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Spring is here - what is stopping you from flying?

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As with many other modellers of a certain age, Easter is a holiday which is a "off season" flying period. Grandchildren staying with us, my time devoted to Easter egg hunts, cooking dinner, never ending days of torture, whilst parents declare, we are so tired, its the grandparents opportunity to have quality time with the horde.

So on Tuesday, i was planning my flying programme. My first shock though came early in the morning, driving past the flying field of club No.1. Our car park was full. I had noticed, who could not, a crowed of media, at the rear entrance to the Manchester United training ground. Which lies about a mile down a private road, although I had thought a public right of way for walkers.

So that would probably scupper my chances of flying there today.

Come Wednesday, I decided that club No.2 was the place, although lying about 2- 3 miles from the front entrance to training ground, it is a lot easier for the media to park there.

At the field, I was greeted by 4 ducks doing a fly by, straight down our strip. It is most defiantly spring now. The Sun no longer lies low on the horizon for the whole day, before finally setting. Which is an issue at this field, requiring either a take off or landing into the Sun, at a critical period of both events. Also in the last fortnight, the surrounding fallow ground, has turned from a light brown, of dead grass, to a green abundance of growing nettles, and other assorted grasses, which will soon be waist height.

I had taken four models, although I only flew three, which was enjoyable, although demanding, as although the wind was light at +10 mph, the turbulence from the abundance of trees caused issues lower down.

It is strange, that the electric model I used for my "A" test, purely a work horse for a purpose, has become one of my favourite models. My Nobler type model is now getting some air under its wings, for the first time in a year. Lastly i flew a Parkzone Stinson Reliant, I just cannot get over how these apparently scale models, fly so well, virtually vice less, where as i have found landing and taking of with scale models a bit of an issue in the past, not so with Parkzone.

My IC "A" test club model is now even better looking than ever, now sporting DB Mascot stickers, even though it is a clipped wing version, it still flies a treat. It is being readied for training budding engineers in the Heavy Lift competition, in the art of flying. All those BMFA members who give their time and knowledge to these youngsters are to be applauded. I do miss her, even having the clean up operation before i could take her homecrying 2

Just two other models flew, a NH Cando and a IC slope soarer, that has similar endurance as when flown on the slope.

As for MU, just one helicopter flew low over our patch, not even certain that it came from the ground, or just sight seeing. Quite often when a big signing is taking place, ther seems to be an abundance of executive helicopters coming and going.

All In all a good day.

Yet today, a even better day, I am working, for my daughters, as an unpaid slave. Oh well. nothing to do now, that I have retired! crying 2

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Great day at our club today but the Mosquito's were biting!

mosi 1.jpg

2 x 100cc engines and 18ib of lead up front! 2 years to build and flown by Steve Holland at the shows. Took the 2 blokes most of the afternoon to get ready for engine tests - sound and draft was amazing!

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Great day yesterday St.Georges Day.

Here, in Aragon, Northern Spain St.George is the Patron Saint and so it was "Fiesta" yesterday. I spent 5 hours at the club in the morning and flew a selection of models. One of the highlights of the morning was when we flew 3 Multiplex Solius's in a formation launch followed by some low passes and general tomfoolery. The finale turned out to be a half baked attempt at a formation landing which almost, but not quite worked out.

After lunch the winds picked up which now means a visit to the slope. So, another couple of hours of late afternoon / early evening were spent riding the westerly breeze as the sun slowly began to settle in the distance. A friend even flew a calmato as a sloper (see pic) and it flew remarkably well. In addition we were joined by a pair of para gliders which were working the slope.

All in all a great day.

tierz stg 14-5 copy.jpg



Edited By Steve Colman on 24/04/2014 21:40:09

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WOW! It really is spring. The sun is out, the sky, soooooooo blue and that wind that has blown incessantly since the New Year has dropped to a balmy 2 mph.

There is only one place to fly on a day like this, that is club No.1. That is in the country, where the cows are grazing, you know the rest. It must be the first time in a fortnight here, then the wind was peaking at 30 mph. Today. what wind, which way to launch. What little wind there was, was coming from the direction of the sun, pretty much the south.

Moyes is so yesterdays news, that all the press had long gone, the car park to myself. Being Tuesday not a regular day for flying, yet you have to snatch a hour here and there as you can.

In the field, so much has changed, the last time, the grass had grown, no longer possible to take off from. Now however, it is so long that I half expected to find a lost tribe, in the deep grass. It will not be long before the farmer cuts it for silage I am guessing, it has grown so tall, so fast.

I had taken 4 models, yet only flew three, all self launched, the Delta, the Nobler and the PC. All were launched on full power, underarm toss, all went away rock steady. No panic to get to the sticks. Just feed some back stick in for height, and then throttle back. I flew for fun, yet now I do have a bit more of an agenda. All roll well, all loop fine, yet I cannot get the PC as yet to fly inverted, the model squirrelling out just as I get to the inverted. Need more practise.

There was however one slightly sour note. Just after landing the Delta, I heard a motor cycle screaming along the lane. Then I noted 3 or 4 models flying 2 fields from me. Which is also one of our fields. The noise was from these other modellers, not a young hooligan. I decided I had to find out why they were there, and not with me, or me with them. It was soon apparent that these fliers had nothing to do with our club. There were a number of things that bothered me, the first was that we could have been on 35, with the implications that this has not liasing. The other is that our club pay the farmer for access. The other is that we insist on insurance, our club requiring BMFA affiliation, plus the insurance aspect is part of the agreement we have with the farmer. Just as importantly, although we are an electric club, we are very keen on not disturbing anybody. Particularly that we fly on NT land and have a bird sanctuary bordering one of our fields. Complaints that can be averted are not welcome. Very graciously these fliers decided that they would go. In some respects I lost an opportunity to invite them to the club. But Ohhhhhh!!!!!!! that noise would not be acceptable!

A good hour though, departed as the sky darken ominously, although the sun has since shone intermittently, although the weather seems to be on the change.crying 2

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LOL that happens to me when my connection is slow, not so often these days, and it looks like nothings happened so a second click on the "add posting" button seems called for and bingo two posts,

This evening being wed we're all of to the field for an evenings flying, just hoping the light winds and good weather we've had all day last


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In this part of the country we have a saying, in fact as I prepared to go to the field, my wife, not partner, wife said. "ey lad, what thee doing, theee cani go like that lad, do theee no nowt, Nee'er cast a clot till may be out.

The sky clear, the air is warm, I am not wearing a jacket nor wolly jumper. I still have some angst as i take five models to the site No2. Should I go in just a shirt and trousers?

Although I flew my models without incident, there were issues with a new IC trainer being flown on a buddy lead, as it was constantly attracted to the ground. Yet we all knew what the issue is.

I know not if there is a reason
Why I am so sad at heart.
A legend of bygone ages
Haunts me and will not depart.

The air is warm at midday.
The calm Mersey courses its way.
The peak of the rubbish dump is sparkling
With middays golden ray.

The fairest of maidens is sitting
Unwittingly wondrous up there,
Her golden jewels are shining,
She's combing her golden hair.

The comb she holds is golden,
She sings a song as well
Whose melody binds an enthralling
And overpowering spell.

Flying a little model, the flyer
Is seized with a savage woe,
He'd rather look up at the rubbish dump
Than down at the trees around.

I think that the tress will devour
The model as one;
And this by her song's sheer power
Fair Lorelei has done.

In the end the model did survive, although it did seem that the club is in potential need of a defibrillator for the club tutor. Certainly entertaining for many present, although not tutor or pupil.

Edited By Erfolg on 30/04/2014 18:51:27

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Flying today, in the country, at club No.1.

I was a lot colder today, such a change in just two days.

Five of us were at the field, the electric gliders hitting big thermals on a regular basis. At the other end of the field, I noticed one Buzzard scratching around at low level, directly above was its mate, probably 50-100 feet higher, effortlessly thermalling. Makes a change to see a bird suffering in a similar way to my gliders often seem to.

I normally fly sports models these days, so my flights are short only 5 minutes or so. Whilst the glider guiders get in +20 minute flights. For once I was not the only one with a sports type plane, ok, others do fly sports planes, but not as often. Todays there was a ST Discovery, now you probably wonder why mention it. The reason is i flew the model, and I must say I am impressed. A trainer, that pretty much flies itself, although in this case I did have to trim it out for level and straight flight, once done, what a pleasure to fly. The sort of model that makes you look good, it flatters, my heavy handed stick stirring. A model that turns on a sixpence without stalling, rolls easily although a bit barrel like, loops, well, what could go wrong. As for landing, just think where it should land and it does the rest. Well impressed.

I just flew my Delta and Nobler, quite relaxing.

After a couple of hours, I was frozen through, time to rush home before the school mums clogged the road, driving like banshees, to get to school. Unfortunately, I was a bit late so was caught up in the melee as I neared home.

Edited By Erfolg on 02/05/2014 18:41:37

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First Saturday afternoon up the strip for what seems ages - just back. Flying - none! We had a work afternoon on levelling a rather tall hawthorn hedge embedded with young oak trees each side of our access track for about 100 yards. This was to allow a shallower landing approach to our strip for gliders and looks like a good job well done. There was time for flying but the wind was excessive so we went into the village and had a beer( just the one!)

Maybe next time I'll get a flight or two!


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Not having my B, hell not got my A yet, I was helping out at the South West Model and Engineering Exhibition at the Bath and west show ground, the flying display was organised by Kyle Millet and friends from my 2nd club Blackdown RCFC. The weather has been exceptional and the flying was tremendous, just a few of the 350 pics I took today


some of the line up in the very busy pits.




Lets see who knows what this is


And finally I'd love to know what this one is, detail and size are stunning

Another day of the show tomorrow and a chance for some more pics


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Posted by Erfolg on 03/05/2014 22:00:09:

Looks like an Ansoldo to me.

I'll find out tomorrow when I get a chance to talk to its builder and pilot

quick edit

A quick google search reveals it to be this 

Well done Erf you win a place in the que for tomorrows toffee bomb run

Edited By Phil Winks on 03/05/2014 22:21:08

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