible to try and fly. In auto lift off it would just go straight up into the ceiling and would not auto hover. When put into maual mode the transmitter was useless, as much as I tried it was uncontrollable.It ended up in the bin. Just for interest l am a member of the Llyen mac club and learning to fly helis. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rich Griff Posted December 29, 2020 Author Share Posted December 29, 2020 Thanks for the reply, I used to be a Llyn club member, but transport problems ( mother in law passeda away so lost diggs ) prevents us from travel to there. Brilliant club and slope soaring site. Will persevere with the ninja, very small hops to begin with. Wish me luck. Your relatively local to Penrhos then? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trevor Posted December 29, 2020 Share Posted December 29, 2020 Hmmm, I have one of these on the way as a prize from the Advent draw. Until I read Peter’s comments, I was quite looking forward to it! I’ll let you know how I get on in due course. My benchmark will be the cheap and cheerful WLToys V911. Trevor Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peter haywood 1 Posted December 29, 2020 Share Posted December 29, 2020 Trevor, maybe I had a bad one I do not know. The transmitter is not set up as normal and to me felt out of kilter, also did not perform as it said on the box or instructions Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John Wagg Posted December 29, 2020 Share Posted December 29, 2020 Is the Twister the same as this Eashine e129? **LINK** There are Utube vid's and show auto takeoff but no normal pilot controlled that I can see. Think I have just answered my own query. It may be similar but the battery type is different and has a different connection. Edited By John Wagg on 29/12/2020 14:33:09 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bob Cotsford Posted December 29, 2020 Share Posted December 29, 2020 Are you sure about the batteries John? They look to use the same package as the Twister that came with my subscription and nothing like any others I've seen eg the E-Sky F150 type. And no, I haven't tried it out yet! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rich Griff Posted December 29, 2020 Author Share Posted December 29, 2020 Looking at the banggood pictures it looks the same as the ninja250 I have in front of me, battery looks the same also... Bob, please Could you check under the canopy/bubble, is there a "vacant" white 3pin connect block on the PCB r/h/s? I have e mailed j Perkins but don't expect a reply untill the new year. Mine also does not do what it says on the box... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bob Cotsford Posted December 29, 2020 Share Posted December 29, 2020 Yes Rich, it's marked 'WiFi'. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rich Griff Posted December 29, 2020 Author Share Posted December 29, 2020 Thanks Bob, so it is. Just had another tethered flight. After much trimming (10 or so bleeps to the right, aileron ) it flies much better, nearly hovers properly. A few more lights like that and I feel confident to let it "go", but keeping real calm gentle stick movements. I always set throttle and giro during prep and once the helo led tells ok, I hold the helo and press button a. Will keep trying and give feedback. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bob Cotsford Posted December 29, 2020 Share Posted December 29, 2020 Having had a look at the Banggood video links I'd say that there are significant differences between the two. The Eachine box is predominantly white with an Eachine logo, the Twister box is silver/grey with a Twister logo. The Eachine appears to come with a helipad mousemat, the Twister doesn't, The Eachine is shown with three battereies supplied, the Twister with only one though there are depressions in the box liner for another three. The Eachine has an orange based colour scheme, the Twister is red and white. The Twister transmitter has a paper Twister brand label on the front, the Eachine is bare. So there you have it, two distinct machines Interestingly in the second video the narrator compares the E129 with the E119 showing the mechanics of the two to be identical so spres for the Twister should be easy to order from Banggood. In the first video the attempts to destroy the helicopter resulted in the loss of a tooth from the plastic main gear so it might be worth ordering a spare. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rich Griff Posted December 29, 2020 Author Share Posted December 29, 2020 Good forward thinking, wonder if those gears will fit a graupner r/c bike ? Parts listed in back of ninja manual, and on j Perkins site, prey they have them in stock. 1/2 hour to go for bat re charge... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John Wagg Posted December 29, 2020 Share Posted December 29, 2020 Still not convinced the battery fitting is the same.? In the Twister the battery is just pushed into the holder and it's connected. On the Eachine, according to the videos, you push the battery in and then connect the small white plug that you can see hanging down. ? Regarding the number of batteries it can be bought with 3 or 4 and effects the price. ??? Otherwise the flying and controls look to be just the same. I have an old WLtoys from 3 or 4 years back but I can't get the batteries for it. They changed the style of connection. Pity really as it still works. I considered using the parts for a mini plane but don't know how the auto gyro would effect it. But that's for another topic (sorry). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rich Griff Posted December 29, 2020 Author Share Posted December 29, 2020 Just had another tethered flight but with a bit more freedom for the helo, and once trimmed for a hover, it hovers much better. Must be me getting more used to flying it. The trim changes with throttle so will be quite busy when it comes to releasing it. More practise... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skippers Walker Posted December 30, 2020 Share Posted December 30, 2020 Bought a Ninja 250 with a hope to fly it at our group indoor gatherings ( whenever that happens again!!). Reading the recent posts I'm a tad nervous about getting it out of the box let alone flying the thing! I'll watch and wait for more comments perhaps. SW Great news the Oxford vaccine has just been approved...perhaps a chance for future freedom? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rich Griff Posted December 30, 2020 Author Share Posted December 30, 2020 Hi sw, take it out of the box and readreadread the manual. I "hold" mine by the boom very close to the led. I "take off" with button a. This allows me to see and feel what the helo is doing and it's reaction to stick movement. When confident, loop your finger thumb thru a skid and control. Eventually you can open your grip ( but don't let go! ) to give the helo more "freedom" and trim so it hovers freely, but still contained. When your entirely happy ( and now much better with your sticks ) try small hops on the ground, and progress from there. As said I have to trim the helo else it just flies off. A bit like driving on ice... Edited By Rich Griff on 30/12/2020 09:50:07 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rich Griff Posted December 30, 2020 Author Share Posted December 30, 2020 Ps, make a suitable size Heli pad, so grass, mud and carpet fluffy etc has less chance of tangling with the gears and motor shafts etc. It also gives you a target to fly and land on when the time comes. Can a helo Bmfa A test be taken with One of these helos, another target to work to? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dwain Dibley. Posted December 30, 2020 Share Posted December 30, 2020 I'm not sure but, i think the heli has to be unaided, ie no stabilization ( apart from the tail giro) Please don't shoot me down if that is incorrect. It was the case when I did my Heli "A" I have found that a lot of these small helis are a night mare until they are in the air. I used to just get em up there and see what happened. I recommend starting on a bigger model, if you are serious about learning to fly helicopters. Learning the hover is the hardest part, but once you crack it, the rewards are plentiful. D.D. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Martin Harris - Moderator Posted December 30, 2020 Share Posted December 30, 2020 Correct - in order to take an A test, the definition of a qualifying model is that it should have a mass greater than 1kg and if you let go of the controls the model should start to depart from the stable hover. You can certainly take a Basic Proficiency Test though. Edited By Martin Harris - Moderator on 30/12/2020 13:40:08 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rich Griff Posted January 4, 2021 Author Share Posted January 4, 2021 I have had an e mail reply from Perkins who distribute this helo, basically saying what is says in the helo manual. I have replied outlining the problem again and suggesting they ( Geoff, customer service ) take one from stock and try it themselves/him self. I will wait for the reply. Perhaps it's time to do a review of this helo on here? Any others of you on here get one for Xmas and how does it perform ? Edited By David Ashby - Moderator on 22/01/2021 16:12:14 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Michael Linacre Posted January 4, 2021 Share Posted January 4, 2021 Hi Rich, Sorry to read of your troubles,i had the Firefox from h/k which is basically the same in different colours afaik. It does just what it is supposed to do and really is good to fly,but i am used to flying bigger helis anyway. Good from these Petrincic Bros RC on you tube Edited By David Ashby - Moderator on 22/01/2021 16:12:35 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trevor Posted January 4, 2021 Share Posted January 4, 2021 Still waiting for mine from the advent prize draw. I’ll let you know how I get on as soon as I can. Trevor Edited By David Ashby - Moderator on 22/01/2021 16:12:50 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rich Griff Posted January 4, 2021 Author Share Posted January 4, 2021 Hi Trevor, take your time with it. When it's ready to fly, link the throttle and set the gyro's. Check the trims are central ( trim 1 bleep, then back opposite way to hear long bleep. Do this for all trims, did the throttle trim bleep at all ? When done, hold the helo and press button A, auto take off. You will " feel" any out of trim. Set throttle for very slight climb, then trim out for hover. Mine seems to need 15 bleeps right aileron and 10 rear elevator at hover rotor speed. If you hook your finger and thumb thru one of the skids, you will feel any out of trim. When trimmed for the hover ( change in rotor speed unsets trim ) I gradually gave the helo more "freedom". Eventually I just let go and it did hover for a minute but was not rock steady. You really need a sports hall for still air and airspace. Do not fly outside as they tend to disappear quickly. Take your time. Still waiting for reply from Perkins about the office test of one taken from stock. Will let you know the outcome. Edited By David Ashby - Moderator on 22/01/2021 16:13:08 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dwain Dibley. Posted January 4, 2021 Share Posted January 4, 2021 here is a video showing it all working, one of Perkins "Boys" at the controls. D.D. Edited By David Ashby - Moderator on 22/01/2021 16:13:23 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeffrey Cottrell 2 Posted January 4, 2021 Share Posted January 4, 2021 Hi Guys I bought an E129 from Bangood, and then got a Ninja 250 with my RCME subscription. As far as I can tell, they are identical. Apart from the colour scheme, mecanically and electronically, they match. Batteries/chargers are interchangeable, even either transmitter will fly either model. Have to say they both perform very well. Auto take off and auto land both work as expected, but I was most surprised by how accurate the altitude hold was. Not sure how it works, but it could tell the difference between 2' and 4'. All this for £41, from BG or free from RCME. Have to say, Rich, if you're having problems, it does point to a faulty machine rather than a poor design. Only thing I found different was that the Ninja manual was much more helpful concerning the top right (mode change) button. Both my models are mode 2, which is what I fly, so I have not needed to test it, but it seems that to change modes it is necessary to hold down the mode change button as you switch the tx on. Also you need to do this every time you switch on, otherwise it defaults to the original mode. Can't imagine this is producing the issues you have, but handy to know anyway. Good luck Jeff Edited By David Ashby - Moderator on 22/01/2021 16:13:36 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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