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What's your favourite glue brand?

David Ashby

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I use "no more nails" PVA - it sets harder and faster than Evo-Stik Resin-W, its just a dreadful product name. Comes in a black squeeze bottle - I think that it's slightly more expensive that Resin-W.

Cyano and Epoxy - I tend to use pound shop stuff. 151 Epoxy seems to work well but my favourite Cyano is definitely Maxi-Fix Black label (it smokes) - there is also a Maxi-Fix Yellow (label) which doesn't seem as effective. I tend to buy at least 5 bottles every time I see it. I think I have got about 50 bottles in stock at the moment

I use a heat gun to make sure the epoxy hardening process starts - not too much or it goes very runny and probably just where you don't want it to go.


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For Epoxy I use Uhu plus 300 for the really important stuff (300kg/cm2 if hardened at higher temperatures), 1h potlife and 12h setting time at 20degC.
For less critical areas Zpoxy 30 min.

Cyanoacrylate: I use Als-zone thin for balsa and Als-zone foam proof for depron but sometimes I cannot resist using poundlands superglue. The advantage is that the quantity per tube is very small, so you use it all before the top starts blocking - and it doesn't hurt in the pocket if it happens - you just use another one.

Aliphatic is not my kind of beer, I think I have said that several times in this forum. I had very bad experience while building the Bonanza, probably I should have changed the brand, but I don't see the big advantage.

With the PVA I go for Henkel Ponal express (they say it glues in 5 minutes, give it 10 and it works) and if it should last I use Henkel Ponal waterproof.

UHU and Ponal are probably not common in the UK, but I have a very good experience with them in all my model making life, so I import these glues (they last for years, so not a big deal. I import also my coffee - not because Austria is a coffee growing country but I like the way Julius Meinl is roasting it

So - what shall I tick - Zap? Pound shop glues? or others? - I go for Other brand.

VA - glue and coffee importing department


Edited By Vecchio Austriaco on 23/01/2014 18:22:51

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For cyano, I tend to favour EverBuild for no other reason than it's only £1.01 for 20g and £2.27 for 50g from Toolstation. They do them in both medium and high viscosities. I'm not sure how they compare to the more expensive "specialist" cyanos, but I've never had any problems with them and they're better than the stuff from the £1 shop.

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