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Laser and best of British Buckminster fly in

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  • 3 months later...

Just a timely reminder to book these days into your diary.


More details to follow but basically the 3 days are 'fly for fun' days with Friday being dedicated to the memory of Laser Engines. Saturday and Sunday are 'Best of British' so any models that were designed and / or manufactured in GB will be eligible. I'm hoping to have slots for the likes of Flair, Chris Foss, Warbirds Replicas, Mick Reeves, Galaxy Models etc etc and if there are enough there may even be chance to have dedicated model type slots such as WOT4.


The emphasis is going to be on FUN!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Things are starting to come together and it's going to be BIG, BOLD and BRITISH so make sure you book it into your diary.


IC flying from 10:00 - 17:00, electric anytime (night flying anyone?) £10 per day to fly.

Camping available.

Pilot's Cafe open for breakfasts and refreshments.

SLEC have already started the trade presence ball rolling.

Edited by Ron Gray
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  • 2 months later...

3 months to go and it’s looking good! Warbirds Replicas Richard Wills will be in attendance, ready to chew the fat with all and sundry and may even have some kits with him too!


I’m planning on staying overnight on the Friday and Saturday but undecided as to tent or hotel, the bookable cooked breakfast at the ‘Pilot’s Cafe’ is tempting.

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I'm planning to stay at Buckminster in the caravan from Thursday through to Sunday.


I've got my FT200-powered RV4 for the Laser day on Friday, a Wot4 and anything else I can get finished for the Best of British weekend, including a couple of free-flight models if the weather is suitable.


I may even dig out a Warlord and fly a bit of control-line.

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On 18/03/2024 at 09:34, Ron Gray said:

Just a timely reminder to book these days into your diary.


More details to follow but basically the 3 days are 'fly for fun' days with Friday being dedicated to the memory of Laser Engines. Saturday and Sunday are 'Best of British' so any models that were designed and / or manufactured in GB will be eligible. I'm hoping to have slots for the likes of Flair, Chris Foss, Warbirds Replicas, Mick Reeves, Galaxy Models etc etc and if there are enough there may even be chance to have dedicated model type slots such as WOT4.


The emphasis is going to be on FUN!


I'd really like to come along, meet some forum members, and fly some of my models. However, I don't have a Laser powered model and I have nothing which fits any of the categories mentioned, unless my own designs count as best of British 🤣

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Inspection, engine run and a bit of taxi testing with a couple of things to added to the to do list, but nothing major.




Not new as it went through the 20kg scheme with Zenoah's a good few years back, but with Jon's assistance a pair of FT310's were forthcoming. Now comes in under 25kg wet so just needs the bike clips and a spotter to get a few flights in before Best of British...


PS, I thought it might be a Don Smith, but it has foam core wings and the nacelle design is different, if anyone can shed light it would be appreciated.


PPS for those that like a bit of "nice" noise 


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All unpacked, assembled, checks and fuel then doh... missing the special twin glow starter pack! So I just locked up and left it on the table...chances of a 21Kg model being stolen in 30 minute window without getting a hernia lifting the beast off the table..low! 


Needs to be flown a fair bit before Much Marcle and then Best of British, get that sorted then the ESM Tigercat...must be year of the Dragon.. Tiger (2022, so a bit late!).

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Not really John, a lot of interest has been shown but as Chris says the weather will play a big part. For some reason it hasn't been published in the RCM&E events list although other Buckminster events do appear so it's a matter of spreading the word. I think there were about 20 at last year's Laser do so as this is a 3 day event and with a wider 'qualification' criteria I'm expecting a few more! The idea is that this could become an annual event.

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