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How many flyable models do you have?

David Ashby

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I've included the ones without rx's as I can swap them over in moments...

My count is 5, but all would need some sdjustment before I actually committed aviation with them.

I might actually get some flying in next week! - The Thriller, Easy Fly and Hustle lead the pack for flight with minimium adjustment ATM.

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Sadly only 1, moving house has impacted Badly on my building, flying & repairing time so far this year & I now find myself without a decent bench 4 building.
On the Plus side I've got an SC 70 fs that's going to have to go into an ARTF if I'm to get any decent flying time in this year, any suggestions for a 1st Low Winger?
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I have included nine Gyrocopters in my total of fifty plus models ....I assume they count ? smile.

The rest are fixed wing of which many could be classed as larger models up to 16ft span , fully equipped and ready to go .

The only foam models are my PL series and the big 182 ,the rest are a mix of traditional scratch built OD ,kits ,plan builds and ARTF.

I am lucky to have a north facing hanger (big spare room ) so its always cool and dry ,this helps a lot to keep the airframes in good condition as some are now over forty years old but still flown several times a year .

The 3 m glider in my thumb nail photo is one of the old ones an own design from the early seventies.

I forgot to include the 10 ft span Blue Monster that has a hanger of it's own.


Edited By Tom Wright 2 on 21/05/2012 14:41:28

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I have 5 that are ready to go, just needing fuel. I have an old trainer awaiting renovation and another small biplane that needs an engine. I hope to be ordering 2 more airframes this year as I have two 26cc petrol engines waiting!!


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Got 8 I can just pick up and put in the car (not all at once I hasten to add), 2 more, my original foamie E-Flite Apprentice trainer, just needs a rx and a FMS Mustang in need of modification to re-secure the retracts back into the wing. Another 2 more still in their boxes as I've got no room to keep them if I build them up now. All electric and all ARTFs. except one Wildthing slope soarer. SWMBO already giving me earache for the amount of spare bedroom space occupied by planes. No garage or shed big enough to store them.


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Although I do have quite a lot, I found that 2* 6ex did not have enough memories, in addition to my indoor models with their dedicated Tx's, I have now a 8fg, which has all 6 from my 2.4 ex, plus a few more.

Yet the question does arise how many can you actually fly on a regular basis? In my case there are 4 which see action week in, week out. I do have trepidation each time I fly a seldom flown model, mainly because i am no longer familiar with its characteristics.

There is a problem with the UK weather limiting the opportunities to fly when you want.

Then there is the storage issue. I was told at Christmas I could have no more kits as presents. The reason being I have model stored on top of all the wardrobes, in my building room, in the garage and a lot of old IC models im Mums garage.

As PM, very few are ARTFs, even less kits, the majority are OD.

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At the moment- only 1! My Britflight Hustle continues to give excellent service.

The Super Air needs it's U/C adjusting because they're too far rearwards as standard so the plane noses over all the time. My Dago Red pylon racer style plane is awaiting the new lipos (out of stock) and my Funfighter Hurricane is still being finely fettled.

It's a good thing I like building as much as I like flying!

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I have had to go back to 35Mhz on some models as my T7C only has 10 model memory and I hated seeing my good quality Graupner MX 12 and RXs sitting idle. So new models get the 2.4 RXs from the older but still loved IC kites that go back to 35 megs. Cheaper than buying another 2.4 radio.

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Weekend before last I flew 5 of mine - i/c heli, i/c f/wing, electric f/wing and 2 slope soarers. I've another couple of models I could fly immediately and another couple that could fly with a quick reassignment of rxs. Then another 3 in the loft that will probably never fly again!

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