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Case for Spektrum NX 6

Chris King 3

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I have one of these for my DX6i which fits OK.. The only bit I did not realize was that the front of the case is quite a sturdy stiff material but the back of the case is a soft material. But I guess the TX sticks require protection from the front of the case.

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I have three of the turnigy cases proposed by Gary and they have served my TX's ( DX6i / DX8 and more recently DX9 ) well for a number of years. For the DX9 I use the slightly larger (taller) case with removable foam inserts as the DX9 antenna is not foldable.

Edited By Steve Colman on 02/12/2020 13:50:00

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I have always used a Thermos Cool Bag for mine. They are light, with a shoulder strap, and have a reinforced waterproof base. I've used them for all my trannies through the years and I also use larger ones for carrying other stuff for the field. I love a carrying case that protects the contents but weighs next-to-nothing itself.

They have changed the design over the years but here's what the current one looks like. I just use a couple of standard car-wash sponges inside to protect the sticks and switches when carrying.

You can buy them at various prices from numerous sources, including ebay.

Thermos Cool Bag

Here's a source cheaper than the RRP: FlasksOnline

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