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Peggy Sue 2


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Repeated on the other side.



Next servo wire extensions which require holes to be cut in the central bottom balsa sheet. I have previously drawn around a washer and cut out with a sharp knife, but this time I made an aluminium cutter from an old handle and used the drill and file to sharpen it.




Bright idea was to leave it in the drill and test on a pice of scrap.



Looks good to me and also works on the bench.

Then on the first hole, disaster. Learning not to press down on the drill the secon hole looks good.



Resisting the temptation to scrap the wing and start again, I teased the damaged balsa up and glued it into place.


Good result for a first try. The reason for my change of method is that on the Mighty Barnstormer I have to cut all of the holes in the wing ribs, fortunately they will be cut on the bench.


Next is to make up the extension leads.



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I intended to use servo extension leads but



The holes aren't big enough.


So, I have to make up the extension in-situ. First thread the wire through, a bit of fishing with the aid of a thin wire.





Then solder and heat shrink the joints, at this point brain fog took over and I forgot to take pictures.


Next fit maxlock connector and take pictures.



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Steve, its easy to detach a shroud from a plug. 

There is a small plastic tab holding the shroud onto the plug, a flat blade screwdriver inserted at the back will lift the shroud from the plug.

The tab is only on one side which will be at the top if you lay the cable as in the picture. It will snap back on afterwards.  






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