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Everything posted by PatMc

  1. No, it's still within VLOS. You can stil accurately control it's direction of travel & general attitude but not necessarily judge if it's turning in an efficient manner.
  2. I agree as far as "normal" powered models are concerned but believe it's a "legitimate tool" for some "pure" & electric gliders for at least part of their flight. When a thermal glider is at thermal search altitude &/or several hundred metres horizontal distant it is often impossible to judge the yaw/bank combination. Also with some gliders that employ either full crow or partial up ailerons as spoilers during landing the aileron effectiveness reduces significantly, IMO in this situation CAR is a reasonable remedy. That said I only ever use CAR that can be switched on or off during flight.
  3. The Wright brothers were aware of adverse yaw effect and it's cause in their gliders before their first powered flight. By the time of the first powered flight they had already arranged to counter it with rudder coupled to their (aileron equivalent) wing warping control.
  4. I certainly know a lot more about it than I used to, you've proved an ideal demonstrater. 🤣
  5. I've nearly always used Canopy glue but have tried CA which was a disaster. It caused the canopy to look opaque in places, found out later that this is common.
  6. I may have posted this linked true tale before but IMO it's worth reading & it's aircraft / drone related. The Battle of Palmdale .
  7. Currys have a "recycle old tech" policy that at my nearest branch includes a collection box near the door. I've dropped tech odds & ends in it in the past (including dry batteries). The branch is a lot more convenient than the council tip, next time I'm at that shopping centre I'll try to remember to drop of a couple of discharged lipos that I have.
  8. Or the spar to be repaired, which isn't necessarily difficult with either balsa or spruce using decent quality pva & some thin beech ply.
  9. Don't build to survive crashes, build to reduce the chance of them happening. And prangs are not inevitable during the training stage !!
  10. There's nothing wrong with the wing strength as designed, however the wing attachment method was designed with FF only stresses in mind. The long stretch the rubber bands have from the front dowel to the wing LE is prone to allowing the LE to lift off it's seat in even moderately high G manoeuvers leading to possible wing failure. It's really the front cabin area of the fuselage that needs to be slightly modified to allow the front wing dowel to be fixed at a higher position or peg & screw wing fixing employed.
  11. Fashion, belief in myth, grasping at straws, gullibility ...
  12. PatMc

    Drone hysteria

    If you haven't been following "it" how on earth do you justify your opening post ?
  13. PatMc

    Drone hysteria

    How do you know that the night fliers in the USA are breaking any laws ? Several people have been tracked down & prosecuted in the UK. Some being caught in the act, others due to there own stupidity for posting on YT. I would think that only a very small percentage warrant more than a warning & only a few of those prosecuted interest the press sufficiently to make it into print, even then only in their local rag.
  14. Not every BMFA member flies rc models.
  15. PatMc

    Drone hysteria

    What has your question got to do with this topic ❓️
  16. If it's any help here is a link to the thread showing how I refurbished & converted my Jnr 60 from IC to electric. Regarding model's RTF weight before refurb it was 1871g after it dropped to 1725g. The cg moved back from the Flair kit plan position to aprox 40% & model handles just as benignly but with a better glide & wider speed envelope. Regarding the motor, what weight & KV is yours ? A heavier & potentialy more powerful than necessary motor is a good way to reduce any required nose weight. The power can be limited by limmiting the prop size, which also means the motor is having an easy life. PS I forgot to mention that when IC powered the wheels were sometimes replaced by floats & flown from a local small lake & from Kielder lake. I also flew it with the floats from snow & wet grass. The floats increased the weight to 2240g which didn't have any ill effect on the model's general handling.
  17. BTW Phil, I hadn't seen that RCG post until today - a bit too late to answer it now but it does agree with my opinion on why so many have problems with vintage models. IMO the plan revivalists should only make changes they can justify or at least point out where they have made any changes & why.
  18. Because it's not necessary. The cg shown on all modern copies of both original plans are estimates made by the whoever drew the particular copy. The original KK plans of both versions of the Jnr 60 doesn't show or mention the cg position. As mentioned by Phil Green in a post yesterday my model now has the cg @ around 40% (It's actually about 1.3" behind that shown on the Flair version plan). It might have ended further back still but since it flew (flies) with no vices with that particular balance there was no point changing it.
  19. Remember that the voltage of each cell is being measured by a different bit of circuitry within the charger. There is no guarantee that all of these circuits have been accurately or evenly calibrated.
  20. A water quality check showed that none of them are actualy swimming - they're just going through the motions. 🤔
  21. Sorry but that's a myth. The old sparkies were generaly much lighter than modern engines & the associated spark providing equipment was usually installed in an area under the wing to help with the model's balance - rather like we might choose where to site batteries & servos.
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