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Plans exchange


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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Hi All, I have some plans that I am happy to give away free - for cost of postage.

A friend of mine is retiring from modelling and getting rid of his excess stuff! He has given me some plans - to pass on (he doesnt do internet etc!).

I have 5 in total:

Henschel 126 -Dennis Bryant plan

Fiesler storch- Dennis Bryant plan

J3 Cub with floats option on plan

STOL Mk2 55"span

SIG Cub -massive! ( 4 sheets)

They are all classic style plans - fully built up construction etc.

For more details PM me. I wont scrap them - they go to anyone who wants them on here or I will take them to the next swap meet I go to and give them away! I am happy to send the plans out individually.

Someone in our fraternity may be just thinking about bulding one of the above ........!

Regards Harry

Edited By Harry Twist on 24/01/2016 21:28:19

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  • 7 months later...

Hi have some plans i will never use mostly from the 70s 80s if anyone wants them just pay for the postage and they are yours.


Solar Wind 52" by Chris Clayton

Gyrace David Boddington plan

Roulet II 54" by Hoh Fang Chiun radio modeler plan


Bae Hawk 50" sloper by R.A.Conway have 2 of this plan one of which is a copy

Sorcerer 52" sloper by Dave Hughes

Veron Impala 52" sloper

Sailplanes International Osprey 64" this plan has no wing ribs shown on it but does show root rib and tip size so ribs can be made using the sandwich method as root and tip have same airfoil.

OCTET this is a plan for eight small chuck gliders for either hand or catapult launch 3 of which are scale models note this plan cost me all of 2 shillings and 6 pence.

I have some more plans when i get the time to find them will put them on here.

Edited By noba on 23/09/2016 21:59:47

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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 years later...

I have an unused mint set of plans, instructions and some data of a Mike Lovell Designs GAF Nomad. When we cycle toured New Zealand S I nearly 21 years ago we had a flight over the Southern Alps and Mt Cook in one and in a fit of overenthusiasm I decided I'd like to build one.

It's a daunting project (93" ws - 7th scale) and a twin to boot. It's far beyond my capabilities as a builder and at 81 I doubt if I have enough time even if my skills were up to it. Even then I had thoughts of building as electically powered (it needs 2x 35 to 45 2 strokes, I think, but I would think bigger might be better. The prototype weighed 15 lbs and was powered (amazingly) with a pair of MDS 40 engines.

I would rather they went to anyone who was seriously considering building the model than sit unused in my desk drawer until someone clears out my workshop after I no longer need it. So free for the postage (no idea but it's a big envelope £5?) but please only if you really want to build it.


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I am enquiring on behalf of a friend who is after the plans and/or instructions for the Aerotek CAP21 60” aerobatic model. If anyone has such documentation that they would be prepared to part with or loan out for a short time, it would be much appreciated.

PM me if you think you can help.

many thanks.


Ray - I've removed your email address and suggest that a PM would be safer. PM me if you want me to restore it but I'd strongly advise against showing your email address on an open forum.

Edited by Martin Harris - Moderator
Avoidance of spam!
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On 22/02/2017 at 07:03, Bernard Koussoulos said:

Hi every one ,iam going to throw this in the pot hoping some one will help i am looking for a plan of a cannard plane calledSAI_AMBROSINI SS 4yes any one can help i would be gratfull .

Bernard - Maybe this will help, besides whatever Kevin sent you

Ambrosini ss4 3v.jpg

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Twinstar, I am interested in your Lysander if it's still available!!


On 19/11/2009 at 08:21, twinstar said:
Ok heres what plans ive got going to a good home for free
Tripple threat 2
from QEFI magazine
Dont panic
Yard ace
id be happy to lend the following
hirth acrostar
midget mustang
Falcon / MinE falcon

Edited By twinstar inversion on 19/11/2009 08:35:38


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  • 2 weeks later...

At 73 I realise that I am not going to live long enough to build every plan I have. I'm not even going to live long enough to build every plan I've retained! So I have so have sorted out the following thirteen which I am willing to give away free of charge, for the cost of the postage from the middle of France. All wingspans are accurate to with 1/2 inch. The plans have never been used though there are one or two small tears in a few of them, but nothing to stop you building from them. Those modellers more used to the Metric System please mutiply by 2.54 for the wingspans in centimetres.


  1. Ilyushin IL2. Doug March. 80".
  2. Sawdust. Chris Foss. 35". N.B. This plan has been downloaded from The Outerzone and printed onto several A4 sheets.
  3. Luscomber Silvaire. Mike Lovel Designs. 80" with instructions.
  4. Sopwith One and a Half Strutter. Dale Tattam.  79." Scale WW1 aircraft.
  5. Taylorcraft 057. Ben Buckle Plan. 71."
  6. STOL Mark 2. Peter Russell. 55."
  7. ZY400. Nigel Bathe. 60" electric powered glider.
  8. Bristol Scout. D. Wormesley. 54" Scale WW1 aircraft.
  9. Pisces. M. Reynolds. Flying wing. May be fitted with an electric motor or small i/c engine. 72."
  10. BE2c. David Hurrell. 74." Scale WW1 aircraft.
  11. Aeronca Champion. Don Stothers. 71."
  12. ABC Robin. Phil Kent. 51." Scale interwars light aircraft.
  13. Waveguide. Burton and Woods. 62" vintage model.


PM me if interested.


I would like to acquire a plan of the Radio Queen. I don't care if it has been built on provided it's usable.

Edited by David Davis
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You can print off a copy from Outerzone https://outerzone.co.uk/search/results.asp?keyword=radio+queen


use the free version of "Adobe Reader" to view and print. When printing choose poster print from the options ans also make sure you pick the tick box for cut markers. Then using pritt stick or similar paper glue trim and stick those pages together.


Bonus is you can also use the "SnapShot" function of adobe to print sections of the plan e.g. formers/ribs to stick on to wood for cutting.


I have found it a boon since I came back after a long(ish) layoff from aeromodelling.



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I have collected a large number of plans, which were given away free with magazines and I have stored them digitally.

If anyone is looking for a particular plan, let me know and I will see if I have it.

These plans were given away free and I am not selling them, so there is no copyright issue.

You will have to arrange your own printing.

This is a forum offer only, from myself to other members.


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9 hours ago, Rich Griff said:

Hi Kevin, great work your doing...


Might you have dB Gyrace, twin rotor auto gyro, rc1553 ?


Was this model ever the subject in a magazine article please ?

Sorry, but I don't have that one.

It was reviewed in RCM&E November 1987 issue.

Here is a link to a copy on ebay.



It is also available from Sarik - at a price.

Edited by kevin b
missing text
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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Hi there,


I’m in need of a plan and instructions for a Bowman kits Miles Magister for a current project. If anyone has a copy I’d love to get hold of a copy, happy to cover cost of postage - printing.


As a collector of Althing Bowman Ill be interested in any old Bowman plans.




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Hello, I’m looking to source a plan for a West Wings Toucan in order to carry out refurbishment.

The build instructions would be useful but not essential.

Canopy missing along with front hatch.

Could do with the plan to see balance point and general layout.

Any thoughts on a suitable brushless motor and prop size along with any improvement that can be made.



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