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Fouga magister 1/4.5 moulded from scratch

dirk tinck

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks Phil ! The more you do , the more you can i guess .

Last weeks i learned a lot more...

The brakes are coming along pretty well but it's a lot of trial and error. There is so little room to fit it all.

One wing is ready exept for the covers.

I'm copying everything now for the other wing. I promissed myself they'd be ready in 2023 so i can start the painting process .












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  • 1 month later...
40 minutes ago, Danny Fenton said:

I am currently struggling making a canopy mould, have you pics of your process to make that plug, i can see a glass version in the bakground.



Proper modeling plaster of Paris also works, the best that I found was the pink stuff used by dentists but only if you have the proper canopy plastic

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19 minutes ago, dirk tinck said:

@ Danny fenton


In this case , i simply made a new part in the mould of the canope frame twice as thick.

Usually i make a plug out of pink foam , covered with 500gr  glass to get a smooth finish.

Thanks Dirk, i made my plug from blue foam covered in a couple of layers of glass cloth, but i cannot get a gloss finish. Do you prime and paint? I am concerned primer and paint wont survive the heat of vacforming?

Thanks for your thoughts


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24 minutes ago, dirk tinck said:

Yes , Danny always primer and paint !

It will stand the heat of the plastic , no worries!

Thanks Dirk, I have been getting conflicting advice and it was not helping me.

I can improve the surface finish on my plug with primer and paint fairly easily. I presume it doesn't have to be an epoxy primer/paint??






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Hi guys, it is 24" x 9" and 7" tall. So yes a bit big.

SLEC have agreed to form the canopy and a 2nd form of styrene over the PETG to make the frame. But i have a plan to have a go myself first. Because of the shape it might plunge mould, but never tried at this scale? Otherwise i will make a frame and vac table. My home made A4 set up certainly wont cope!

This isnt my first Paul, but it is the largest. Hence seeking advice, alas i got lots of contradicting information, mainly statiing a plug formed the way I have wont work. And it will collapse. My head thinks it will work for a couple at least. We will see. Its a fair cost to make something this big in man hours, and materials. And I wanted to mitigate risk before just charging forward in my usual way.

Dirk clearly is much more experienced at this scale than me and I appreciate his time.

Sorry Dirk back to your fabulous build 😀

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  • 1 month later...
34 minutes ago, dirk tinck said:

One thing i learned over the years is that you can never have enough SPACE AND TIME !

I worked all my life to have my own shop , wich i build myself .

It's 100 sq M , two stories high , very happy with it !


You would be too old to enjoy it if you lived in England it would take years of planning permission and red tape before you could dig the foundations. 

Great work on the Magister and workshop Dirk

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