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BMFA 100 years....RCME mass build ?

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Been a while since a mass build, we have new members who've never done one.

What's the feelings out there on having one combining the two above ?

Format was aimed at encouraging new builders and models chosen to suit in the orignal ones, format on this (if done) need not follow suit. Help would still be there for the less experienced.


Purpose for me (you may have your own proposal) is to create something enjoyable to do and some interaction between members/threads. Model ? I don't care what models get built, It's the participants that make It work.

What type of model ? Any type, glider, free flight, sports, scale, etc choice is yours.


Input/opinions please.

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How about a Peter Miller design?  Not sure which one but he's been offering his designs for a long time and it would be good to celebrate that - not that I'm implying that Peter's design output period, though long and distinguished, matches the 100th anniversary of the BMFA ?

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Or a plan from the twenties. We can practice building light and using either issue or laminating film on something that can be quite a quick build. I am sure someone could also do RC recommendations, and others will do a scale up. Outerzone gives a number of options.


I have not finished my RCM&E 60th anniversary kakadu yet...

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The way I see it is;


Any model as long as it is built from plans, not a kit.

Has to be finished this year.

Build reports, photos, queries and answers to be posted on this thread.

Simply linking blogs to the thread not allowed.

Models to be kept to non scale - sports scale types (No hanger queens, or museum pieces). 

Photo of finished model posted on thread (preferably flying).


It would be nice to see progress reports and encouragement in the magazine.

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Good idea John. If it was a "build what you want" without rules, maybe the thrust (see what I did there) could be to get over 100 models built. This could then form one of the centenary strands mentioned in the BMFA mag. By keeping it simple, even people with little spare time or money could take part

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I might be up for a build to celebrate 100 years of the BMFA (SMAE) - maybe something representative of the golden years of early radio modelling? Based on the above it could be the right time to retrieve the Mini Super kit from the kit mountain and have a stab at making that work, coming up to fifty years since my unsuccessful attempt in the early 70's. 

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I have decided what I am building and the topic will be in Peter Miller plan builders. The MB will link to that so if no one else joins in the MB can be deleted and nothing will be lost.


Creating the MB section sends a big message that we are having one and come join in.


For me there has been too much chat already.?

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eBay - or a Ben Buckle version of the Keil Kraft original ought to be suitable.


On which note I opened the Mini Super kit yesterday and had a blimp at the dyelined plan. When I was a youngster I thought my Mini Super was gigantic, but looking at the 48" span plan, it's diddy. I have some decisions to make, if this thing takes off - whether to take part, when to take part, what power train to use for the model. I have an unrun pair of PAW diesels a 1.49 RC and a PAW 15 RC -which is closer to the 2.49 that I had fifty years ago. The alternative, which I'd be more comfortable with would be a brushless outrunner on 3s1p 2200mah. Maybe I could build two fuselages, since I have the plan. ?

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