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Futaba T6K aileron flap mixing

Simon Lumsdon 1

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T6k-v2 ??


See manual pages 30 to 33


Aircraft  ( wing type ) ??


Glider   ( wing type ) ??


Also page 50/5


1. Function menu's /page number.. 


Page 55, model type.. also 63, and some pages further into manual...


It's quite involved with set up ...


Start at the begining, what type of model...



I do not use mine to the full ( yet ) as I do "mixing" in my head and via thumbs/sticks...less to worry about 


Have fun...



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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 months later...

I know this may not help but I upgraded to a 16sz as the T6K whilst terrific for fixed wing, was limiting for slope soaring - specifically being able to trim elevator when crow for landing was assigned to throttle. The SZ has a slider so I can adjust elevator trim in flight rather than bringing in crow with a predetermined amount of elevator and hope it stays a tad nose down. It’s a great radio but the SZ is significantly better

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11 hours ago, AndypC said:

I know this may not help but I upgraded to a 16sz as the T6K whilst terrific for fixed wing, was limiting for slope soaring - specifically being able to trim elevator when crow for landing was assigned to throttle. The SZ has a slider so I can adjust elevator trim in flight rather than bringing in crow with a predetermined amount of elevator and hope it stays a tad nose down. It’s a great radio but the SZ is significantly better


Sorry to be contrary, but you can do exactly that with a T6K (with v2 firmware at least) as I do that with my slope models 😀

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Interesting, so can I ask how? The T6K has only one rotary dial, and I need a thumb on the ‘throttle’ and the other one on aileron/elevator…meaning I can use the slider at the same time to tweak the elevator trim whilst braking


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Sorry this may be a bit late.  Having upgraded from an earlier Futaba to a T16IZ  I concur that flaperons have been removed from the programming as I tried to find it myself.  Why, I don't know as it was a handy feature.  Progress I suppose??


The air brake function will work but it only has one offset (flap) position.  The old flaperons could be set with multiple flap positions.


The T16IZ is a nice radio though that can be bound to many different Futaba RX protocols so I think it's quite versatile.

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16 hours ago, John Rickett 102 said:

Are you describing your old transmitter or the 16IZ? The manual I have for the 16IZ explains how to set flaperons and airbrakes on pages 130/131, its no different to the 16SZ.

 I've seen that description but I don't think that is 'Flaperons'  Mixing actual flaps with ailerons is, as far as I understand it, a different thing.

My understanding and previous usage of flaperons is this.  You only have two moving control surfaces.  Aileron left and aileron right.  No actual flaps on the model.  The flaperons setting allowed you to drop the ailerons on both sides downwards by whatever degree of movement or mm of travel you wished within the limits of aileron travel.  So with no control stick input to aileron both ailerons would be dropped like flaps.  Control stick inputs to the aileron would be unaffected and they would still respond as before allowing you to roll the wings as desired.  The effect of the dropped ailerons mimicked the effects of flaps.  This is my understanding of what 'flaperons' means.  I did use this on my old Futaba 6ex.  I've quoted the instructions from the Futaba 6ex manual below.  Page 20 if you download it for reference.  I have posted this question myself previously and no one has shown me the description below from the 6ex manual in any T16IZ manual.  If it's there I cannot see it.  As I said mixing actual flaps with ailerons is not flaperons IMO because flaperons specifically works on models with ailerons only.  However, I'd be more than happy to be corrected because as I mentioned in my previous post the air brake function is similar but with only one offset setting which is not as good as the flaperons option from before.  


FLPR Flaperon mixing (ACRO only)
This function allows the ailerons to be used both as ailerons and as flaps. The
flap control switch (CH 6) operates the flap function. To use flaperon mixing both
ailerons must be operated by separate servos.



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Worth downloading the Kindle Book by Malcolm Holt. Futaba 16/18sz Programming. it's on Amazon and you can install Kindle Reader on your Computer.

All explained there and worth the £6.40. There are some worked examples to follow which help you get your head around it.

It is possible to do but having done it I now can't remember how. It's an age thing. Book will sort you out though.

I don't think the 16iz is significantly different to the 16sz.


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4 hours ago, Simon Lumsdon 1 said:

On the T6K radio you have to use the air brake function to mix flaps into the ailerons, i use a 3 position top switch and this give two levels of drop. Works well

The air brake on the T16iZ will do that also but I cannot see how to do two stage of 'flaps'.  I might need to spend a long week dedicated only to the TX.


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1 hour ago, Simon Lumsdon 1 said:

Three switch posns, up, down1 & down2

I can assign the three switch positions no problem.  It's where to enter the value for the different positions I cannot see.  I can only see one offset setting box.

I can assign different values to the air brake when switching between my low, high and 3D rates but that still means only one flap position in each rates setting.

Edited by Declan
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