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FMS Reflect system ?

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I notice now FMS models now come with the reflects system has an extra 

The FMS models do not come with refects installed .Which if I am correct you will have to install the refects yourself.Is this an easy install ,or is it a nightmare to install and would it be easier just to buy a Spectrum receiver with AS3X and Safe ???

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I'll double check but I'm sure my FMS Beaver came with it installed. 


It's no harder to install than any receiver is ...... I'll see if I can get a photo up of it to give you an idea.



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I am not sure but I have heard you have to programe it from your computer .Me and computers do not get on very well

I am looking at getting the FMS 1400 Pitts but you have to buy the reflects separate and programe it on a laptop or computer .If that is the case I might be better just getting a Spectrum AS3X / SAFE receiver 

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I just checked my FMS Beaver assembly post and I am using the FMS stabilisor system. 


I cannot remember having to programme it from a computer. I'll delve a bit deeper and come back to you.



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You assign a TX switch to switch it between the 3 modes, no other 'programming' on the TX. If it's a V3 Reflex system then it will also have Bluetooth and you can adjust parameters via an app on your 'phone.



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I've just hauled out my Beaver ( if you will forgive the expression ).


It does have Reflex .....




and there it is ..... the orange box. Now ...... remember ..... this is not a receiver. you still require a receiver to run with the reflex .....




and this is what I chose ..... A spektrum Ar631 DSMX 6 channel receiver ..... with ASX3 and Safe.


I could have gone for a AR 620 6 channel ( no Safe or ASX3 ) but ....... being a prat I wanted to follow the Spektrum route.


I can hear the ghasts already ..... but the AR 631 will be fighting with the Reflex system ......... No .......




I connected the intermediate wires from the reflex to the AR 631 only for the Flaps, Ailerons, Elevator and Rudder ........


and ..... left this one out .....




which I belive is the cable that I would use if connecting the Reflex to a lesser Spektrum receiver ( AR620 without ASX3 of SAFE ) in order to get the use out of the Reflex module . ......... as far as I am aware anyway ..... it was some time ago when I did this.


Not only that Rocker ..... but I definitely did not have to programme this via my laptop. Maybe because I am using the Spektrum Stabilisation mode  ..... maybe not.


I would be flabberghasted ..... in fact my flabber would never be so ghasted if you could not programme this via your TX in some way. In my opinion, that would be a step backwards with the whole technology.


I hope the above has been of some help.




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49 minutes ago, toto said:


I would be flabberghasted ..... in fact my flabber would never be so ghasted if you could not programme this via your TX in some way. In my opinion, that would be a step backwards with the whole technology.


Well, the only way I could change the parameters on an AS3X/SAFE rx (don't remember which model), I had to borrow that nice Spektrum Bluetooth programming gizmo as I don't have a Spektrum transmitter. 


As the Reflex system is available as an after market device, I suspect you can use it 'out of the box' and assign a switch to change modes, but can only change Gain, for example, via their app....

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The system has three modes, stabilised, auto leveling and off, so if the mode signal isn't present the unit probably does nothing. It looks.like FMS have a whole load of models preloaded, so you just upload the appropriate model settings from the app. The ones supplied with a model will have the appropriate settings preloaded.


What functionality are you looking for, something just to smooth out the wind gusts or the full self leveling?

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If you are using a Spektrum Rx with AS3X and safe then remove the FMS Reflex unit, there is no need for it to be in there and only serves to complicate the setup. 

If it is the v2 Reflex then different (FMS) model configurations can be downloaded via a PC, the v3 one is more flexible as it can be configured for any model via BT.

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So in response to the OPs original question..... it's not a nightmare to install, and both it, or Spektrum alternative would need some configuration to use to their best advantage.


@RockerRocker (sorry, my Kindle Fire insists on doing this weird thing with names), if you're uncomfortable with technology, a club mate should be able to help you....

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Hi Ron,


The Reflex unit could come out. I left it in as the various bits of wiring for each of the control surfaces just pass through it to your receiver. It's only when the final wire for the reflex function itself is connected to the receiver that the issue of the two different systems kicks in I think. ..... sorry for my poor explanation.


To be on the safe side ( excuse the pun ) it probably would be better to take the Reflex out of the system though to ensure no conflict. I may of course be wrong but the modeldid operate fine the way its been done. Again I reiterate that what you have suggested is probably the best solution just to make sure.



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The KISS approach is the best one. 

1 hour ago, toto said:

two different systems kicks in I think

This scares me when someone says….I think! Especially on something like the controlling system for your model! I’ve got some models with the Reflex system in place but some, like my Viper Jet, weren’t going to use it so I removed them, then there is no doubt about what is controlling your model.

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Sorry, guys, but I disagree.


The simplest approach is to use a standard receiver and wire up the Reflex unit as described in the manual. The system has 3 operating modes and is calibrated for the model. I have found these to work well and, even as an experienced flyer, I find the different modes can be useful at times.


You can use it with any receiver including a Spektrum AS3X/SAFE receiver* and do not need to do any further setting of the receiver itself.

*If using an AS3X receiver then it needs to have the AS3X switched off. A new receiver straight out of the box will default to no stability and can be used directly. If you remove an AS3X receiver from a different model then you will need to completely reprogram all the settings as they will not be suitable for this particular model. Otherwise just use a basic non-stability receiver such as the AR410 or AR620.


If you insist on removing the Reflex unit and want to use the stability function of an AS3X receiver, then you will have to program the gains, etc. yourself via Forward Programming on your transmitter.


Oh, and the SBU/PPM MODE cable can be used with receivers that have SBUS or equivalent capability and negate the need for using individual cables for aileron, elevator, rudder etc. between the receiver and Reflex unit. If you don't understand how this works, then I suggest you leave well alone!

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Just fitted up an ARROWS  VECTOR  gyro unit to my BAE Hawk, seems identical to the above. Printed sheet provided  is rubbish however, no similarity to the actual plug positions.  Onto You Tube and carefully  followed a tutorial successfully so all ready for the next session at the patch.  This is my second  Hawk, first one had one too many frantic searches for the sticks on self launch so this should calm things down. Weather for tomorrow looks dire so might have to wait for the weekend.

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38 minutes ago, toto said:

I have an AR620 available. So you reckon I could just wire this up to the reflex and it will work from the off ?

Yes, if it has sufficient channels for the model you plan to use it with.


Remember that you will need to use one channel for switching modes on the Reflex unit.

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3 hours ago, Nick Cripps said:

Oh, and the SBU/PPM MODE cable can be used with receivers that have SBUS or equivalent capability and negate the need for using individual cables for aileron, elevator, rudder etc. between the receiver and Reflex unit. If you don't understand how this works, then I suggest you leave well alone!

I fully agree with all you say Nick.


But if you do know what you are doing then the SBUS capability means a single wire neat connection and the ability to use a cheaper satellite Rx, such as this with my Jeti in an FMS SuperEZ float plane.



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I have a FMS 1400mm Zero, with the Reflex gyro factory installed, I added a gen 2 Lemon RX 7 channel to allow for Reflex to be turned off. I believe you can buy model specific gyro's from their range

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12 minutes ago, Frank Day said:

I believe you can buy model specific gyro's from their range

For the V2 Reflex you just download the applicable model from the FMS range and instal it onto the Reflex unit from your PC. The V3 version is more flexible as you can adjust the parameters via BT using an app, this make it suitable for any make of model.

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Bit confused here.I can by the Fms Pitts but have to buy the Reflecks seperate and it is not installed in the model .So the Reflect will not be programed to any model .So the Reflects will have to be programed to suit the Pitts .It all sounds a bit to confusing to me .Think I will buy the Pitts and just just install  Spektrum AS3X/SAFE  receiver in the model .Job done 

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2 minutes ago, Rocker said:

Bit confused here.I can by the Fms Pitts but have to buy the Reflecks seperate and it is not installed in the model .So the Reflect will not be programed to any model .So the Reflects will have to be programed to suit the Pitts .It all sounds a bit to confusing to me .Think I will buy the Pitts and just just install  Spektrum AS3X/SAFE  receiver in the model .Job done 

You'll still have to program the Spectrum AS3X to suit the Pitts, with the Reflex system FMS have a library of model specific settings, which reading the manual on the V3 you just select in the app on your smart phone and send to the Reflex V3 via bluetooth. 

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