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Prostate Cancer


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My dad died from Prostrate cancer a few years ago and it's a horrible way to go. He had a scan and was treated about 10 years ago, then was given an all clear with regular after checkups around the prostrate for a few years.

But the cancer had moved to a secondary site (bowel & liver) and had spread unchecked till it was too late. (My dad was going private and went to see a specialist but he only checked the prostrate and didn't think of other sites then)

I am having a scan next week but most of my family in the past who have died are from cancer, two from heart attacks and another from stroke.

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For what it's worth....

I had some symptoms of nightime 'rear pain' a couple of times a year, causing me to need to get up to try to shift it by pooing or peeing (usually without success). No problem with either at any other time, so didn't fuss too much about it. Then my 5 year older brother called to say he had been diagnosed with prostate cancer and I might like to get mine checked.

Went to my very experienced (male) GP who 'gave me the finger' and confirmed that my prostate was enlarged (the only real thing that can be deduced from a DRE, unless the texture is like a pineapple, when you have reeeeaaaal problems!) and that the results of my PSA were a little above average (4.4, reasonable, apparently, for a 62 year old). As I had company medical insurance, I was referred to a private consultant who repeated the finger, PSA test and did a wee flow test (apparently like a fire hose on the day!!) and decided there was nothing of concern. I was prescribed Finasteride to reduce the prostate size but it was worth carrying on monitoring the PSA, due to my family history (and maybe worht his fees - cynical? Me?).

A couple of years on, the sequential PSA counts were starting to rise (5.9, 8.6) so I had a non-conclusive single probe biopsy and an ultrasound scan, followed later by a multi-needle biopsy (described as playing Battleships, to search for the 'Enemy' - except nowhere as much fun - peeing afterwards moved from Ribena, IrnBru, then back finally to the prescribed Lucozade colour! Not comfortable).

The m-n biopsy revealed 3 small (sub-mm) 'seeds', resulting in a 3:3 Gleason score, apparently the lowest and best rating for a confirmed cancer as you now know what's going on but it's not in any rush to develop. I had no other symptoms (now that the prostate had been shrunk to a more normal size).

Decision time. Options (I stress, for me) were:

Surgical removal of the prostate, followed by probable chemo/radiation treatment. This was the option my brother took.

Radiation blasting of the site, with follow on chemo to knock out anything missed. My brother also needed this as even without his prostate the marker PSA's were still significant (a hint that something might have been missed). He didn't enjoy this - it took several months to get over.

Observation. This meant regular PSA checks to make sure the Finasteride was controlling the prostate size (and limit the release of antigens due to its instability) which would allow any changes in the cancer site to be more easily monitored (it would ramp the PSA count up significantly above the Finasteride controlled level).

I've followed the last option. (Again) For me, it was the easiest choice.

I was worried about incontinence from removal or destroying the prostate (first two options) and the disruption of quality of my life. I justified this choice because the cancer is a slow grower and it was caught very, very early (almost pre-cancerous). I still have the other options downline, if I need them.

So, after a lengthy diatribe, what's the message.

If everything is okay, have a PSA test anyway. If the number is low, you have reassurance. If it's high, the GP will get another one and see if it's real (apparently, riding a racing bike can alter the number due to local damage/stimulation/whatever!!)

If you've got pee or rearend pain issues, go see your GP. Nobody lkes a pain in the rear, so getting it diagnosed and sorted makes life either more comfortable, or gets you into the system to sort out anything more serious. Information can be scary, but not as scary as being told nothing can be done 'cos you left it too late....

Do it. PSA testing is no worse than any other blood taking or injection and a finger in the rear is 'different' but you'll get over it!

Here endeth the lesson


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An MRI confirmed the seeds and their location and, apart from regular PSA counts and trips to the local urology department (retired now, and back in the NHS not private), my prostae has not needed any elevated medical attention for ages.

I'm scheduled another MRI to check for any changes later this year, with mention of another multi-needle biopsy 'if needed', but my life is generally unaffected - I still occasionally land short of the patch and can't get excited by quadcopters, but I don't think they can be put down to medical matters.


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Thank you very much Roger for your concise account I'm happy you are ok the route you took is most likely the one I will take . Good luck for your future and also to all you other guys that have gone through an anxious and traumatic time . But once again getting checked is better than dying .

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I despair of the NHS.

A week ago I had an SMS text from my GP practice reminding me that I was due for my annual health check.

The last one was 2 years ago.

I rang, made the appointment and was told that this was about my cardio vascular condition, which is that in common with most self employed 64 year olds I take statins, with no discernible side effects incidentally.. I asked nursey if she would do a routine PSA test at the same time as I haven’t had one for two years, as she would be taking blood anyway. No, that wasn’t on her agenda, I would need to have a specific GP referral for her to take an additional sample of blood and a PSA test; would I like such a referral? Stupid question. You’ve got a needle in my arm, I haven’t had a test for 2 years, why on earth wouldn’t you do it simultaneously?

Doctor rang next day ( minor miracle) and spent 10 minutes in the middle of a meeting trying to talk me out of the test. The logic appeared to be that a raised reading could lead to shock and awe, up to and including a biopsy needle in an extremely painful place, whereas a low reading might promote unfounded complacency and an ultimately miserable demise. In other words I couldn’t win and I ought to get out more.

not being in complete awe of GPS but especially having been reminded of the folly of ignoring age and warnings by this off-beat but very timely post, I stood my ground on the logical basis that I could not possibly be worse off but might end up a lot better off and it was eventually agreed, and I sensed with some reluctance, that a blood sample for PSA would be taken simultaneously. However, I will,have to present my compliments not once but twice, for the results of the two separate tests and the repercussions thereof.

This is not joined up thinking.

whilst in this rant, my previous (studiously ignored) note on actinic keratoses lead to cryogenic removal of three of the little bu**ers from my forehead and a sign-off until the next time. Ignore these at your peril. The “urgent “ referral for this was a 10 week wait. I paid.

Happy landings!


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I am what is called "Well Worried". I am very lucky @ 68 that apart from a few minor niggles still more or less 100%.

I get a PSA check / blood pressure / cholesterol check every year to try and catch anything early.

This is a superb thread, and I sincerely wish everybody on here, a pain free and long life.

And of course........plenty of stick time.

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I agree with all comments regarding getting check ups as often as possible , my prostate problems started about 10 years ago, during a visit to my G.P. he asked me how many times I had to go to the toilet during the night , I told him maybe 2-3 times he gave me a rectal exam there and then, the result was an enlarged prostate, a P.S.A. test confirmed a reading of approx.5 if I remember correctly, in those days in the West Mids. area a multy sample biopsy was done and then an M.R.I done after the biopsy, a flow test was also taken the result of all this was I was prescribed Tamsulosin once a day and my P.S.A was checked every 6 then 12 months. about 4 years ago my P.S.A. started to drift up- got to 8 at one stage , this resulted to referal to the urology clinic again, but this time a M.R.I. was taken before the biopsy, I think this gives them some idea where to take the samples? the result of this was I was prescribed with 1 tablet of finasteride to try and control the prostate, I still have to have P.S.A. tests every year but at the moment the readings are between 4-5 . My doctor told me that nearly every man dies with some sort of prostate problem but not many die as a course of it. I am now 74 still have to get up in the night , but if going for tests , biopsies and taking an incresing number of prescribed medicens keeps me fit enough to enjoy building and flying toy planes I think its a small price to pay.

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Bruce - I'm in the same boat as you with these actinic lesions, mine responded to the chemo' ointment very satisfactorily, although the odd new one appears now and again, but are easily beaten into submission in 2-3 weeks of the ointment twice a day. Unfortunately as a result of the years of unprotected exposure to the sun I also developed a couple of (locally) malignant skin lumps - happily excision has been curative with no sign of recurrence. My doctor, dermatologist, oncologist all despair with us - we put on a sunhat and smother ourselves with sunblock when we go on holiday, but when we work outdoors for a living we rarely consider the risks of long term exposure to the sun let alone take any steps to protect ourselves. By the same token, I don't think I have seen many/any? of the folk I have flown with over the years making a point of doing any more than wearing a hat to protect themselves from the sun - but they should ! ! ! With Summer on the horizon perhaps the BMFA and perhaps the RCM&E should remind flyers to protect themselves this year. People should be aware that a nice suntan is that the skin is actually trying to defend itself from ultraviolet radiation, and in itself is evidence of skin damage. 

Edited By Old Geezer on 13/04/2019 20:41:52

Edited By Old Geezer on 13/04/2019 20:43:02

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Dead right, for want of a better phrase. Went to strip today, too windy but did want to run in a new engine. Discovered that a felt clunk doesn’t work with a rich, thirsty 4 stroke. Had the wide-brim Tilley on, still looked a tad pink tonight despite freezing my nether regions off. It definitely deserves better awareness, although in my case the damage was done, in hindsight, thirty years ago on the top of the Winter Shed at Headingley, sans hat.

now here’s a thing. A month ago I had a flier from the medics inviting me to attend the local hospital for a routine AAE screening. First thought, who’s dobbed me in for my alcohol consumption? but any of you 64+ yo olds will be ahead of me, abdominal aortic embolism test. Knew virtually nothing about it. 10am appt, walked in 9.58, left 10.10 all clear. Put this alongside the rant above re a routine PSA test and a GP actively discouraging it.

now two points arise. First, the present Mrs C needed an ultrasound for a specific issue and the NHS needed over 4 weeks to issue an appointment another three weeks ahead. It cost WPA £799 of which I pay almost £200 to bring it forward privately, for a 15minute procedure.

Secondly, I understand that an aortic embolism causes instant death, costs the state zilch and causes no suffering. Compare and contrast an advanced prostate tumour which costs the state a small fortune and seems to have the same inevitable, miserable, expensive and lingering outcome.

It is apparently cost effective to ultrasound me for purely statistical reasons, but not the Boss for narrow specific reasons, nor me for PSA despite turning 65 today.

Funny old world.


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Bruce - thanks for that - I'd not thought about asking for a routine u/sound to exclude the old dissecting aortic aneurysm -- I'm being a bit dim as I nearly lost a brother in law with one about 5 years ago! They could be called the original silent killer, except in the few cases where the patient is aware of it "pulsing", as it expands before it ruptures. Somethings an aortic aneurysm can be detected by simply placing a hand on the patient's belly, you can feel the belly pulsing. Our local medical practice is pretty helpful so I will be popping in next week to book for a belly ultrasound.

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I've been away from this site for a few months but on dipping back in I saw this thread and thought I would add my own experiences.

20 years ago I went for a routine medical and was told that I had a raised PSA that ought to be checked out. I was told that it could be due to infection as opposed to anything sinister so I promptly forgot about it. 10 years later I had a pulmonary embolism ( totally unrelated of course) but as part of the diagnosis they checked my PSA again and it was pretty high. The usual DRA , biopsy and scans then followed and confirmed that I did have an aggressive carcinoma. Fortunately, the wretched thing was contained. If it had not been for the PE I would probably have carried on in blissful ignorance and things could have been much worse.

I elected to have a radical prostectomy using laser surgery. The operation went well and I was travelling home 24 hours later. 10 years on and I am having my normal bi- annual check tomorrow. I consider myself fortunate and in a very odd kind of way, privileged to have had the experience. That may sound daft, but the issue made me refocus my life and get many things into perspective.

Now, everyone will have their own concerns, experiences and beliefs as to how to deal with these things. I recognise that others are or will not be as fortunate as me, but here are a few thoughts:

dont find excuses not to have a PSA test

if the result suggests something might be going on then act on it; don't leave it 10 years!

dont worry about the DRA, it's not a big deal

dont worry about the biopsy, it was a bit uncomfortable but in the scheme of things not a big issue

dont bother to spend time reading and researching everything that you can find on prostate cancer and details of the operation; if you are not medically qualified you will end up working yourself up to a frenzy. Take it as it comes and leave the treatment plan to those who have spent their careers developing the expertise to treat you.

Dont feel alone; there are plenty of people who have been through it; talk to them

don't bury your head in the sand and think that it could not possibly happen to you


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I was called for my AAA test couple of years ago - and apparently I had the internal body structure of a 20 year old (pity I had to give it back!!), but trying to get a PSA test was a totally different matter. I too go for the annual well man tests at our doctors, which are carried out by a practice nurse, and they cover diabetes, blood pressure and BMI - but not PSA!!

I have to take up a doctors precious time for this test, which seems a total waste of resources, as surely the practice nurse has the required skill to take a blood sample.

Now a small spot of what was dry skin on my lilly white leg decided to erupt into an angry bright red spot a month ago, which then formed a hard crust with a red ring around its perimiter. Fortunately my well man check up was at this time, so I showed the eruption to the practice nurse who said it did not look like anything serious, but it might be prudent to have a doctor check it out.

The doctor checked it and said he did not think it was anytghing to worry about but put me on the cancer pathway with a referal to the hospital. After a wait of two weeks I now find I have skin cancer!! ,so am now awaiting an operation to remove the appendage, but during the check the consultant also found a number of dry patches on my forehead and temples, which fortunately are pre-cancerous, so a cream has been prescribed to deal with these.

As I am very light skinned I have always tried to limit my time in the sun, word indoors throughout my working life, and wear my Tilley, and factor 60 sun cream, even on cold overcast days, and never wear shorts etc, except in the gym or swimming pool. I have suffered sun burn (through my lighter clothes) on a couple of occassions, but have never had a su tan or been on a sun bed in my 68 years on this earth, provingskin damage can happen to even the most careful people.

Oh the joys of getting old!!

Hope you all have 100% success in getting your tests and subsequent treatments.


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I though I would put this vid up. I think for any one that may be concerned enough to get a regular check up may be interested to know about this study that was carried out. The basics are they found with around 4,500iu of Viamin D3 in prostate cancer patients there was a reduction in size of the prostate that was inlarged. This was a 10 million dollar study. When your at the doctor might be a good idea to get your D3 levels checked there are different tests in the vid it mentions what one gives the best reading. Also your vitamin K2 levels to keep you calcium levels good for absorbtion of the D3.


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I appreciate this is off the original topic but prudent in the recent post by Barry. I too have been1\8th car racing and airplanes for last 20 yearsy and for10 before that. I had on my right wrist a small red scally growth been there for 10 years or so but in February this year it started to grow and become scaled over, visit to my doctor's and photos taken and put on the 2 week cancer list. A visit to local hospital in 2 weeks and advised could be keratosis and need to come back for an injection and a scrape with electric wire to send of for analysis. Due to other commitments it was 4 weeks before I could attend. At time of first visit it was 10mm in diam 4 weeks later it was 20mm diam and 3 mm tall. When the clinical specialist saw this in the theatre she immediately said to nurse phone reception and tell them we will be running late, some 45 mins later it had been removed and left with a 30mm open wound. Some 6 weeks later the results arrived to confirm it was a skin cancer and confirmed that the part removed had clear skin around the edges. So I would advise all readers to certainly take care with exposed skin when flying and take extra care with this sunshine.

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