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my best friend

john melia 1

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Hang in there John ,

My heart goes out for you ,

We had a cat called Fluffy ( large ginger cat like the one on the be more dog advert ) that would be away for days and so would not be unusual not to see her for a while .

Well one morning my mum opened the door to find a small thin black oil coated cat that was in a very sorry state , feeling sorry for it she picked it up and wrapped it in a towel and tried to clean it .

It was only then we discovered that it was our cat and so we took it to the vets to get it looked at .

They looked at the cat and said they would have to shave the fur of and keep it in for observation as Oil can be very toxic and if it has swallowed any of the oil it would most likely clog up its intestines or much worse.

The next morning the Vets told us that she had got much worse and that oil had gotten into her intesting as she had vomited some oil up and passed it out the other end too . And for the amount of oil they had got of her she must of been held under .

After two days the Vets rang us up and ask us to pick up the cat as they could not get it to eat and if we could not get it to eat it would die due to the toxins in its body.

My mum tried it with all its favorite foods and drinks for the next two days but still we could not get it to eat , and by now Fluffy was very ill and lethargic , so i suggested we try it with baby food .

And slowly bit by bit day by day we managed to get it to eat and Fluffy passed even more oil .

Until she was well enough to eat normal cat food again , she looked a right state no fur, cuts and stitches where the vets had cought her trying to shave of the fur , but she was our cat again .

She was left with a rattling chest and broken teeth and She went on to live until she was 15 years old ,

It was unusual for fluffy to sit on anyones lap always choosing her basket to keep out of the way of the dogs .

And so when fluffy decided she wanted to sleep on my mums lap ,My mum left honored.

And that was where she died peacefully a sleep on my mums lap.

Chin up Steve ,

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Really sorry to hear about Banjo's set back John, and I understand that to you he's more than just a little dog, but that's all it is, a set back. For your own sake you have to keep believing in the best outcome.

Steve, hopefully very unpleasant things happened to whoever did that to a helpless cat. People who show such little respect for animals usually have little respect for people as well.

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Keep the Faith John - Vets tend to have a gut feeling about cases like Banjo (that wasn't meant to be a pun - Honest!) - if they really felt he wasn't going to make it they would have gently steered you towards putting him to sleep by now. We all feel the same about our pets (I'm a Vet as well as a pet owner & model flyer) - the way I put it is that they're the only children who will never leave home. When I express it like that, some people have a light-bulb moment. We always seem to have one or more members of staff with a pet either as an in-patient or at least in and out with something nasty. The only difference between them and animals belonging to clients is that all staff pets tend to be heavily insured, as we know how bills can mount up to eye-watering sums - especially if we have to send patients for specialist referrals.

Very best of luck - keep us posted.

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Thanks again everyone for you best wishes , , well phoned the vets this morning , and much better news was awaiting me , banjo's condition has improved overnight , it looks as though the new stitches are not causing any allergic reaction , he is still on high doses of pain killers and antibiotics , and still pretty unwell , but is improving .

Best news I could ever have wished for , lets hope this is the finish and I can get him home and look after him .

If Banjo could talk I know he would thank everyone for their kind comments , ....... here he is before the story began

so from Banjo , a big THANK YOU EVERYONE

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Brilliant news John!, I have a 5 y/o Cairn terrier with various allergies and a deformed ear canal that means he needs all the fur plucked from his ears twice a year. I hate seeing him recovering from being knocked out as he cant control his temperature and is so cold when we get him back.


That photo shows a cheeky little guy.. hope he's back where he belongs soon. Murphy says hi...




Edited By Scott Douglas 1 on 20/08/2014 13:35:55

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Good news. We recently bought a little dog who is now my flying mate most Sundays. This is Geoff after a few hours of chasing flies and butterflies and running backwards and forwards to the flight line. Not had him long but had to put him in the kennels whilst we are away......can't wait to see him on Sunday.



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Yes flyboy , I am now cautiously optomistic that , banjo will make a full recovery , after his second major op , new stitches replacing the ones he was allergic to , extremely high doses of antibiotics and a morphine based painkiller , he is now home , drinking , and eating small amounts

His wound looks to have improved slightly even in the short time he has been home , i spent all last night keeping an eye on him , so I'm writing this update from my bed (20:05) ,

He goes back to the vets tomorrow at 12 noon , for a check up , and hopefully they will give him the two thumbs up ,I think he's also going to get an invite to the staff xmas party , only him mind not us lol .

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