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Frank Day

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Everything posted by Frank Day

  1. Clear Sanitary silicon from Screwfix/Toolstation/Wickes. De-grease the contact surfaces first.
  2. Doing a little thinning and resisted the temptation to visit the boxes of hidden essentials in the loft this winter! Never had any luck here selling. The van option is probably the best but going a little further east than France after my vote for New Aquitaine was rejected 1-1 in a fair vote apparently. Perhaps a look at wooden cases may be in order.
  3. Looks like a silly question even to me. Moving long distance and taking the babies with me. Some will dismantle for regular boxes and some wont which is the concern. I could get a van and do that bit myself but not keen and a van for 20 kg of foam etc! Anyone aware of suitable packaging. Plus looking for a Eflite Draco original box if there one going within reasonable striking distance of the M11
  4. A tip I was given with foamies and others that require the servo to be glued in is to wrap the servo in heat shrink tube, shrink it of course and glue that in. should it need to come out again cut the tube peel out the shrink and Bobs your trans auntie.
  5. I bought some exhaust gasket paper online a while back. possibly from Westons.
  6. 4x electric and a sound system? and a huge van or truck to transport it.
  7. Local recycling centre accepts them here.
  8. My experience is "mate" also wants your for sale item. Guessing some bouncing payment scheme or "I didnt receive the item" scam. Facebook scam is someone who clearly has no RC knowledge wants your item and is sending a Uber with a sealed envelope with cash.
  9. Loud high pitch ringing with up and down sounds within it, left ear and in head, past illness and previous working life. Got used to/ignore it.
  10. Easyjet pilots who cant deal with the the controls working in the "wrong direction" (model coming towards you)
  11. True on the sockets, very nice cave.
  12. Only a observation, perhaps a few more double sockets!
  13. Perhaps it never flew as it just went around in circles on the ground. The ic models could have interesting set ups as well.
  14. Mechanics gloves keep the cold out a ilttle without losing feel. Xtremeauto Nitrile Gloves If I need to shove both hands into a muff its going to be too cold
  15. Octopus. I work in construction. Insulate as much as you can, external foam panels if there are no restrictions on your property and K render. internally you could use foil back foam panels with plaster board on all external walls without eating up too much space. Glue 9.5mm plasterboard to 50mm foam (Celatex etc) fix to wall and joint and tape. make your own, way cheaper than buying them. Roof space and voids. Ceramic wall panels are an option, do you have roof access for solar panels. Friend has heat pump but had to retrofit underfloor heating for best results, radiators simply didnt get warm enough. If seems to attempt to gain 20C over outside temperature he has boosted this to 22c over outside temp but costs increase.
  16. Combined IC and electric box. Stanley wheeled 3 tier tool box bottom section has a deep discharge 12v caravan/boat battery, linked to a lipo charger good for 15plus 5000mah 6S charges or so. Jack plug for charging and a power panel with inbuilt fuel pump, starter etc. Top section has 5l fuel tank with external overflow. Centre section has plenty of room for tools and batteries. USB phone charging point. Not pocket sized but good for one particular site.
  17. I think the principle is the same its just price range, 400mm gyro assisted model warbirds generally, Aliexpress £40-ish RTF. My flyaway was the Trainstar mini 3ch Highwing. At least its another youngster, will bring the members average age down significantly https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/1005007992695717.html?src=google&pdp_npi=4%40dis!GBP!66.45!41.89!!!!!%40!12000043187511933!ppc!!!&src=google&albch=shopping&acnt=494-037-6276&isdl=y&slnk=&plac=&mtctp=&albbt=Google_7_shopping&aff_platform=google&aff_short_key=UneMJZVf&gclsrc=aw.ds&albagn=888888&ds_e_adid=&ds_e_matchtype=&ds_e_device=c&ds_e_network=x&ds_e_product_group_id=&ds_e_product_id=en1005007992695717&ds_e_product_merchant_id=108910576&ds_e_product_country=GB&ds_e_product_language=en&ds_e_product_channel=online&ds_e_product_store_id=&ds_url_v=2&albcp=17859500389&albag=&isSmbAutoCall=false&needSmbHouyi=false&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAouG5BhDBARIsAOc08RRZ4Yjs2SCT2rELXQDxYqCNUl2pz1LLMuWtM7pdHQo1CGMjmMaPaEUaAgmyEALw_wcB&gatewayAdapt=glo2nld
  18. Its all in the "have a go" tootle around in a public area sub 250g or "have ago" A cert route hence my suggestion of the FMS 1300mm Piper at aliexpress for around £140-200 RTF or a UMX 400mm BNF at almost the same price plus TX. Pretty cert a umx without gyro is going lawn dart pretty quickly even without the butterfly waft.
  19. I personally had one disappear in the wind that suddenly caught it near to the end of a flight, couldnt get it back before it disappeared and I'm not the only one at our site, one guy saw his UMX Mustang suddenly head off in the wind. May be something with the wind at our site that tends to be across it mostly with plenty of trees etc. I love the idea but seeing two disappear makes you think twice. I have a pair of the Parkzone Mosquitos Micro type, one is standard no stabilization and the other im trying to fit the board from the B26 or whatever its is. As for a beginner plane the consensus on this site always seems to be bigger is better, visibility, stability of a high wing etc. If the youngster that this tread is about wants to do the A test a fully stabilised UMX 400mm isnt going to be suitable, that was the real point of the comment.
  20. The 400mm wee things are nice but get blown about if a butterfly flaps its wings. I would go for a ready to fly/ RTF package . One that comes to mind is the FMS 1300m piper. Its a good visible size but also easy to transport. Sorry about the length of the link it is genuine. The price in the link can be beaten if you search around a little. https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/1005006949931826.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.7.638dzEfszEfs4J&algo_pvid=b78b01c9-a3b5-4216-b5c2-8df7ea0ce513&algo_exp_id=b78b01c9-a3b5-4216-b5c2-8df7ea0ce513-3&pdp_npi=4%40dis!GBP!256.71!141.19!!!2287.97!1258.38!%40211b6a7a17317086285105541ed9b2!12000038827913147!sea!UK!169952903!X&curPageLogUid=e4qeh0kPWFDZ&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch|query_from%3A&_gl=1*8fioc3*_gcl_aw*R0NMLjE3MzE3MDg2MzEuQ2owS0NRaUFfOXU1QmhDVUFSSXNBQmJNU1BzamNOcFkxakVHSGhuYktDSUhqTFBiZGpYblA5VzFGanB4Y1l5d0RvdW1samZINGktOHA2MGFBaUpERUFMd193Y0I.*_gcl_dc*R0NMLjE3MzE3MDg2MzEuQ2owS0NRaUFfOXU1QmhDVUFSSXNBQmJNU1BzamNOcFkxakVHSGhuYktDSUhqTFBiZGpYblA5VzFGanB4Y1l5d0RvdW1samZINGktOHA2MGFBaUpERUFMd193Y0I.*_gcl_au*MTIyNDQwNDc2LjE3MjQ5NTkwNzQ.*_ga*ODgyODE0MTAuMTcxNjg5Mjg4NQ..*_ga_VED1YSGNC7*MTczMTcwODU3Mi45MS4xLjE3MzE3MDg2NjQuNDIuMC4w
  21. Really just wanted some spares but it made more sense to buy the whole thing due to the free post rather than £65p+p for a few bits.
  22. Hot on the heels of the new camo Vampire is the updated Canadian version. Only at the Global warehouse so far and going fast. I've already preordered a camo from UK and have already received a Camo model from Global with freepost. Noticed the Canadian now for sale again and looked to buy spares for my existing model but they attracted a £65 p+p tag from HK. So have ordered a whole Canadian version as well. If interested it would be wise to move quickly.
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