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Everything posted by SIMON CRAGG

  1. A few more from today. Still playing with the camera, but getting there. Another good (Hot) day at the patch!.
  2. A clubmates Avios MIG yesterday. First time the Nikon has been out for a couple of years.......rusty!.
  3. Thx Chaps The FMS 190 is favourite at the moment, hope to find a damaged one as my last car cost the same as a new model!.
  4. I had the same problem with my aggressor rudder. The only way to get at it, is to carefully cut the foam away under the tail. Glue bits back in place and add blue foam if req. They are not the best glider in terms of finish IMHO. Sold mine.
  5. Brilliant little model, had a lot of fun with mine back in the day!.
  6. Thanks Robin Those are perfect, but way to far away from here at Sunny Swanage!. I have found a few, but they al seem to be from Birmingham northwards. The search continues......................
  7. Thx. Should have made it clearer. Model to be at least 1500mm, so anything over this would be fine. Hopefully something will turn up!.
  8. Thanks chaps Having done a bit more research, it looks as if the motor got that hot it shorted out and just became a big magnet!. Bin job.
  9. A club mate landed his 5 series motor powered P51 in some long grass and did not kill the throttle completely. The motor kept trying to turn and smoked the esc. The motor seemed stiff to turn, and still does, despite changing the bearings. There is no obvious burn marks or damage to the innards. It must be some sort of damage to the windings etc. as the magnets seem to be stopping the motor turning smoothly. Any any ideas...or is it a bin job?.
  10. Wanted, FW 190 or ME109 Foamy. Not the smaller versions, something in the region of 1500mm +. Any condition considered, no matter how battered / broken!
  11. 4-Max covering. The best I, and others in our club have used.
  12. Having had my fair share of pattern ships over the years, it could be caused by an array of faults. There are several excellent trimming guides available on the internet, which go through the trimming stages step by step. Assuming the model is built square etc. etc. It should be fairly easy to find out what is causing the problem. It takes a bit of time, and probably a few visits to the patch, but in the end you should end up with a much better model. Good luck!.
  13. I have recently test flown the EDF version. c/g is ok @ 55mm back from the LE. I found the battery strap was rubbish, to short and too far back, fitted an improved version further forward. I had to cut out a small part of the battery bay to get the 4s 60c 2200mah lipo far enough forward. I had an issue with a lot of slop om the rudder, the only way to get at it was to cut away part of the fus, probably similar for the elevator. I have been launching mine from a dolly, which is not that easy. The EDF is fairly powerful, so the model wants to pitch forward until it reaches flying speed and the wing takes over. So a bit of throttle control need on take off, but once in the air its fine, but disappears easy being thin and small!.
  14. A few of us had these back in the day. If you can tolerate it being far from scale, and having the worst covering known to man..............they flew very well!.
  15. How about a suitably beefed up BB Astro Hog? Had one for many years........fantastic model!.
  16. Another fantastic source of info is "e.calc". I am by far from an expert on all things electric, but this is a very simple way of finding out various combinations of prop / motor /esc etc. I'd be lost without it!
  17. Robbie Cessna 150 foamie, converted to run on x2 50mm EDF Up to 8 minutes flight on a Rhino 3300 4s. It was on its way to the dump, so really pleaded with the result!.
  18. I found a HUGE container of water based polyurethane satin varnish at our local dump (great place for paint and lots of other stuff than can be used for modelling!). Gives a great finish, does not fade, and gives a degree of protection. No sticky brushes to clean either.
  19. This is my latest project. A Robbie Cessna 150 (Hard Foam - a club member was about to scrap it, so in a bit of a state), powered by two QX 50mm EDF motors from Ali Express. 1 x 4S 3300 Rhino lipo. Really enjoyable project, bringing something back from the dead, and my first go at twin ESC / EDF etc. Potters about quite happily for 8 minutes, but has a reserve of power to taxi and get out of trouble. Amazing how much fun you can have without spending a fortune!.
  20. Well done Bonzo for persevering! Having made several of these type of models, I would say it looked tail heavy, maybe too much movement and not enough expo. You did well coping with that wind as well! Please be careful with that prop, I have seen to many bad accidents with exposed pushers. Keep the videos coming...........they are great!.
  21. I have read a few reviews on the Turbnigy Rapid lipos sold by HK UK. I think they are aimed at the car market, but on the face of it cannot see why they would not be any good for our models. Hi C rating, lightweight, good prices etc etc. Am I missing something here?.
  22. Agreed. My mission today is to collate all our various first aid kits into one box, paint a suitable white background and red cross and our just three words location. Also check / find our incident book. Might even talk defibs at some point!.
  23. This topic is turning out to be a bit of a minefield to say the least. Looks like its up to each club just to do what they think is best. Some clubs doing more than others etc etc etc. Needless to say, our little club will be doing as much as possible not only to be as safety conscious as possible, but have as many tools available if it goes pear shaped. Safety is no accident.
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