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Is it permissible?


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I have a brand new kit staring at me, and has been for some months. I have several rebuilds/ repairs waiting to go, and I am halfway through a boat build. Trouble is I'm itching to start the new model.

Is it ok, your opinions, to have multiple projects on the go, and if you do are any of them ever finished. Or do you just keep starting new ones?

Oh get thee behind me temptation.

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of course, I have 4 at least on the go now. one of which just doesn't do it for me and it been partially covered for over six years! (Glens Models Extra and Irvine 53 mk1).

I find that you can work on another project whilst glues dries etc, and also helps to keep you going through boring phases of the build.

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Hi Glyn,

You are not alone.

I'm afraid I find my self in a similar position to you.

Having just completed a design "n" build project I find myself wanting to build again.

I have two repairs in the attic, one of which may be a right off and the other needs serious surgery to the retracts mounting having ripped the ribs apart plus an unfinished p40 kit which just needs painting and finishing off I just cannot seem to get motivated to do so.

On top of this every time I open the cupboard where I keep my un-built kits they call me and they are getting louder. Further more whilst sorting out recently I came across a couple of engines I forgot about wanting a good airframe.

If time and space allow you to have multiple builds projects then go ahead.



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Open the Box Glyn. Do it, do it, do it! You know you want to devil. I sound like the devil on your shoulder!

Seriously though, the hobby is about fun so if a project starts to pal a bit, take a brake from it and start another, otherwise it will become a chore and the hobby will lose its shine. You may even end up building boats. Gasp!

That is my justification for having three projects on the go at any rate. That was until Richard Wills said he had the last Warbird Replicas La-7 sitting in his 'secret cupboard'. So now it is sitting on my building bench darling me to build it. So project no.4! I have several models I enjoying flying so the 'when and if' a project gets finished doesn't trouble me greatly. They will all get finished sometime and with building, I prefer to enjoy the journey rather than fretting about when I will reach the destination. Others are compelled to get a model finished before starting another; each to their own.

ps. What is the new kit?

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I can only work on one project at a time, if I start another the first will never be finished. This I have learned to my severe financial cost over the years..

As for boats. Well quite a few years ago I felt the need for a change of view, techniques etc so I designed and built a very nice (If I do say so myself) scale Higgins 78 ft PT boat..

This was really interesting and enjoyable and I learned two things from it. First, the cost of scale ship fittings is absurd. Second, after you have blasted it round the pond few times you ask "O, so what else will it do?" and the answer is "Not a lot!"

Still, the plan was published in Model Boats.

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Two thing here, Peter is right, not only about the fitting, but Als the kits are seemingly very expensive, but they do contain a lot of fittings as standard. Spot on with the couple of laps, But they will go backwards!

Secondly the model is a SLEC funfly(electric)

To make matters even worse, yesterday I ordered a Wiggo kit from RBC, as mine lost an argument with the ground. So soon I will have two boxes and the half finished boat staring at me. Maybe I'll keep out of the workshop for a bit!

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