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  3. Just had the post today , so can say tell who havent returned yet , Nick Cripps - I know you're away . Graham Bowers Alan Hilton Martin Collins No panic for anyone , but keep in mind the 2 week break mentioned above .
  4. I agree David. I was told the smaller cc size engines were fine, but larger ones had a different carb and were not so reliable. Cheers
  5. I've come across this signal level issue before, most receivers put out servo pulses at somewhat less than the battery voltage, in some cases as low as 2.8V. This could be the cause of some of the problems noted here.
  6. Ive got most of the forms and instructions from people back now .Planning for kits to start leaving the Norfolk workshop on Tuesday . I'd like to get the majority out next week as Ive got two weeks off after that and communication will be difficult . So if anyone has the form still sitting on their desk then , pm me so we can short circuit the system .
  7. It was an old key chain camera. I reviewed a few of them. They were around 10+ years ago and very cheap at the time. Less than £20. I just Googled. Still a few around but £35. USA https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/154861114578?chn=ps&_ul=GB&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=710-134428-41853-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=154861114578&targetid=2270718621325&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9045342&poi=&campaignid=20938568783&mkgroupid=160131055320&rlsatarget=pla-2270718621325&abcId=9367980&merchantid=7404074&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwudexBhDKARIsAI-GWYUm20CRP86ApQfjlZlNV31ITJSxOZOAZj0GGTSz6aYBebCdBgRvQcQaAvGPEALw_wcB
  8. Hi Have worked out away for the front fuz to be connected to the center wing first former built and installed holding the keel front
  9. I’ve tried ringing the AGC number (not Laser) but no response. My concern is that they still have my engine and I obviously don’t relish the idea of it simply disappearing! Does anyone know if there is anyone still at their premises?
  10. I was only about 7 but I’ve never forgotten the look of confusion on the face of the boy ahead of me in the school canteen after he’d said, “I don’t want no custard” in reply to the standard soup dragon’s “custard or no custard” query. He received a large dollop of lumpy yellow slime on his pudding and a stern refusal to exchange it.
  11. Is that a Kawasaki " Tony " ? Mike
  12. Another one on the therapeutic list, getting the plane out and watching it slowly take shape. Starting to look like a Shifty now!
  13. That is painted brilliantly, well done 👍
  14. Hi all Here's the finished bust more or less. The build has slowed down a little as I wanted to get the details on the cockpit area completed before moving on. Cheers Steve NZ
  15. Hello dear friend, I'm looking for one of these 7 plans of auster aop9 1/4 scale. I had a crash of the airplane and I have lost these plan in order to rebuild it properly. Does anyone can help me about these plans ? I can pay for these, thanks in advance
  16. I've heard nothing Ron. Unfortunately but perhaps unsurprisingly, the letter went unanswered.
  17. Challenging steps coming ahead, especially with landing gear attachments, remember, every part is being created from scratch as in my case I don’t use RC modelling techniques. the idea is to use chino molybdenum tubing for the gear attached to fuselage with bolts. Same full size aircraft techniques are being used
  18. Thanks, it makes me smile too, and I made it. 😊 I think there could be a possibility of a series deal here with Netflix. 'The adventures of Parachute Man'?
  19. Yesterday
  20. been racking my brains today as could really see on the plan, where the keel of the aircraft fuz front went into the center wing section. So i think i have this correct, as far as i can see, the front keel goes directly into the block. heres the build as far as that is concerned, i have used an old top flight method of bending the hard balsa stick to the plane by cutting slots in it the weting it! .Then of course holding it down with clamps till it dries. been one of those days where i nearly gave this build up.
  21. Thanks Toto and the same to yourself for a good weekend. Sadly the rain tonight continued and I made my way back home again. But Aidan did get a video of Wednesday nights flying of the Sports 40 and tomorrow I hope to get that sorted out. Cheers for now. Regards Aidan.
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