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Another Newbie

Mike Freeman 2

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Hi all,

I have recently started to get into RC flying. I was into the hobby when I was young and built a Tinker from a kit but I never had enough money for either the engine or radio gear so it just sat in my bedroom.

I like the idea of building and balsa rather than ARTF and foam. I just bought a Super 60 kit and am enjoying building this. I do not have any experience in actually flying though (I do fly the real thing and am building one of those too but that is a different story) so that will be the next step.

I do like the idea of IC but looking at the electric gear available now it seems like this is the way forward. I just bought some electric gear for this aircraft (motor, ESC, Servos and battery) based on a thread online of an electric conversion ofthis aircraft. It doesn't however go on to say how this was all fitted so that is something I need to work out.

If I finish this in time I may take part in the mass build as it seems a good way to learn from those with much more experience.


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As regards flying RC I think most would say flying at a club is preferable and tuition is near essential even for experienced full size pilots. Most clubs give free tuition. If you state your approx area then probably someone will suggest a club, otherwise check the BMFA website for a club. Insurance is essential and BMFA membership ( via a club ) provides this. Flying RC is not as easy as it looks and thats the addictive part!

There are various ways to electrify glow models and I prefer to move the engine bulkhead forward to enable the Lipo to go as far forward as possible to achieve CG without lead ballast. I think your Super 60 will have engine bearers instead of a bulkhead, if so look at this idea by PatMac which might suit. Note that this shows a Junior 60 not a Super 60 which has a longer nose.

Edited By kc on 11/11/2015 12:49:32

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Posted by kc on 11/11/2015 12:48:55:

As regards flying RC I think most would say flying at a club is preferable and tuition is near essential even for experienced full size pilots.

Edited By kc on 11/11/2015 12:49:32

Absolutely, I'm a retired FI(A) and flying RC aircraft is totally different.................the houses don't get bigger or smaller when you push or pull on the control column laugh

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Welcome Mike - and good to hear that you are a builder! Have you cast your vote for the Mass Build yet? If not don't forget to do so. Don't worry if you feel that you can't really select based on experience - just pick one's you like the look of and youI'd like to build and fly! Its all good fun.

I agree with the comment about full size pilots though! I've instructed a couple and they have all found it surprisingly difficult - in a way may be more difficult than it would have been had they never flown full size! I think its mainly the orientation issue that catches them out at first - they are so used to always sitting in the front going in the same direction as the aeroplane is going in! If you haven't done so yet you might benefit from a bit of time practicing on a simulator - it will help with orientation.


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Posted by Mike Freeman 2 on 11/11/2015 21:34:38:

Have cast my vote, will be good to join in the mass build. I take it there will be electric versions of all these built too.

From my brief attempts it is very different to flying the real thing I agree.

Yes Mike I am sure there will be a mixture of electric and IC powered versions. Take your pick!


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Like BEB, I have heard full size pilots exclaim "THis is much harder than flying the full size." One of them said it a couple of seconds before putting my Junior Sixty into the top of a big oak tree

IT was his private runway that we were using so we had to be tactfullaugh

I am sure that there will be detailed threads on the Mass Build showing how to do electric conversions. There is already one for Oodalally if that is chosen.

Don't ask me though. My electric flying is limited to the equipment we used 20 years ago!

Edited By Peter Miller on 13/11/2015 08:32:03

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Hi Mike. Welcome to the forum. I fly at ARA **LINK** Which is at Sellindge which is about 10 minutes along from junction 10. It is a great friendly club and has a well kept grass strip and as you can see below is in a beautiful location surrounded by fields. The only drawback are the sheep - or rather what they leave around! 


Cheers, Simon

Edited By mightypeesh on 13/11/2015 09:05:14

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