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Anyone use these?


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I use them as the basic building block for home made / custom servo arms. They allow the arm to be attached to the servo with PERFECT geometry with zero sub-trim dialled in, regardless of the make of servo / number of splines etc. Having the geometry perfectly centred with zero sub-trim allows for maximum travel that is equal in both directions.

Simply align everything how you want it, then drill / bolt through the disk and custom arm to fix it in the required position.

Here's an example:

These are kit supplied arms attached to standard disks. I've also used the same technique to attach (single and double) arms I have made myself from Epoxy Glass Board.


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I actually use them for servo horns.

On ailerons, the control rod is often a short length of threaded wire, I just pop a Z bend into the rod and then it goes into the disc arm with no fouling. As Denis points out, you can differential very easily by using the end hole in the row of three, this especially useful with single servo torque rod aileron controls. Simple, cheap, effective setup.

Or you can thread a ball link in to them for throttle cable use.

Plus Gary's example is a good 'un, use them to bolt a giant arm to when making controls on a 3d type.

Edited By Nigel R on 15/04/2020 11:46:34

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