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john stones 1 - Moderator

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Everything posted by john stones 1 - Moderator

  1. I'm a veggie and tea total, they should ban meat, I don't want to smell of that muck or sit with drunks. I do smoke though but wouldn't in a enclosed space with others, that would be ill mannered.
  2. There was a new poster/member waiting to be approved, our fault so apologies all. Didn't know it held a thread in limbo, but do now. 😉
  3. First thing I did in the early days, was stiffen my sticks, helped me feel the centres better.
  4. Glad you're sorted PDB, been there, done that.
  5. Have asked Admin, to look into why you've no message option Doc.
  6. Forums fine, sent you a message.
  7. Put an APC on, that'll reduce noise as well.
  8. Never seen a picture of Jim from that far back Stu. 👍 Absolute gentleman and helped me many a time when learning to fly.
  9. It pilot related or model related is first port of call, you ok with other models ?
  10. There's been "Cheap Chinese" comments aplenty from the very begining and yet they increased sales and built up a loyal user base. Crashes attributed to dodgy radio is nowt new and it'll not go away. Me ? JR, now with FrSky module and rx's but have no horror stories about any brand.
  11. Cut the bad away, and glue a new strip on would be my choice.
  12. Any other carb a fit for the S.C ? I accept that correct tank height is the ideal we look for, however thousands of models are flown without the ideal being met (myself included), and flown without issue, never in my experience have I met a glow motor that intolerant.
  13. I like, who knows what your capabilities will be or what you'll fly in the future, so no negative comment from me Toto. To quote the famous film " Gonna need a bigger shed". 😉
  14. Welcome back to the hobby and the forum Gram.
  15. Welcome to the forum W, I went through a similar break.
  16. Over 2000 views Carlos, suspect some are similar to me, out of their depth so don't comment ? it's a different and complex build, and a good one to follow. 👍
  17. Have some respect for the thread owner, this long running tit for tat is tiresome.
  18. I believe Noah is thinking of another build. 🐂🐂 ðŸĶĒðŸĶĒ ⛈ïļâ˜”
  19. Hold your cursor over DGs avatar, a box will come up with message option.
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