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Summer's here! Who's been flying?

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Beautiful eveing up at Hebden Bridge yesterday - white fluffy clouds, blue sky, gentle breeze. Added to my early morning in the park, I got 2 hours solid air time in

My conclusions ?

That UMX Yak is just so fabulous - I thought the Sbach UMX was good but this is streets better. Mini Ultra Stiks still fly well, even if they're mostly glue and 'reinforcement' ! My EHawk still flies even if one wing is so warped it loks like a propellor.


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Hebden Bridge, white fluffy clouds, must be the smoke from whacky backy!

Anyway, back in the land of the Mad Hatter, and disappearing cat, the air was warm, I could hear the call from the river that bounds our site, the call of our very own Lorelei, probably related to Alice, as the field is surrounded by an impregnable wall of brambles, nettles, grasses and giant thistles, a bit sleeping beauty like.

Although the air is warm and I can hear the call, the trees around the house and in the adjacent park are a mass of shimmering greens, as branches move this and that way rapidly. None the less I am optimistic, probably overly. Yet the call is so strong, I load the car, and drive the 1.5 miles to the field. Fully prepared to turn round and go back home.

Yet at the field, all is relatively quite, no one else though.

I launch the model, do a circuit, when it slowly dawns on me, the blue skies of the morning have been replaced by grey masses. A few circuits later and I think I can feel spots of rain. I then think, my god, the better half wrung a promise out of me to take the washing in, if it rains. I press on, less than at ease, until the timer goes of to land.

I do not get out a second model, as although it is not raining and I have felt no more spots of rain, all I see is very threatening clouds, which has so quickly turned into a flat grey mass. No one else has come, so I decide to go home.But OMG is it warm, sticky and some how very threatening.

On the way home, I realise how lucky i am have to have a field so close to home, as i can sneak in a hour here or there.

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I've been flying loads. I've had the week off. Squared permission from SWMBO - got there around 9:15 for an all day workout. Batteries charged, all models set up...

To blinkin' windy. And totally in the wrong direction from behind me. Came home. There's no wind there now but its 33 degrees and I hate the heat. AAAARRRGGGH.


Rant over.

Edited By Stevo on 18/07/2014 15:11:05

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Once more I drive down the lane to our site, being rather secluded on the edge of a suburban conurbation, our car park attracts fly tipping on a regular basis. Today I am still a quarter of a mile from the car park and the narrow lane has an enormous tree stump on one side blocking half of the road, how did they get it onto anything and then off. I guess this is a new tactic, just in case there are hidden cameras around the car park.

Although I was the only flyer yesterday, today is again different, although arriving earlier than is usual for a Sunday, I grab the last conventional parking space. Looking round I spot my test pilots car, so it looks good for further tests on my Canard.

I cannot reflect on how different conventional powered flying is compared to electric gliding. In many respects gliding is a very solitary experience. Flying being a constant process of sensing wind direction shifts, changes in air temperatures, cloud formations, observing birds, where are they, at what altitude, what type are they, what are they doing, Success in stretching out duration of your model in being able to interpret how your model flies. What any deviation, change in sit, might mean, above all interpreting the environmental changes.

Power flying is lighting the fires, blasting into space and doing what you have thought of doing.

I staggered to the field, with my Maplins executive case, recommended on this site, at £15, my folding chair and canard up to the field and look round to see if anything interesting is there.To my surprise, oh yes there is, a absolutely beautiful BAE Hawk jet, exquisite finish, a really convincing cockpit. OMG it looks good! It is my test pilots new toy, I am resigned to waiting quite some time until he has played with it, i mean, who could resist?

Unfortunately, or is it luckily, the grass has not been cut this week. The wheels on the model are very small, although I can see the UC springing working overtime trying to cope with the uneven surface and long grass. Eventually he gives up.

This is my chance, I make my move, faster than my granddaughter spotting a free ice lolly, i present my Canard for more testing.

I have made two changes, adding a tabulator strip at 20% chord and using my camber change facility to drop the TE, via switching. My test pilot is very doubtful about the camber change, suggesting there would be a serious pitch down. Non the less I ask for the feature to be tried at altitude. The launch is most uneventful, other than the motor noise is different and it is not moving out at any speed. Have I changed anything the pilot asks, nothing but a new propeller as the other broke previously, I reply. Its not on back to front is it, he asks. Would I be so stupid? Maybe, That is a yes. Having corrected this blunder, which I think is down to those Gremlins again, the model is launched again. Slow flight reveals that the wing rock is still there, possibly even worse. The use of the flap has the model diving very steeply. So steeply that pulling up requires so much concentration that if the wing rock is still there cannot be examined. So all in all a most unsatisfactory outcome.

Thereafter I flew my conventional models. I am now starting to explore there capabilities, no longer quite as intimidated by the surroundings, as previously. It is surprising how much difference it makes flying at a site which is free of obstacles, which was true of my previous club. Here i worry about the trees, will I be high enough when rolling upright from a inverted pass, to avoid them.

I now watch with interest as other new club members prepare to take their "A" tests, especially when using my DB Mascot, actually the clubs Mascot, but do I feel protective.embarrassed

Pretty soon I have to go home, departing, thinking about my Canard, what is wrong, how to fix it!

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Oh dear!

Not everything went perfectly today. I went to the field of club no !, which is a field about the same size as Greenacres, although with no mowed area. Club No. 2 is less than a 1/4 of the area, and surronded by hazards, but with a strip.

The four models taken were

  • Canard
  • Nobler look a like
  • Delata
  • Pushy Cat

I started with the canard, this being the first time I flew it and i wanted a lot of space and somewhere to stick it in if necessary. The model in most respects flies well, except for one fault, which I did not find to be speed related. When turning in particular, the model rocks its wing, the damping process is very slow, although it does dampen. Go very slow and the model can start to rock, although I have noted, this is after an input, to say realign the flight path of the model.almost.jpg

This is not quite the finished model as it now sports some large tip fins.

Anyway any ideas as to what it can be will be appreciated, perhaps the good professor?

I then flew the other two models and really enjoyed myself.

Finally it was the pushy cats turn. All was going very well, until I decided to explore how tight a loop it could pull. Then at about the first quarter of the loop, the model flicked out, headed vertically downwards, revolving around its axis. I shut the power of, tried pulling some elevator, aileron and then some power. It kept on going, for about 2 sec, before impacting vertically.

I have come to the conclusion that the elevator assembly came away on one side, possibly.



In many respects very little damage considering the speed it went in. Yet a few seconds can seem like a live time when trying to recover the situation.

On the whole, not to bad a day. It could have been much worse!

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Sorry about the PC Erfolg.

I had a day off, dropped the bike in for a service then took off to the field with a HK Hiperbipe, DH110, Ki61 and a Cougar 2000.

First problem - it's xxxxing hot.

Second - picking up the 110 was very much a last minute decision, pity I hadn't picked up the batteries to go with it.

The Hiperbipe got a couple of whirls - I really would recommend this one for small field fun on a 3S 1300 mAHr battery. It's another HK Durafly quicky - glue on the wings and tail, add a receiver and battery and go fly.

The Cougar had been a bit troublesome because the ASP 36 I fitted was brand new and really didn't like being run in half-inverted, but now it's had a few tankfulls through it, it's turning into a really nice motor.

As for the Ki61, it was just too hot to be fiddling around assembling it so it stayed in the car. I really must fit Ashlocks connectors to the wing servos before I take it out again.

Edited By Bob Cotsford on 22/07/2014 19:40:44

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I know what you mean with regard the heat. I managed to burn my hand on the car bodywork, just getting putting a model in and other out of the car. My God it was hot, but, so appreciated. Just standing in the middle of the field with the longer grass waving in the soft breeze, then looking around the trees showing all the greens, Brunswick, Hookers and so on, shifting a shimmering with the sunlight and the effect of the wind on the branches and leaves,

I could not decide if to take my lunch with me, and sit in the field, it was so hot, I am glad i did not.

There were two rather sobering images, that brought me back to the harshness of the world, a funeral cortege, that moved slowly past the field. The other was a cyclist, writhing in the road, about half a dozen cars stopped. Initially I thought he had fallen of, as they all looked down standing in a semi circle. Then I saw one car had the windscreen completely crazed, bowing inwards. I was somewhat shocked, driving on, as I was no use what so ever.

I did think then my PC damage, is nothing at all.

Anyway, I am all ready for tomorrow, 4 models ready, may take a fifthsmiley.

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Posted by Erfolg on 22/07/2014 19:57:35:

I know what you mean with regard the heat.

The one thing I remember about the hottest day ever recorded in the UK is it being so hot outside I couldn't even contemplate going out flying until about 6pm when it was getting marginally cooler. Even then I think I only had a couple of flights...

August 10th 2003 for those who are interested, and the UK record was set not far from here at Faversham in Kent at 38.5°C (or 101.3°F in old money)

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First day of the school holidays. Yay! Weather looked good so arranged to go to the field with my mate. Went and had a pig out breakfast at the nearby Brewers Fayre. Excellent. Went to the field and had a look. Wind between 10 and 20 mph. Hadnt flown for a few weeks but decided to do it. An excellent day flying my Acrowot. Landing practice was interesting with the wind, gusts and later mini thermals. I learnt a huge amount. I feel really relaxed and can't wait to go again. At times I felt as one with my plane flying badly performed aerobatics but I had fun. I hope I never lose the enjoyment it gives me and those I see doing the same.
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Finally summer is here, as most of Europe understand it.

My walk to the shops first thing in the morning is very different, I no longer ponder or anticipate how the day will develop. The air is warm, now I buy croissants for breakfast, which we eat outside on the patio, enjoying the garden and the park and golf course beyond. How I Eny  our French members, each morning buying croissants, baguettes, enjoying this life style every morning, then smoking a Gauloises, before a brandy before their relaxing day, enjoying thermal after thermal. Or Flyingtillbroke, as the sun breaks over the Ben Nevis, making his way through the heather, to shoot the unsuspecting Haggis, although peaking on the 25th of January are still quite edible, battered and deep fried, along with a bowl of salted Porridge ( I prefer Golden Syrup personally), must start a idyllic High Land day.

Yet sat eating breakfast, a shiver went over me, all the trees are moving a shimmering vision of all the greens, in quite an energetic way. This is not what i want. Warm weather, signalling a very hot afternoon, with strong wind. Not what I want at all. Being British, I finish my toast, complete the Sudoku and make sure all the models are ready, consign the uneaten foreign croissants to the bin.

The drive to the field, was very disturbing, the lane which is flanked by trees on both sides forming an green arch, is a kaleidoscope of shimmering light as the trees move in the strong wind. Not a good sign.

As is is so usual at club No2., i am always apparently last, the car park having just the one convienant sparking space, is it reserved for me? Probably not.

On the field there are 5 or 6 sat in a circle enjoying the weather, talking animately, I shout a greeting, which is barely acknowledged. I set down my stuff, switch on the tx, arm the Rx, test the controls. Note the wind direction, which is pretty obvious, opposite direction to that which i am pushed.

Girding my loins I launch my Canard. It climbs out with a rhythmic, well almost, wing rock. I fly a few circuits, do a few rolls, a loop or two. Decide, I am just about in control, scream landing, to no one in particular. Diving down on power, from above tree level, I then throttle back, as I am travelling fast, even in this head wind. Level ou, give a burst of power as the models slows uncomfortably, then make a touch down in front of myself.

The landing, or something I may have done, gets a well done.

I decide that this is not a good day, I already have one model being repaired. No need to risj more!

A little later others venture up. Two of the three end up in the trees surrounding the site. The remaining pilot makes a dodgy landing.

Not such a good day for flying, a good day for talking though, which I did, describing the daring do as I fought the elements, the application of a lifetime of incompetency to arrive back, in almost the same county, hmm perhaps that is country?


Edited By Erfolg on 24/07/2014 21:03:25

Edited By Erfolg on 24/07/2014 21:05:08

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Had a great day out on Sunday. Went to the field quite early (for me that is) which is a massive airfield until recently occupied by the USAAF. We fly a little way from the control tower, where there are 100's of metres of runway and off to the side acres of very short, even grass so the best of both worlds. I took my Riot and flew that then broke out my ancient Balsa Cabin Rhapsody, refitted with a brushless motor set up and servoless airbrakes. A little time getting everything to waggle in the right direction and went for it. It was a little windy with complete cloud cover - the lumpy kind not that horrible flat overcast. The others were readying their gliders too and then there it was, climbing away strongly . These days are few and far between but the whole sky was lift. Massive thermals coming through every few minutes, so much so that the wind direction kept changing through almost 180 degrees. The birds were having a ball and I circled with them a few times. The Rhapsody was getting so high it was becoming difficult to see even though it 100 inch span and bright red. The brakes worked nicely dropping it down but then going up again as the lift just kept coming. I decided to land and came across the runway at about 10 feet and up she went again, so I had to go round - three times.

Then to cap it all, we had a visit from security asking us to stay down while the Pitts display team took off to go to a local show. They were gone for about half an hour then came roaring back and we had our own display as they did their thing over the main runway that runs perpendicular to the one we were using. They were obviously enjoying themselves and carried on for some time before landing.

As I said days like these are rare and what a fantastic day it was.

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Being away from home for the last few days, a week in total, I have been unable to fly a model. On my return the weather appears to have nose dived, leading to some frustration at the situation. I normally check the met office five day weather forecast, on a rolling basis. From this i could see that normal club flying days are scheduled for poor flying conditions. Although Monday was superb here, today had a prediction of a good start, increasing wind strength, transitioning into cloud and rain.

Waking up this morning, the weather seemed to be that predicted. My wife away grandchildren minding, not a lot requiring my immediate attention I resolved to go flying today at club No 1. Primarily as my other club has council none flying restrictions on Monday and Tuesdays, which were introduced as a consequence of noise from IC models. Although these restrictions have been eased as electric models have become dominant, the Monday and Tuesday restrictions still stand.

There was another reason, i wanted to test fly both my Canard (of the wing rock) and my repaired Pushy cat. and this field is so very much better, when things are not quite right. I took three models, to guarantee as much as possible, at least one good flight,

Normally my assessment of conditions normally starts, first thing in the morning going for Newspaper. Then looking out into the garden and then towards the trees in the park. How are they moving? Now I note that going to club no.2, how the dappled light dances across the road, caused by the trees lining the road and the sun and finally the wind. Going to club No.1 it starts by weighing up a builders flag, on a new build on NT land, then how waves move across the crops (wheat?) in the fields to the club field. There was a breeze, not bad, but a definite breeze.

I started with the Canard, to get the pain out of the way first. Hand launching the model, was a near disaster, just catching it on the sticks before piling into the ground. Non the less I got it away, although the wing rocking seemed more pronounced than ever. The Winglet contouring into a airfoil, certainly not a cure. Throttling back, it seems apparent that the rock was still present. After a few exploratory circuits, nothing positive has happened. The roll rate is OK, it just seems to less than positive in settling in the level condition, the slightest input, has the wing rocking. I decide to land, to note, for the first time, the behaviour that my test pilot had noted, the model was reluctant to turn left. None the less I put it down in one piece.

After this disappointment, it was the turn of the PC. I hoped that my repair to the nose and tail plane assembly would have little or no impact on handling. The model went away with an underarm toss, into a descending left bank. A quick stab at the trim button had the plane screaming towards heaven. I immediately throttled back and set about trimming out, in relative calm. After 6 minutes I landed when the timer beeped. It is not quite spot on yet, although my concerns with regard the CG were without basis, as in pitch the plane is OK.

The delta was quite an anti-climax after all the stress and angst of the previous flights. I just flew the timer out and landed.

The wind had slightly increased in strength, the sun still shone, as I headed home, as it was now lunch time. Now it has changed though, as a grey uniform clag covers the sky, a clap of thunder heard somewhere in the distance, no rain, though.

I have started charging the Lipos for tomorrow, you never know!

Any ideas with the canard?

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Who's been flying ... not me!

Our oldest daughter bought her first house recently, she got the keys about 3 weeks ago, since then I've been at her house every day clearing out, fixing floor boards, electrics, plumbing and decorating ... not a minute to myself in some of the best flying weather for years ... the things we do for family, but I wouldn't have it any other way

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Well, I did not expect to go flying today, the weather forecast far to grave. The prediction was, do not be fooled by a sunny early morning, as shortly after you will be needing your very own Ark. Yet at lunchtime all was well, warm air, no wind and the sun shinning.

So of I trot to club No2. Accepting I would be the only one there being Friday and I was right.

Little did i anticipate the pain and suffering that was to come.

I launched my Delta with a flamboyant underarm toss, which I have come to adopt, catching the model on the sticks before sinking to the ground. I do one circuit, then do a second, a roll down the runway, on part throttle. How blase i have become, I pull the model into a loop, from which i intend to roll out at about 3/4 the loop. The trouble is i am going to slow. The model stalls, at the top of the loop, although I have opened the throttle as i see what is about to happen. Now the model is diving straight down, I close the throttle, pull up, I open the throttle a bit,. The model is now level going the wrong way. So I turn back wards the field. All is well as i head back between the trees. Only to promptly start loosing height, to go in. Oh, dear, oh dear!

Our field is surrounded by a jungle, so I go and get my jungle equipment, pruning shears, tree saw, and a bloody big slashing sickle. I make my way through or along a semi path of waste high thistles, nettles and grasses of all sorts. My hands and arms held high. I then plunge through a tunnel through a hedge that runs along the bund of the river flood bank. Then through the screen of trees along the upper bank of the river. Now i waggle the sticks and listen. Nothing. I tentatively open the throttle, and can hear the motors, straight ahead. The trouble is that there is a solid wall of Balsam, and apparently Japanese knot weed, not that I would recognise it, all well above head height.. I now slash a path slowly forward. I stop open the throttle, the model is still in front. I slash and stomp forward again, repeating the cycle. I realise that i am getting near to the river. I stop and reconsider my position, should I be here? Alone, no phone (how my wife nags me on that one). I decide, as long as i can see the ground infront is flat, I will continue. If it starts to fall away, I will give up. I continued another 10 feet or so and hear and see the model. Thanks be to God, I think. Although the model sat there undamaged, it took a good 2-4 minutes to release the model from the tangled jungle.

Now the easy part, going back, oh wrong you can be, if it were not for the remnants of the path hacked through, nothing that can be seen to orientate yourself. Yet i inevitably fight my way back to the field, dripping in sweat, dirty and exhausted. My eyes smarting from tears and sweat.

Doe I go home. not on your life. It is a case of getting on your horse and riding.In place of a horse, it is my model delta. After cleaning my glasses numerous times, I launch into a now purple sky, with swirling clouds, do a couple of circuits, with a lot more care, when I hear the rumble of thunder in the distance. I contemplate the sense of continuing flying, deciding the next rumble might be a flash, just where I stand. Reluctantly I landed, and for once a beauty.

I gather all my stuff, get back to the car, to see a dog walker, heading out into the edge of the same jungle i fought my way through. I make a comment that it seems like rain is coming, he agrees, but walking and getting wet is better than sitting at home.

Half way home, the rain comes down, 5 miles away, rain stops play at the Test Match.

At home i strip of and throw everything into the washing machine, boy am i mess and better look better before my wife gets home.

Not an hour later the sun is out again, and still no wind, Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I should have hung on and flew the other models.

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I am one of those obsessives who on a daily basis check the next days and the following 5 days weather on the Met Office site. Being a believer, in the Met Office, my bible,  I had  committed to non flying things for Saturday, to earn Browny points. Only to find that the rain is not throwing itself down and there is no gale.

Unfortunately it was late afternoon before my penance was completed and i was free to do what I wanted, not what others thought a good dad does.

Although I had not taken my Tx or a model with me, I decided to go to the field, to see what was going on and a chat.

Walking onto the field, i could feel that this was a mistake. I so wanted to fly, as models cavorted around in the sky. God dam the Met Office, I was thinking, absolutely useless. I did note, that there were less people in the pit area than I anticipated, a few questions later, my question was answered. Yet another model had be claimed by the trees. The missing members, three of them, were clambering up the tree to retrieve it.

I did ponder, that a model appears to land out, or more accurately, grabbed by the trees, almost one every official flying day, that would be about 300 a year. That must be an exaggeration, yet a 100 a year, possibly?

My "A" test model was standing proudly in the pit area, having apparently already flown and now was being prepared for yet another sortie. The model is now being flown via a buddy lead. Watching the model, was almost unbearable, as the model was, to my mind, being abused, entering steep dives, wing bending pull outs, screaming over the trees, that appeared to waiting with anticipation to yet another sacrifice. Finally the motor cut in protest, the model dead sticking into the shoulder high thistles and nettles. Boy did it take some finding.

I pondered the superb facilities that some clubs have in U tube videos, then looked at our undulating field, surrounded by the \pampas, then impenetrable Jungle leading into swamp grass, before finally a mighty river. How these other clubs must envy us, with our challenges and the inevitable banter and camaraderie that landing out causes.

Not being able to suffer the withdrawal symptoms, from no flying, there was nothing for it but to go home, and go cold Turkey.

Still there was today to look forward to, I now know that the Met Office forecast cannot be trusted. Only to wake up to darkness, rain lashing the windows and a gale blowing throw the open bedroom windows, Well, I thought, they had to get it right eventually.

Has any one else been flying?

Edited By Erfolg on 10/08/2014 23:54:33

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Is our club typical?

We have reached our self imposed maximum membership limit of 50 at the moment with 5 more on the waiting list. Yet on Saturday, I was the only one at the field - very strange since the weather forecast promised (and was correct for a change) heavy rain and gales for Sunday. Saturday was hot and sunny and the wind was a nice 10-15mph straight up the strip. I had a light mist of rain for about five minutes but otherwise the conditions were great - so much so that I was even able to run all of my 5 batteries through the Crack Yak mini which is not exactly a high wind outdoor model.

It seems the majority of my club have either 'got a life' or have been cured of this addiction which is called radio-modelling. I don't think it's my deodorant because the sheep smell much worse, but it may be something else I've done or do?

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Yes I expect you are right Percy, I am in the very enthusiastic phase of my modelling career and just can't get enough - 20-30 flights a week is me!

A lot of our club are now solely into buying foamy electric ARF's and only fly when conditions are perfect (hot, zero wind and at particular time of week) which means they fly once or twice every now and then.

Never mind, there are no obligations in this hobby and people do what suits them.

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Posted by Erfolg on 10/08/2014 23:53:14:


Has any one else been flying?

Edited By Erfolg on 10/08/2014 23:54:33

Not this week and with little prospect over this weekend. Everyone around me is telling me that this excellent summer is over and that it's now autumn, "Noooooooooooo!!!" I retort, but to no avail. Just when I was really getting back into it as well.

BTW, you write beautifully - I really enjoyed those accounts of your daily flying.thumbs up

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Masher, I think you will find that many clubs are like yours. We have just under 60 members, but only 15-20 hard core regular flyers. Take this week; OK the weather has been less than perfect as you say - quite windy actually - but quite flyable. I went down Wednesday late afternoon - three of us. I went again today and again three of us (two, me and another clubmate were there both days but with a different third)

As Percy says a lot wait for perfect weather (on the North West coast that's rather than hens' teeth!), others do seem to be happy flying a couple of times a year. And some (about 15 I would estimate at our club) seem to be happy to pay their dues year after year and never fly! Strange, but true.


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