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PSSA Gliding Events

Phil Cooke

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I'm glad you all enjoyed my left of field look at life. I wrote it a few days ago whilst listening to Lou Reed's Transformer Album - much recommended. Sorry if I missed anyone out.

I was thinking that next time we could squeeze Rocket Ron inside the fuselage of the Antonov and fly it to Conway mountain and back? Only joking of course - Snowden...doh...

Seriously though it was one of the best PSS days I can remember. Nearly finished the JP. Looking forward to starting the Sabre.

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Posted by Andy Meade on 21/10/2019 20:09:46:

That's just superb Phil, great camera work.....

I think I get it now! laugh

Yes, great camera work by a truly talented photographer and a very dramatic edit!

Very impressive watching the rain approaching through the mountains and so glad it missed us, on several occasions.

Excellent write up by Pete too. An interesting peek into his mind and inner musings. How deep does the rabbit hole go? yes

Great days flying to end the planned season. You know it's been a good day when the TX battery is nearly flat and the model timers have clocked up a healthy tally!

Now for the "impromptu" season. yes

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  • 1 month later...

Right then you lot, as per recent years, I'll be heading to the Orme for a New Year's Eve and/or New Year's Day slope session. I'll make a weather call on my attendance a day or so before - I'm happy to go up in the motorhome in less than excellent weather though, waiting for clear patches - you guys may or may not want to do the same, so please come to your own conclusions on that.

We've had some great days to round the year out and break the new one in over the years, so hope to see you there!

P.S. Don't forget to sort your BMFA insurance (along with all your other registration stuff as necessary).


Edit to add - Shona and I will cook bacon sarnies and supply hot coffee from the motorhome for those with sore heads (yes I'm looking at you Mr Gilder!)


2017 NYD :


Edited By Andy Meade on 16/12/2019 09:48:28

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I'm in if you'll all put up with me again! laugh Excellent way to end/start the year!

I would also like to add, if nobody minds, that everybody is welcome to come and fly with us, or even just come and watch especially if you've never flown or seen PSS stuff fly before. The models are stunning, the company entertaining and the Orme, well the Orme is very special! yes

Edited By Chris Barlow on 16/12/2019 22:51:40

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New Year is always enticing and I chew it over each year, problem is domestics often get in the way, and she who must be obeyed is not to be challenged, I can tell you. Will try to weave a cunning plan to get out of chores! Bad enough trying to get up to Leek on Boxing Day for the club meet.

That having been said, the JP needs maidening???

Edited By Peter Garsden on 17/12/2019 11:24:02

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  • 2 weeks later...

I few photo's of Pete's Jet Provost from today on the Orme. The light was very poor and the wind was blowing 60mph on the edge so my launch shots ended up as just a blur with the JP duplicating it's smaller scale brother's typical takeoff by ballooning upwards and backwards. I attempted to break pete's elevator trim switch while dialling in what seemed like 1,000 clicks of down for him. Once trimmed with a little more weight in the nose it flew well - I it had three of four flight before we were rained off.

The flying shots that we attempted were black silhouettes.

Launch party and pilot approaches the slope in determined mood.



About to commit aviation



Leaning into the wind


Bob captures the action.


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  • 4 weeks later...
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PSSA Fly-For-Fun Events and COVID-19

As the flying season fast approaches, we have been monitoring the current situation carefully and have fully considered the guidance from the Government and the BMFA regarding the continuation of model flying events from the slopes.

Clearly the COVID-19 situation is developing rapidly in the UK and we should each follow the precautions provided by the NHS – details of which are here: **LINK**

In general terms our model flying represents a low risk activity. Our PSSA events rarely attract a group of more than 50 people, we operate outside in the fresh air at remote locations and have ample opportunity to regulate our personal proximity with other flyers and spectators. It is considered the well-being benefits provided by model flying outweigh the potential risks if the NHS precautions are routinely followed.

Therefore at this time (and subject to any updated government advice/instruction) we see no reason not to continue to stage our Fly-for-Fun events at slope sites around the UK. As such, our planned events at The Great Orme 4th/5th April and at The Bwlch 9th/10th May will be staged for those who are able and wish to attend.

Stay safe, stay well all,

Phil Cooke – PSSA

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Hi Phil,

Please rethink your communication, the reason being, in the last few weeks I've been on a couple job’s, trips that involved moving around Doctors and Laboratory types from Public Health England and Research Labs working on the Coronavirus and from the back of the car I was told how frightening Covid19 is! It consumes people and is life changing for them and their families.

Coronavirus is up to 20 times more infectious than the winter ‘common or garden’ influenza, and it can kill some, not unlike the types of people - the ones that visit and attend our meetings- .

Even though we are in the open air and you set up a boundary distance from each other why risk anyone in the PSSA group or visitors to it? And please don't put your name to such a meeting at this high risk time especially in the periods you have chosen.

In April in the UK we will be at the start of this countries rising numbers of this disease leading to the peak some time after. I say 'stay at home' and leave it 12 weeks from now it being March end 2020 and reassess it then at the end of June. By then the risk and knowledge of the Coronavirus will be better known by everyone, from expert's to lay people alike and how we are to deal with it.

For group meetings from June 2020 onward's I'm sure we can all choose what we want from life our livelihoods and our families and this of course will include when we want to go slope soaring.

A considered thread entry to a friend, please don't make me or others worry about something else, especially a simple slope flying event.

Don't add the activity of slope soaring to the bad numbers associated with Covid19, not this year please.

Kind regards Mark.

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"..For group meetings from June 2020 onward's I'm sure we can all choose what we want from life our livelihoods and our families and this of course will include when we want to go slope soaring..."

I think that's pretty much the same for the April meet, Mark - we can all make our own decisions on whether we travel or not - some of us are still attending offices every day with 50+ people in them!! A windy hill is far lower risk than that yes

Edited By Andy Meade on 20/03/2020 08:39:29

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I agree with Andy. I plan on attending the PSSA events providing that the Government do not issue a ban on travelling and that I am fit enough (not displaying any symptoms) to take part. I will not be hiding under a duvet unless that turns out to be a cure!

Everything is very fluid at the moment, so I will be reviewing my decision on a daily basis, but fully intend to try and keep some semblance of normality during this pandemic.

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