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Andy Meade

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Everything posted by Andy Meade

  1. And it's been bumped back in the queue after his JP build too! T33's next I think.
  2. Ah, I got an email after passing that showed me exactly what to do, well done BMFA 👍
  3. I have no idea where to upload my new certificate - anyone done this successfully yet?
  4. Usually anything out of the ordinary. Most of my fleet are gliders, so canards and big deltas etc feature heavily. On the PSS side, I prefer stuff that's rarely modelled and flown in the genre - i.e. F104, Hawker Typhoon, SBD, C17 etc. There are some modern jets I do like the look of, but mostly my juices get flowing for anything from British WW2 to British Cold War.
  5. I followed the same method on my big 262. Just make sure there's a sealing coat of varnish down before you get into the oils, as at least you can get rid of mistakes or make changes without affecting the paintwork underneath.
  6. A few more shots of the big Schwalbe from this year's PSS Fest on the Lleyn Peninsula. Still flying great, now has more decals, weathering, pilot etc.
  7. A fantastic long event, with 9 days of flying out of 10 on the slopes. Great pics too Phil, many thanks.
  8. "hybrid" pinch, and a harness most of the time. Very useful for solo slope launching.
  9. Its the last Weston Park show to be organised and run by the Bishops, not necessarily the last one ever. We had great fun from Thursday night till Sunday afternoon with all of my other flying buddies there, some great buys in the swap meet again, and stocked up on balsa and hardware.
  10. She looked the part Phil, great work. I'll try and get one of my Sea Hawks sorted for the next even so we can fly some formations 🙂
  11. Such a shame, never knew about the triple champ bit. Blue skies Chris.
  12. Can you post some pictures of the nose - one side elevation, one plan view? And then maybe some accurate measurements of width and height, then I can create the files quickly to the right size.
  13. I've still got my Dad's half-started Aerotech Welly in the container - she'll be PSS at some point Chris 😉
  14. It's possible to flash a 3rd party firmware onto the controller so it transmits at a higher power output, thus extending the range.
  15. Hi Jason, Thanks for the kind comment. I don't have any video of it myself - it's pretty rare actually that any video is taken at our meets.
  16. Hi Chris, sorry to hear of the trials and tribulations of the non-modelling life. I hope everything gets back on track soon with mobility and then the modelling. Take care. Andy
  17. A few still appear on the BMFA ads every now and then - people clearing out lofts I guess?
  18. That's good to hear Cuban - I've recently been voted in as Treasurer and member administrator at our club, and I'm slowly moving everything from cheques and a paper membership list (!!) to an online shared spreadsheet of members and a bank that has an app for scanning cheques if need be. I'm totally lost on the membership admin side of things (I'd heard about stickers and SAE's and all sorts of steam powered horror), so hearing that it's a simple online affair now is music to my ears!
  19. One other thing with your Z height - I seem to remember that the offset goes straight in to the settings but doesn't move the axis in case of collision. Check your readout on the printer - that should change once you applied your offset. If you then need to check zero, go to move axis and jog it down - the offset should have stuck.
  20. Do you include the bed level and "store" in your Gcode in the slicer software? That's where I tend to keep it, which means I don't have to click on it manually on the printer hardware - each print is preceded by a full bed level. I just pullled this from my Cura profile for my Ender 5 Plus; M420 S1 Z2 ;Enable ABL using saved Mesh and Fade Height
  21. Rich - just join the Lleyn MAC, we're not that far away. We've registered all the slopes through the BMFA too, and we're sorting a NOTAM for the flat field site to allow higher flying - great for when we start having aerotow meets next year.
  22. Hi Roger, I know you from many years of RCG I think 👋
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