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Vintage Kit Details -Help needed with a search

Jason Rowlands

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Hi all,

I was wondering if I could ask the members of this forum for help in locating details of a kit I owned years ago as a teen. I've been driving myself mad recently trying to track down any remnants of an ad in Radio Modeller, RCM& E or the like. Here goes, details are slim at best so I'm hoping that the pitiful description might trigger a memory or two..!!


The model was produced in the 1980s in the UK

It was a trainer, high-wing, possibly around 60 inch span.

It was designed for larger nitro engines, I  recall possible .61cu in.??

It was a full house trainer sport model which feature semi symmetrical foam-veneered wings...and a horizontal stab. It also featured a fiberglass fuselage and abs cowl.

I believed that it may have been made by a company called Arrow Models, the same group that produced a really nice model of the Schneider Trophy s5 seaplane.

The box was rather large, featuring a colored image of the model in flight. The box art had the model in a teal/ greenish blue color with white wings.

I realize that this may be trying to locate the proverbial needle, but you can only ask eh??

My father bought this kit for me after being dissuaded to buy the Seaplane as this was seen to offer a more likely chance of success in my RC exploits.

Of course, normal situation; teen , little money and this may have been a little too grand a project at the time. The model was promptly used in part exchange for a Tamiya holiday buggy...(the shame of it).

If any of you chaps could shed light on my plight I would would appreciate it. I'm after any pics or general details, looking to see if there would be the slim change of getting hold of a kit again.

Thanks in advance



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Hi Jason, 

This is the magazine I got the ad from, I kept it for the article on the Ju 88 which I built from the plan about 5 years later. In  2021 I bought a Warbirds Replicas kit for the Ju88 which is the same size, the first one I painted in the dark green camouflage, the current one is the colour of the picture on the front cover of the magazine 



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1 hour ago, Eric Robson said:

Hi Jason, 

This is the magazine I got the ad from, I kept it for the article on the Ju 88 which I built from the plan about 5 years later. In  2021 I bought a Warbirds Replicas kit for the Ju88 which is the same size, the first one I painted in the dark green camouflage, the current one is the colour of the picture on the front cover of the magazine 




Eric - I don't suppose there's a small advert (probably in the small ads pages) for a pusher engined jet style model in that magazine - one which I'm sure I had at the time as the 88 is really familiar?  I've racked my brains and looked at some magazines from that period for details of it - I'm sure the kit was advertised in one of the magazines fairly regularly - as I'd love to identify it...but cannot find any details.  I still have the scars (on both hands) from getting too close to the pusher prop while adjusting the needle valve!

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20 hours ago, Jason Rowlands said:

Eric, John,

You are  absolute STARS!!!

Thanks you so very much. Would you mind telling me in what magazine you managed to locate these adverts?

 It was the Midge.!!!


You have made my day!!







Jason, in my case it was the July 1976 edition of Radio Modeller and the October 1980 edition of RCM&E.


15 hours ago, Martin Harris - Moderator said:


Eric - I don't suppose there's a small advert (probably in the small ads pages) for a pusher engined jet style model in that magazine - one which I'm sure I had at the time as the 88 is really familiar?  I've racked my brains and looked at some magazines from that period for details of it - I'm sure the kit was advertised in one of the magazines fairly regularly - as I'd love to identify it...but cannot find any details.  I still have the scars (on both hands) from getting too close to the pusher prop while adjusting the needle valve!


Martin, this is the only thing I've spotted that is close, from Oct 1979 RM. I think I have already flagged that to you on an earlier thread. I'm gradually scanning all my paper magazines & if I note anything else I'll post it up.




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